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                        ——European Geosciences Union应译“欧洲地球科学联合会”为宜

   ——“Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award”似宜译为“部门杰出青年科学家奖”

       看到网络上一则“欧洲地球科学杰出青年科学家奖”华人获奖者第1人的说法((http://edu.ifeng.com/gaoxiao/detail_2013_05/23/25644532_0.shtml)有些好奇,顺便做了些检索。该报道的内容是:“本网讯(通讯员蔡红涛)欧洲地球科学学会(EGU)日前公布了2013年“杰出青年科学家”获奖名单,电子信息学院1999级校友魏勇榜上有名,成首位获该奖项的华人学者”(2013年05月23日  来源:武汉大学)。另外一则同出武汉大学的报道是:“武大新闻网讯(通讯员邢颖)电子信息学院青年教师黄狮勇获欧洲地球科学学会(European Geosciences Union, EGU)颁发的“杰出青年科学家奖”(Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award),成为本年度该学会行星和太阳系统领域唯一获奖人。他也是第二位获得该奖项的华人学者。首位获该奖项的华人学者为我校电子信息学院1999级校友、中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所魏勇研究员。(2016-04-29,武大新闻网)”(http://alumni.whu.edu.cn/info/1039/10289.htm

       略加检索之后,发现上述的两则报道不够严谨,因为更高的联合会级别奖项的华人获得者第1人是刘俊国博士,第2人是北京大学毕业的博士苏杭(Han Su)。武汉大学报道所提的“欧洲地球科学学会(European Geosciences Union, EGU)颁发的“杰出青年科学家奖”均是部门级别的奖项,高出一筹的“联合会”级别的奖项则需要在“部门奖项”,即“部门杰出青年科学家奖”的基础上再次选拔产生。

       根据“欧洲地球科学联合会”官网介绍,获得“联合会”级别奖项“杰出青年科学家奖”的华人迄今只有两位,第1位是2009获奖的刘俊国博士(http://www.egu.eu/awards-medals/arne-richter/2009/junguo-liu/,现在南方科技大学工作),第2位是2013年得奖的Hang Su博士(http://www.egu.eu/awards-medals/arne-richter/2013/hang-su/)。




                          青藏高原研究所    发布时间:2016-04-27

  4月18日至22日,欧洲地球科学联合会(EGU)大会在奥地利维也纳举行。会上,“第三极环境”(TPE)国际计划再次组织了主题为The Third Pole Environment - Observation and modelling of hydro-meteorological processes in high elevation areas的TPE专题分会。此次分会由青藏高原所研究员马耀明、张凡以及意大利水研究所研究员Franco Salerno、荷兰屯特大学教授Bob Su等担任联合召集人。



                             中国网 | 时间: 2007-05-18  | 文章来源: 人民日报海外版




                                    Awards & Medals(欧洲地球科学联合会奖项、奖章)

    The EGU Awards & Medals programme recognises every year eminent scientists for their outstanding research contribution in the Earth, planetary and space sciences, and identifies the awardees as role models for the next generation of early career scientists to foster geosciences research.         Winners of EGU Medals or Awards can be nominated as EGU Ambassadors. In this role, they are delegated to attend meetings hosted by other organisations, and to offer special presentations and lectures labelled as EGU contributions.

 The EGU Awards & Medals includes:

   At Union level:

The Union Medals for senior scientists including the most prestigious awards made by the Union that are associated with an EGU Honorary Membership

   The Union Awards including the Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding Early Career Scientists

   At Division level:

The Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Awards

The Division medals for mid-career scientists



The EGU awards a number of annual medals to recognize scientific achievements. Four of these medals are at union level: the Arthur Holmes Medal for Solid Earth Geosciences, the Alfred Wegener Medal for atmospheric, hydrological, or ocean sciences, the Jean Dominique Cassini Medal for planetary and space sciences, and the Alexander von Humboldt Medal for scientists from developing countries (with emphasis on Latin America and Africa), who have achieved exceptional international standing in geosciences and planetary and space sciences, defined in their widest senses. In addition there are four Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding Young Scientists (formerly Outstanding Young Scientist Award), selected from the Division level Outstanding Young Scientists Award Winners.[10](陈昌春注:联合会层次的“杰出青年科学家奖“Outstanding Young Scientist Award”已更名为“Arne Richter Awards for Outstanding Young Scientists”,每年有4个名额,从各“部门杰出青年科学家奖”“Division level Outstanding Young Scientists”(该奖项的英文名称又有了变动,现为“Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award”(http://www.egu.eu/awards-medals/division-outstanding-ecs-award中选拔产生。

At division level there are 29 medals for outstanding scientists. Each year Outstanding Student Poster Awards are selected for participating divisions.[11]


              Junguo Liu——Outstanding Young Scientist Award 2009


Junguo Liu

The 2009 Outstanding Young Scientist Award is awarded to Junguo Liu for his impressive contributions in water research management.

Only 1 year after he completed his Ph.D in 2007, Junguo Liu has already published 11 peer-reviewed papers, including 2 in Nature. Junguo Liu focuses his research in water and environmental resources management. He analyzed the trend of virtual water trade in China, and found that, in spite of the strict agricultural policy of food self-sufficiency, the annual virtual-water import through food trade increased sharply from 30 billion cubic metres in the 1990s to an average of 71 billion cubic metres between 2002 and 2004. Then, he reviewed a number of published scientific papers, and concluded that importing virtual water into the North China Plain may well be more efficient than transferring “real” water through the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, which is a controversial initiative now under construction to divert water from the Yangtze River to northern China. The results lead to a paper that has been published in Nature in 2008.

Junguo Liu quantified how food consumption patterns influence water requirement in China. The findings showed that per capita water requirement for food has increased by a factor of 3.4 mainly due to the increase of the consumption of animal products in recent decades. He also found the per capita water requirement for food is still very low in China compared to many developed countries. If China approaches the American level of food consumption, the water requirement will be more than double the present level. Such a change in food consumption will have a much greater impact on water requirements than population growth. These results shaped another paper, which has been accepted for publication in Nature in 2008. Junguo Liu is also interested in the studies on crop-water relation on large scales. He has developed a GIS-based Environmental Policy Integrated Climate model to simulate crop yield and crop water use on global and national scales with high spatial resolutions. This model is now being used by a number of research institutes including the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Austria, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Rice University in USA, and Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Besides his research papers, he is very active in many science-related issues. He is currently an editor of the journal “Hydrology and Earth System Sciences”. He serves as a committee member of the World Academy of Young Scientists. He has been involved in several research projects including those supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Sixth European Community Framework Programme, and the Swiss National Science Foundation.


                                           Hang Su(注:北京大学博士毕业生苏杭)

                               Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists 2013

 The 2013 Arne Richter Award for Outstanding Young Scientists is awarded to Hang Su for relevant contributions to the measurement and modelling of soil-atmosphere exchange and aerosol-cloud interactions.

 Hang Su’s research addresses a key current topic in atmospheric sciences: multi-phase interactions and their influence on the atmospheric chemistry and cloud microphysics, which is of fundamental importance for our understanding of the Earth system and global environmental change. Su started his research by measuring of atmospheric nitrous acid, HONO, which is an important source of hydroxyl radicals. After finding a missing source of HONO, Su proposed an original hypothesis for this and designed laboratory experiments. He proved that biogenic nitrite in soils can contribute to atmospheric HONO and OH radicals, which can fill a gap in the atmospheric chemistry and the nitrogen cycle.

 Aside from his innovative ideas, he shows the ability to synthesise broad perspectives and interconnections. He has improved the understanding of aerosol-cloud interaction by introducing the aerosol/updraft limited regime concept and distribution function approaches. He is one of the very few scientists devoted to synthesising broad knowledge and findings, crucial for interdisciplinary geoscience.

 Su is also a remarkable scientific advisor and lecturer. He is co-advising PhD students and giving lectures at the International Max Planck Research School. He has contributed to over 20 papers, two published in Science, and his work has been recognised by a Union Outstanding Student Poster Award in 2009. He undoubtedly is a very thorough-thinking and active scientist.


作者:  来源:  时间:2011/9/21
   环境科学与工程学院程雅芳研究员与德国马克斯普朗克化学所(Max Planck Institute for Chemistry)苏杭博士作为共同第一作者于2011年9月16日在Science杂志上合作发表了研究论文:“Soil nitrite as a source of atmospheric HONO and OH radicals”,报道了在土壤-大气间 HONO 交换新机制研究中取得的重要突破,这也是北大张远航教授研究团队与马普所 Ulrich Pöschl教授研究团队多年合作的最新进展。
   2008年,张远航教授领导的研究团队已经证实中国大气中OH自由基的主要来源之一是高浓度HONO的光解,对 OH 的贡献率可高达30%以上;针对 HONO 的日间未知来源,从光催化和非均相反应等角度进行了多方面的探索,并提出要关注各种表面在光照情况下的反应。近两年,苏杭博士和程雅芳研究员等收集并综合分析了全球土壤亚硝酸根含量以及土壤pH值,从理论上预测了土壤具有释放大量HONO的潜力:土壤中的微生物能够将含氮养分通过硝化和反硝化作用产生亚硝酸根,在土壤中氢离子的存在下,形成亚硝酸,并通过地气交换过程释放到大气中,成为大气中OH 自由基的重要来源;并进一步在烟雾箱模拟实验中证实了这一“土壤-大气”间缺失关联的存在。该文共同第一作者苏杭和程雅芳均在北京大学获得博士学位,师从张远航教授。
   “土壤能够直接向大气中释放亚硝酸”,是大气 HONO 源汇机制研究的新视角。该研究结果指出土壤中氮含量越高、酸性越强,排放的HONO越多。在中国化肥用量不断增长、土壤酸化日益严重的背景下,将有更多的HONO被排放到大气中。鉴于土壤微生物和亚硝酸的广泛分布,这一机制将会对大气光化学以及全球陆地生态系统产生重要影响,对大气-土壤氮循环研究也具有重要的启示意义。同时,该研究涉及土壤和大气多圈层间的相互作用,具有很强的学科交叉特点。
   Science杂志将该文作为“亮点”文章通过“Science Express”栏目于2011年8月17日予以重点报道。芬兰赫尔辛基大学 MarkkuKulmala 教授等为该文撰写展望文章“Soil nitrites influence atmospheric chemistry”,并作为 Geochemistry Perspective 在 Science杂志上同期发表。该展望文章认为土壤-大气间 HONO 交换新机制的发现开启了全球氮循环研究的新视野,这不仅将对大气氧化性,还将对大气气溶胶及气候变化等研究产生深远影响。美国科学院院士Barbara Finlayson-Pitts教授在接受英国皇家化学协会(RSC)采访时也对该研究结果给予了高度评价。德国马克斯普朗克研究联合官方网站、美国Iowa大学官方网站、Science Daily、德国知音,以及英国 Chemistry & Industry 杂志等均以最新重要进展的形式对该研究结果予以了报道。



                                                   发布时间:2016-04-29     来源:武大新闻网  

   武大新闻网讯(通讯员邢颖)电子信息学院青年教师黄狮勇获欧洲地球科学学会(European Geosciences Union, EGU)颁发的“杰出青年科学家奖”(Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award),成为本年度该学会行星和太阳系统领域唯一获奖人。他也是第二位获得该奖项的华人学者





       WHU Young Faculty Won the 2016 “Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award”

                                  Author:Xing Ying  Date:2016-05-12  

   Recently, Dr. Huang Shiyong from the School of Electronic Information at Wuhan University won the 2016 “Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award” by European Geosciences Union (EGU) for his outstanding research in the field of space physics, in particular on magnetic reconnection and plasma turbulence. Dr. Huang is not only the only recipient of the award in the EGU Planetary and Solar System Sciences Division, but also the second Chinese scholar to be awarded the honor. The first Chinese laureate is the Researcher Wei Yong from the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, who was also a WHU alumni from School of Electronic Information graduated in 1999.

   It is reported that EGU is one of the two largest geosciences unions around the world. Aimed at rewarding outstanding young scientists who make important scientific contributions to the field of geosciences,  Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award is given annually with only one winner awarded from related research fields after rigorous selection of EGU Review Committee.


              Yong Wei——Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award 2013

Planetary and Solar System Sciences

Yong Wei

The 2013 Division Outstanding Young Scientists Award is awarded to Yong Wei for finding innovative ways to compare the solar influence on the terrestrial planets.

Yong Wei finished his PhD at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. He has been very active in finding new approaches to compare the solar influence on the terrestrial planets. The wider implications of his work are reflected in the selection of a recent publication of his on planetary ion outflow from Earth and Mars, for and ESA press release. Further, his paper at the last EGU conference on the expansion of the ionosphere of Venus in tenuous solar wind was selected as a paper of special interest. Wei is a young researcher with outstanding abilities in the analysis of space science data, in combination with observations from a broad range of geophysical research areas, with a wide knowledge of new results in geology, geophysics and planetology.



                                                          2013年05月23日  来源:武汉大学




   据了解,欧洲地球科学学会是全球两个最大的地球科学联合学会之一,设立“杰出青年科学家”奖,旨在奖励全球在地球科学领域获得重要科学发现的优秀青年科学家。该奖项每年评选一次,地球科学各相关领域可遴选一名获奖者,提名候选人需经委员会严格评选。                                      (编辑:付晓歌)  


                                                  刘俊国获欧洲地理协会 “杰出青年科学家奖”

                                                               中国绿色时报   2010-1-7

      本报讯 记者铁铮 通讯员廖爱军报道 在日前闭幕的欧洲地理协会年会上,北京林业大学教授刘俊国获得了“杰出青年科学家奖”,他不仅是第一位获此殊荣的华人科学家,也是全球惟一荣获此奖的水文学家。





                                                            发表时间: 2009-12-18







   2009年,刘俊国教授荣获欧洲地理协会“杰出青年科学家奖”,成为全球首位获此殊荣的水文学家,也是第一位获此殊荣的华人科学家。在颁奖仪式上,欧洲地理协会水文科学分会主席Alberto Montanari教授非常兴奋地说:“今天是我们水文学家扬眉吐气的日子,我们在经历多次努力后终于第一次问鼎欧洲地理协会杰出青年科学家奖”。原欧洲地理协会水文科学分会主席Hubert H.G.Savenije专门发来Email表示祝贺:“这是一份极度有威望的奖项,以前从来没人任何水文学家问鼎。事实上,对于水文学家这是一次破天荒的破例。我为你获得此奖而感到极度自豪。我并不知道你申请了这份奖项,但是,听到你获奖的消息,我感到极度高兴和惊讶!”。

Hydroclimatology_Perspectives and Applications(2009).pdf

Hydrometeorology_ Forecasting and Applications(2010).pdf

Hydroecology and Ecohydrology_Past,Present and Future.pdf


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