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民国期间来华的挪威水利专家安立森(Sigurd Eliassen)的确切生卒日期

已有 4383 次阅读 2021-1-30 21:55 |个人分类:人物沧桑|系统分类:人物纪事

                  民国期间来华的挪威水利专家安立森(Sigurd Eliassen)的经历简介


      1919年来华的挪威水利专家安立森(Sigurd Eliassen)  在我国从事黄河流域等水利工程建设并进行黄土高原水土保持研究。《黄河人文志》、《陕西省志-测绘志》等书籍的安立森出生年份“1885年“可能都是不准确的,而且缺失对安立森去世日期的描述。本文试图寻找一些线索。



        网搜的安立森事迹信息很少。有网页称他出生于1884年(http://www.elib.gov.ph/results.php?f=subject&q=Irrigation+--+China+--+Shensi)。法国著名汉学家魏丕信在《The Emergence of the Modern Civil Engineer in China, 1900–1940》中说:“ Sigurd Eliassen (1884–1960), an American-trained Norwegian engineer who had a long career in China. The CIFRC was among his many employers; in particular, he was the engineer in residence during the entire duration of the construction of the Jinghui Canal in Shaanxi.”  如果英文信息没错,那么《黄河人文志》中的出生年份也不够准确。


出生: 1884年6月29日 - Oslo 

死亡: 1960年2月18日 - Oslo 

父母: Anton Godtfred Eliassen, Ragna Augusta Eliassen (født Gundersen) 

兄弟姐妹: Ragnhild Antonsdatter Jahnsen (født Eliassen), Finn Eliassen, Gunnar Eliassen, Bitte Eliassen 

妻子: Gudrun Eliassen (født Gabrielsen) 



                                                   Dragon Wang's River (英语) 

                                        1957年1月1日  Sigurd Eliassen (Author)

A Norwegian engineer innocently undertook to irrigate the Northern province of Shensi. His story is a fantastic one, of high comedy and frustration, muddle and success, providing a unique glimpse of a China that, basically, changes little through the centuries. Sigurd Eliassen, employed before the war by the International Relief Organization in Peking, received an urgent summons to 'an uncommonly interesting hydraulic job' in Shensi, a province celebrated for droughts, famines and bandits. Eliassen soon discovered that the project had already caused much bad blood and was, in the main, impracticable although a pilot scheme was possible. He found that China becomes a mysterious duality when the smell of money is in the air. With civil war, intrigue, various forms of 'squeeze', sabotage and attempted murder, the project had no lack of incidents, but when Eliassen finally left Shensi, having escaped from the Communists, who held him to ransom, the parched plain had changed from green to gold between spring and autumn. This strange and hectic story is made all the more compelling by the many people who hindered and helped the engineer: Mrs. Miao, an attractive though eminently strong-minded widow; her eldest son, a hostile character in blue spectacles; and even such humble and endearing figures as the two drivers, Russian and Chinese, Malik and Wang. The Norwegian engineer narrowly escaped death; his legendary forerunner Cheng had not been so fortunate, he never returned from his mission.


上一篇:民国期间黄河工程顾问、美国水利专家塔德(Oliver J. Todd)的确切生卒日期
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