科学与信仰(Science and Faith)
2022-5-13 04:39



“我们能相信它吗?基督教信仰的依据”(Can we believe it? Evidence for Christianity)这本书(2016年出版)从科学与宗教信仰(尤其是与基督教信仰)的角度对这个问题进行了深入的探讨与论述。该书的作者,乔治. A. F. 西柏 George A. F. Seber)教授是新西兰皇家学会院士(a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand),奥克兰大学荣誉退休统计学教授。1997年西柏教授在奥克兰大学统计系担任研究生计划的负责人,当时是他审核批准了我成为统计专业硕士研究生的。我还记得就是在我读硕士学位的这两年间(1997-1999)的某个时候,系里专门为西柏教授开了他60岁的生日庆祝会。

图片来源链接:Can We Believe It?: Evidence for Christianity: Seber, George A. F.: 9781498289191: Books - Amazon

照片来源链接:Emeritus Professor George Seber - The University of Auckland


“一般而言,科学致力于确定出关于现实世界的有用的模型,以此来试图解释实际所观察到的现象或其规律的发生的原因。例如,在化学领域我们可以用一个模型来代表一个容器里的气体,通过这个模型我们把这些气体描述为众多的与容器内壁不断碰撞的粒子,因此而产生了气体的压力。在心理学上,抑郁症在某些案例中被解释为因为我们的脑部缺乏神经递质血清素所致。传统上科学发展是沿着两条主线进行的:自然科学范畴是研究自然世界(比如,物理学,宇宙学,化学,地质学,动物学,等等)以及社会科学范畴是研究人的行为及社会(比如,心理学,人类学,社会生物学, 等等)。然而,这两大科学范畴之间的区别已经变得模糊,并有相互重叠的学科(比如,神经科学,遗传学)。




Generally speaking, science endeavors to find useful models of reality to try and explain why an observation or pattern of observations that we see actually occurs.  For example, in chemistry we can use a model for a gas in a container where we describe the gas as consisting of particles colliding with the sides of the container thus giving rise to gas pressure.  In psychology, depression has been described in some cases as a lack of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain.  Traditionally science has proceeded along two main lines: the natural sciences that study the natural world (e.g., physics, cosmology, chemistry, geology, zoology etc.) and the social sciences that study human behavior and society (e.g., psychology, anthropology, sociobiology etc.)  However, the differences between these two streams have become somewhat blurred, with some crossing over (e.g., neuroscience, genetics).

Assumptions of Science

Science depends on a number of assumed beliefs, namely: (1) The universe is an ordered and rational place so that doing science makes sense (why should it?); (2) The underlying “laws of nature” governing the universe tend to be mathematical and are in a sense “beautiful” (to the mathematician!), and the question is why mathematical; (3) The laws of nature are stable over time and are the same throughout the part of the universe that we can reach with our instruments (why not chaos?); and (4) Our minds are rational and we are capable of uncovering the laws of nature (why should we be able to do this?).  Clearly when we do science we made these assumptions but they cannot be proved to be true.  For all we know, the scientific laws may all be different tomorrow; for example, the speed of light may change.


以下罗列几本乔治. A. F. 西柏 George A. F. Seber)作为作者或共同作者所出版的书籍:

The Linear Hypothesis: A General Theory by George A. F. Seber | Mar 12, 1987

Nonlinear Regression (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) by George A. F. Seber and C. J. Wild | Feb 1, 1989

Chance Encounters: A First Course in Data Analysis and Inference by C. J. Wild and George A. F. Seber | Nov 30, 1999

Linear Regression Analysis by George A. F. Seber and Alan J. Lee | Feb 5, 2003

Adaptive Sampling Designs: Inference for Sparse and Clustered Populations (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) by George A.F. Seber and Mohammad M. Salehi | Oct 22, 2012

Can We Believe It?: Evidence for Christianity by George A. F. Seber | Mar 21, 2016

Counseling Issues: Handbook for counselors, chaplains and psychotherapists by George A F Seber | Dec 17, 2019





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