1) Genetic diversity and potential for promotion of plant growth detected in nodule endophytic bacteria of soybean grown in Heilongjiang province of China (full text);
2) Coexistence of predominantly nonculturable rhizobia with diverse endophytic bacterial taxa wihtin nodules of wild legumes (full text);
3) Endophytic Occupation of Root Nodules and Roots of Melilotus dentatus by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (full text);
4) Characterization of Two Novel Biovar of Agrobacterium tumefaciens Isolated from Root Nodules of Vicia faba (full text).
1) 内生细菌是如何进入到根瘤内的?何时进入到根瘤内部?
2) 内生细菌对根瘤菌入侵豆科植物形成根瘤有何影响?是帮助还是抑制根瘤菌入侵根瘤?
3) 分离根瘤菌时如何避免出现内生细菌?或只想以根瘤菌做为研究对象时如何从根瘤菌中替除内生细菌(只通过简单的回接原宿主试验)?是不是将分离得到的细菌都拿来研究?
4) 内生细菌对根瘤菌在瘤内的固氮作用有何影响?
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