10.6 蝙蝠狂犬病控制
10.6 Bat rabies control
Thegoal of eliminating the disease in bats is challenged by the plethora of lyssavirusspecies and the substantial role of Chiroptera in global ecology, such as inseed dispersal, pollination and arthropod predation. Elimination of bat rabies istherefore not possible at the present time. The public health risk associatedwith bat rabies (except that transmitted by vampire bats) is lower than thoseassociated with carnivores rabies, although the consequences of infection arealso severe. Therefore, any method that indiscriminately destroys bats shouldbe avoided, especially as bats are protected in most countries.
Educationof the public is the key to preventing bat-transmitted human rabies. It shouldinclude basic information on avoiding potentially infectious contact with bats,seeking proper medical attention after exposure and preventing bats fromestablishing colonies in sensitive buildings (e.g. hospitals and schools).
Vampirebat-transmitted paralytic rabies of cattle can be controlled by vaccinatingcattle. The approaches to controlling vampire bat-transmitted rabies by cullingthe primary host species with an anticoagulant, by direct application on thebacks of captured bats or by intramuscular injection of cattle, is questionableand obsolete. Strict application of post-exposure prophylaxis is recommended incases of human exposure to vampire bats. Preventive immunizationof populations living inhighly enzootic areas with limited access to anti-rabies biologicals should beconsidered.