2010-11-20 03:17
标签:图书, 英文书

Choosing Your Book(选择属于你的书)


Award Winners

Book Lists

Bestsellers/Best Books


Book Reviews

  • All About Romance - "The romance readers home for romance novels, romance reviews, romance authors, and more. For and by romance readers - all with an interactive and back-fence atmosphere. Simply the best romance reviews, and honest, entertaining, and intriguing commentary."
  • Best Reviews - Reviews romance, horror, fiction, non-fiction, mystery, paranorma, science fiction and young adult
  • BookBrowser.com -  part of Barnes & Noble - accommodates many voices, publishing exclusive material from a wide range of established critics, reviewers, and columnists. 
  • BookMuse.com - Reader reviews of literature, mysteries, science fiction, biographies, other non-fiction, and prize winners - part of Powells.com
  • BookPage.com - "Our goal is to recommend the best books for readers of all types, whether you're interested in literary fiction or romance, history or science fiction, cookbooks or children's books. We focus on new releases and tailor our reviews for the general reader the true booklover always on the lookout for the next great read."
  • BookSpot.com - Featured sites are hand-selected by BookSpot.com editors and organized into intuitive categories, such as bestseller lists, genres, book reviews, electronic texts, book news and more.
  • Compulsive Reader - Reviews of new release books by some of the hottest writers working today, exclusive author interviews, literary news and criticism.
  • Danny Yee's Book Reviews Browse by: Subject (20 fiction genres, 90 nonfiction categories, 30 country pages) Title or Author (*/** = highly recommended) (alphabetical) or Best (*/** = highly recommended)
  • Mystery Reader - "candid reviews of current mysteries"
  • Internet Public Library 2 (ipl2) - Literature - Criticism
  • New York Review of Books - publishes essays and reviews of books and the arts, including music, theater, dance, and film
  • Romance Reader - "candid reviews of current romantic fiction"
  • Romantic Science Fiction & Fantasy - "reader resource on sf, fantasy, and horror novels with strong romance genre appeal
  • Salon.com Books Section - reviews and blog 


(1)浪漫小说( romance novel )

Discussions | Reviews | Related Sites | Publishers | Authors


Online Discussion Groups/Listservs

RRA-L Romance Readers Anonymous includes an awards list of books picked by the readers as best of the year (goes back several years) and a Top Ten List of reader's favorite authors

Yahoo Groups list of romance novel discussion groups


All About Romance reviews

Romantic Science Fiction and Fantasy reviews

RomanceDB features pseudonym lists, reviews, author links and series info

Related Sites

All About Romance site includes reviews and discussion boards on a variety of topics, best and worst book covers, a newsletter, a collection of special title lists (books with a common feature, ie, amnesia, arranged marriage, pets, twins, two-hanky reads, etc), awards, contests and more

Beau Monde a recognized chapter of Romance Writers of America (RWA). Our purpose is to promote excellence in romantic fiction, set primarily in the Regency period (1811-1820)

Romance Club includes radio program links, author pages, new release info, etc.

RomanceDB features pseudonym lists, reviews, author links and series info

Romantic Science Fiction and Fantasy besides reviews includes a recommended reading list, an Introduction to Romantic Science Fiction and links to other reviewing and romantic sci-fi sites

Romance Writers of America is the professional writers group of the genre which gives out the RITA awards. Also includes links to authors, news and statistics in the field, and member picked top ten favorite books of the year going back several years.

Writerspace the home for over 550 authors, primarily romance and mystery, of the best fiction on the market today. Writerspace communities are familiar places for readers to gather, talk to each other, learn about releases and communicate with authors.


Harlequin is a major publisher of romance novels. The site includes online reads, online book groups, info on authors and books and info for aspiring authors


Author Web-Site Directory - Over 970 web sites! Most of the authors on this list are romance authors.

RomanceDB features pseudonym lists, author links and series info

Mystical Unicorn online used bookstore site includes author bibliographies and links to author webpages

(2)科幻小说(Science Fiction )

FeministSF-Lit - Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Discussion. The group's goal is to focus discussion on a particular book at a particular time to get as many people participating and enjoying the group as possible. Need to join list to discuss.

Science Fiction and Fantasy World - Science Fiction and Fantasy World Literature section includes Discussion Forums.


In Other Worlds - Fantasy, Science Fiction and Mystery book reviews by two men who rate the books from 1-10, 10 being the highest. Includes reviews of audio books.

Great Science Fiction and Fantasy Works - A critical list with discussion

Locus online - Reviews, resources and perspectives; includes and index to Science Fiction

Science Fiction and Fantasy World - Literature section includes Book Reviews, News, Book Voting (Polls), Book Excerpts, Book Synopses

Science Fiction Resource Guide - A great directory of scifi links in a multitude of categories such as reviews, awards, bibliographies, etc.

Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database - Online access to over 55,000 historical and critical items about science fiction, fantasy and horror

If You Like This, Then You'll Like That - Gives book recommendations based on past likes.

SF & F Writers of America, Inc. - Recommended Reading Lists

Related Sites

Science Fiction and Fantasy World - Literature section includes Discussion Forums, Authors, Book Reviews, News, Interviews, Book Voting (Polls), Articles, Short Stories, Poems, Book Excerpts, Book Synopses, and a Free Newsletter.

Science Fiction and Fantasy - Links related to SFF from Schenectady County Public Library.

Science Fiction Resource Guide - A great directory of scifi links in a multitude of categories such as reviews, awards, events, authors, bibliographies, etc.

Open Directory Project - Section on Science Fiction & Fantasy is a directory of sci fi info on the web.

Science Fiction Resource Guide - Agreat directory of scifi links in a multitude of categories such as reviews, awards, bibliographies, etc.

Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase - an effort to catalog works of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. It links together various types of bibliographic data: author bibliographies, publication bibliographies, award listings, magazine content listings, anthology and collection content listings, yearly fiction indexes, and forthcoming books.


Tor - SF & Fantasy

Open Direcory Project - Publisher link


Science Fiction and Fantasy World - Literature section includes Authors section, News, and Interviews.

Science Fiction Resource Guide - A great directory of scifi links in a multitude of categories such as awards, events, authors, bibliographies, etc.

SFF net - Authors and afficionados

Do you need some help choosing a book to read? Browse through these suggestions of award winners, lists, best sellers and reviews to get ideas.





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