Grassland Research | 澳大利亚南部地中海环境下洋葱草球茎发育模式以及对刈割和施肥、化学防治的响应
2023-9-14 23:42

Grassland Research | 澳大利亚南部地中海环境下洋葱草球茎发育模式以及对刈割和施肥、化学防治的响应



Grassland Research草业科学领域国际学术期刊






Figure 1. Change in the size (mg corm−1) of old and new corms with time after onion grass emergence (vertical bars denote the standard error of means).

Table 1. Corm weight (log 10-transformed for statistical analysis and back-transformed means in parentheses, g DM m−2) and seedpod number (log 10-transformed for statistical analysis and back-transformed means in parentheses, seedpods m−2) of OG and herbage mass (kg DM ha−1) of OG and OPS under different cutting and fertiliser regimes.

Abbreviations: H1, cut to 1 cm above ground when the plants reach 5 cm in height; H5, cut to 5 cm when the plants reach 10 cm in height; HF, high fertiliser input (equivalent to 105.45 kg P ha−1); MF, medium fertiliser input (equivalent to 52.63 kg P ha−1); NC, no cutting until onion grass completed its life cycle; NF, no fertiliser application; OG, onion grass; OPS, other plant species; SEM, standard error of means; TC, cut to 1 cm when flowering of onion grass commenced in September 2007 to prevent seed production.
* p < 0.05** p < 0.01.

Figure 2. Development of multiple corms from single plants at 25 (left) and 28 (right) weeks after emergence.

Table 2. ODB (plants m−2) and ODA herbicide application, andPN (seedpods m−2), GCOS (score 0–5) and GCNG (score 0–5) after herbicide treatments for Phase 1 and Phase 2 experiments.

Note: (i) Glyphosate (active constituents 360 g L−1)—low rate (5 ml L−1+ 2 ml L−1surfactant); (ii) glyphosate (active constituents 360 g L−1)—high rate (10 ml L−1+2 ml L−1surfactant); (iii) Imazamox (active constituents 700 g kg−1)—low rate (0.5 g L−1+10ml L−1surfactant); (iv) Imazamox (active constituents 700 g kg−1)—high rate (1 g L−1+10ml L−1surfactant); (v) MCPA (2‐methyl‐4‐chlorophenoxyacetic acid) 500 (active constituents 500 g L−1)10−1ml L−1; (vi) Dicamba (active constituents 500 g L−1) 6 ml L−1+ 6 ml L−1surfactant; (vii) metsulfuron methyl (active constituents 600 g kg−1) 0.14 g L−1+ 1 ml L−1surfactant; (viii) water only without herbicide and surfactant. Abbreviations: GCOS, ground cover of other species; GCNG, ground cover ofnative grasses; ODA, onion grass density after; ODB, onion grass density before;PN, seedpod number; SEM, standard error of means.ns,not signficant;*p<0.05, **p<0.01.

Figure 3. Corm density of onion grass in early summer (December 2008) after various herbicide treatments for (a) Phase 1 and (b) Phase 2 experiments. (i) Glyphosate (active constituents 360 g L−1)—low rate (5 ml L−1+ 2 ml L−1surfactant); (ii) glyphosate (active constituents 360 g L−1)—high rate (10 ml L−1+2 ml L−1surfactant); (iii) imazamox (active constituents 700 g kg−1)—low rate (0.5 g L−1+10 ml L−1surfactant); (iv) imazamox (active constituents 700 g kg−1)—high rate (1 g L−1+10 ml L−1surfactant); (v) MCPA (2‐methyl‐4‐chlorophenoxyacetic acid) 500 (active constituents 500 g L−1) 10 ml L−1; (vi) dicamba (active constituents 500 g L−1) 6 ml L−1+ 6 ml L−1surfactant; (vii) metsulfuron methyl (active constituents 600 g kg−1) 0.14 g L−1+1ml L−1surfactant; and (viii) water only without herbicide and surfactant. Bars denote the standard error of means; **p< 0.01; ns,not significant.



内容来源:Grassland Research(草地研究)Early View(投稿:2022-09-06;接收:2022-09-26;

DOI: doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12

引用格式:Nie, Z., Zollinger, R., &Behrendt, R. (2022). Responses to defoliation and fertiliser, corm development and chemical control of onion grass (Romulea rosea) in the Mediterranean environment of southern Australia. Grassland Research, 1(3), 197–206.

文章信息编译者:田沛 兰州大学草地农业科技学院 教授



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