地点: 腾讯会议
时间: 2024-01-15
2,难点: 现有的研究潜在结构数据的方法无法摆脱先验支持,如何设计一个仅在数据表征的情况下摆脱先验信息并能给出准确率的预测结果。
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[3] Mastropietro, A., Pasculli, G., & Bajorath, J. (2023). Learning characteristics of graph neural networks predicting protein–ligand affinities. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1-10.
[4] Mastropietro, A., Pasculli, G., & Bajorath, J. (2023). Learning characteristics of graph neural networks predicting protein–ligand affinities. Nature Machine Intelligence, 1-10.
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