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DIKWP-Based White Box Evaluation(初学者版)

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Standardizing DIKWP-Based White Box Evaluation

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to DIKWP-Based White Box Evaluation

    • 1.1 Overview of the Evaluation Framework

    • 1.2 Objectives of the Evaluation

    • 1.3 Scope and Application

  2. Defining the Core Components

    • 2.1 Understanding Data (D) Transformation

    • 2.2 Information (I) Processing and Transformation

    • 2.3 Knowledge (K) Structuring and Refinement

    • 2.4 Wisdom (W) Application and Decision-Making

    • 2.5 Purpose (P) Alignment and Goal-Directed Behavior

  3. Designing the Evaluation Process

    • 3.1 Setting Up the Evaluation Environment

    • 3.2 Establishing the 5×5 DIKWP Transformation Matrix

    • 3.3 Selecting Relevant DIKWP×DIKWP Sub-Modes

    • 3.4 Establishing Baselines and Benchmarks

  4. Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Rubric

    • 4.1 Scoring Criteria for DIKWP Transformations

    • 4.2 Criteria for Data Handling (D×DIKWP)

    • 4.3 Criteria for Information Processing (I×DIKWP)

    • 4.4 Criteria for Knowledge Structuring (K×DIKWP)

    • 4.5 Criteria for Wisdom Application (W×DIKWP)

    • 4.6 Criteria for Purpose Alignment (P×DIKWP)

  5. Case Studies and Application

    • 5.1 Case Study: Crows Recognizing Colors

    • 5.2 Case Study: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

    • 5.3 Analysis of Case Studies Using the 5×5 DIKWP Matrix

  6. Metrics and Measurement Tools

    • 6.1 Metrics Implementation

    • 6.2 Measurement Tools

    • 6.3 Integrating Metrics and Tools into the Evaluation Process

  7. Iterative Testing and Refinement

    • 7.1 Conducting the Initial Evaluation

    • 7.2 Analyzing Results and Feedback

    • 7.3 Refining the System

    • 7.4 Continuous Improvement

  8. Documentation and Reporting

    • 8.1 Standardizing Reporting Formats

    • 8.2 Creating Detailed Evaluation Reports

    • 8.3 Continuous Improvement and Updates

  9. Conclusion

    • 9.1 Advantages of the DIKWP Model

    • 9.2 Future Work and Broader Applications

  10. Appendices

    • A. Glossary of Terms

    • B. References

1. Introduction to DIKWP-Based White Box Evaluation

1.1 Overview of the Evaluation Framework

The DIKWP-Based White Box Evaluation framework provides a comprehensive approach to assess AI systems by examining the internal transformations among Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), and Purpose (P). The enhanced framework introduces the 5×5 DIKWP Transformation Matrix, capturing the dynamic interactions between all components, not limited to sequential progressions.

1.2 Objectives of the Evaluation

  • Comprehensive Assessment: Evaluate cognitive processes across all DIKWP transformations.

  • Quantitative Measurement: Utilize a scoring rubric to quantify the complexity and effectiveness of each transformation.

  • Adaptability: Assess the system's ability to handle inconsistency, incompleteness, and imprecision.

  • Alignment with Purpose: Ensure the system's actions are consistently directed towards its goals.

1.3 Scope and Application

Applicable to various AI systems, including:

  • Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)

  • Decision Support Systems

  • Autonomous Systems

  • Creative AI

  • Biological and Artificial Cognitive Systems

2. Defining the Core Components

2.1 Understanding Data (D) Transformation

  • Objective Sameness and Difference: Recognize and categorize data based on shared attributes.

  • Hypothesis Generation: Handle incomplete or uncertain data through abstraction.

  • Application in Evaluation:

    • Record primary sensory inputs or observable actions.

    • Ensure data collection methods capture relevant phenomena.

2.2 Information (I) Processing and Transformation

  • Contextualization: Transform raw data into meaningful patterns.

  • Pattern Recognition: Identify distinctions and relationships among data.

  • Application in Evaluation:

    • Assess cognitive recognition and categorization.

    • Evaluate accuracy against benchmarks.

2.3 Knowledge (K) Structuring and Refinement

  • Organizing Information: Form consistent patterns from information.

  • Learning and Adaptation: Progress from simple processing to complex decision-making.

  • Application in Evaluation:

    • Evaluate consistency in using information.

    • Determine progression in cognitive processing.

2.4 Wisdom (W) Application and Decision-Making

  • Problem-Solving: Apply knowledge to make predictions and optimize outcomes.

  • Adaptive Behavior: Use knowledge in new contexts effectively.

  • Application in Evaluation:

    • Analyze application of knowledge in varying contexts.

    • Assess effectiveness in achieving desired outcomes.

2.5 Purpose (P) Alignment and Goal-Directed Behavior

  • Intentionality: Actions influenced by internal goals or tasks.

  • Goal Achievement: Alignment of actions with expected outcomes.

  • Application in Evaluation:

    • Examine evidence of goal-directed behaviors.

    • Infer purposefulness from action alignment.

3. Designing the Evaluation Process

3.1 Setting Up the Evaluation Environment

  • Define Evaluation Scope: Determine which DIKWP components and transformations are critical.

  • Prepare Test Scenarios: Design experiments to isolate and evaluate each component.

  • Establish Controlled Conditions: Modify environmental variables to test adaptability.

  • Monitoring and Logging: Use behavioral and neurological measurements to correlate observations.

3.2 Establishing the 5×5 DIKWP Transformation Matrix

  • Matrix Structure: Consists of 25 possible transformations between DIKWP components.

  • Dynamic Interactions: Acknowledge non-linear pathways and feedback loops.

  • Transformation Examples:

    • D→I: Processing sensory inputs into meaningful patterns.

    • K→W: Applying learned knowledge to solve problems.

    • P→D: Goals influencing data collection.

3.3 Selecting Relevant DIKWP×DIKWP Sub-Modes

  • Identify Key Interactions: Focus on transformations most relevant to the system's functionality.

  • Prioritize Based on Impact: Select sub-modes critical for performance and purpose alignment.

  • Customization: Tailor evaluation to the system's design and architecture.

3.4 Establishing Baselines and Benchmarks

  • Define Baseline Performance: Minimum acceptable functionality for each transformation.

  • Set Performance Benchmarks: Targets for optimal performance.

  • Benchmarking Scenarios: Include typical and edge cases to test robustness.

  • Statistical Analysis: Ensure findings are significant and not due to random variations.

4. Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Rubric

4.1 Scoring Criteria for DIKWP Transformations

Each transformation is assessed using three criteria:

  • Presence/Absence (0-2 points):

    • 0: No evidence.

    • 1: Occasionally observed.

    • 2: Consistently observed.

  • Repeatability (0-2 points):

    • 0: Non-repeatable.

    • 1: Somewhat repeatable.

    • 2: Highly repeatable.

  • Relevance (0-2 points):

    • 0: Irrelevant to functionality.

    • 1: Moderately relevant.

    • 2: Highly relevant to goals or survival.

4.2 Criteria for Data Handling (D×DIKWP)

  • Data Consistency: Uniform processing and categorization.

  • Data Accuracy: Correct transformation of raw inputs.

  • Handling of Incomplete Data: Effective hypothesis generation and abstraction.

  • Transparency: Clear logic in data transformation processes.

4.3 Criteria for Information Processing (I×DIKWP)

  • Information Integrity: Preservation of essential details.

  • Transformation Transparency: Understandable methods.

  • Contextual Accuracy: Correct application within relevant contexts.

  • Uncertainty Management: Handling imprecise or incomplete information.

4.4 Criteria for Knowledge Structuring (K×DIKWP)

  • Knowledge Network Completeness: Comprehensive and connected understanding.

  • Logical Consistency: Absence of contradictions.

  • Adaptive Refinement: Dynamic updates based on new information.

  • Structuring Transparency: Clear organization and categorization.

4.5 Criteria for Wisdom Application (W×DIKWP)

  • Informed Decision-Making: Effective use of knowledge.

  • Ethical Considerations: Awareness of broader implications.

  • Adaptability: Flexibility in complex scenarios.

  • Decision Consistency: Alignment with knowledge and ethics.

4.6 Criteria for Purpose Alignment (P×DIKWP)

  • Purpose Consistency: Actions consistently align with goals.

  • Adaptive Fulfillment: Adjustments to stay goal-oriented.

  • Alignment Transparency: Clear rationale behind decisions.

  • Long-Term Achievement: Sustained focus on purpose.

5. Case Studies and Application

5.1 Case Study: Crows Recognizing Colors

  • Experiment: Crows trained to respond to colored blocks.

  • Observations:

    • D→I Transformation: Visual perception of colors processed into distinct information.

    • I→K Transformation: Association of colors with outcomes (e.g., rewards).

    • K→W Transformation: Strategic decisions based on learned associations.

    • W→P Transformation: Actions guided by the purpose of obtaining food.

  • Scoring Example:

    • High scores in presence, repeatability, and relevance for transformations involving color recognition and decision-making.

5.2 Case Study: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

  • Experiment: Octopuses choosing between chambers associated with pain or safety.

  • Observations:

    • D→K Transformation: Sensory experiences leading to knowledge about environments.

    • K→W Transformation: Application of knowledge to avoid negative outcomes.

    • W→P Transformation: Purposeful behavior aimed at ensuring safety.

  • Scoring Example:

    • High relevance and repeatability in avoiding painful stimuli, indicating advanced cognitive processing.

5.3 Analysis of Case Studies Using the 5×5 DIKWP Matrix

  • Comprehensive Mapping: Documented transformations across the matrix.

  • Quantitative Assessment: Scoring provides a measure of cognitive complexity.

  • Insights:

    • Demonstrated the effectiveness of the DIKWP model in evaluating consciousness levels.

    • Highlighted the dynamic interactions and adaptability in cognitive processes.

6. Metrics and Measurement Tools

6.1 Metrics Implementation

  • Measurement Protocols: Clear methods for each metric.

  • Thresholds and Benchmarks: Defined for acceptable performance.

  • Control Scenarios: Validate accuracy and consistency.

  • Data Collection: Robust and comprehensive.

  • Analysis and Reporting: Identify patterns and areas for improvement.

6.2 Measurement Tools

  • Data Auditing Tools: Track and log data processing.

  • Consistency Checkers: Detect inconsistencies in handling.

  • Knowledge Network Visualization: Visualize and analyze structures.

  • Decision Traceability Tools: Trace and analyze decision processes.

  • Ethical Impact Assessment Tools: Evaluate decisions' ethical implications.

  • Goal Tracking Tools: Monitor progress towards objectives.

  • Adaptive Strategy Monitoring Tools: Observe adjustments in strategies.

  • Contextual Analysis Tools: Assess accuracy in context application.

6.3 Integrating Metrics and Tools into the Evaluation Process

  • Tool Selection: Based on specific metrics and components.

  • Setup and Calibration: Ensure tools function correctly.

  • Data Collection and Monitoring: Real-time tracking during evaluations.

  • Analysis and Reporting: Detailed findings with actionable insights.

  • Iterative Refinement: Use results to improve system performance.

7. Iterative Testing and Refinement

7.1 Conducting the Initial Evaluation

  • Preparation: Confirm tools and scenarios are ready.

  • Execution: Run system through all relevant transformations.

  • Data Collection: Record all observations and internal processes.

  • Preliminary Analysis: Identify immediate strengths and weaknesses.

7.2 Analyzing Results and Feedback

  • Detailed Data Analysis: Examine performance against benchmarks.

  • Identify Key Issues: Prioritize based on impact and severity.

  • Gather Feedback: From experts and stakeholders for comprehensive insights.

  • Document Findings: Clear reporting of results and areas needing improvement.

7.3 Refining the System

  • Prioritize Issues: Focus on critical areas first.

  • Develop Solutions: Targeted improvements for identified problems.

  • Implement Changes: Adjust components and processes.

  • Re-Evaluate: Measure effectiveness of refinements.

7.4 Continuous Improvement

  • Regular Evaluation Cycles: Schedule ongoing assessments.

  • Monitor Performance: Ongoing tracking to detect new issues.

  • Feedback Loops: Integrate user and stakeholder feedback.

  • Knowledge Sharing: Document and share learnings for broader benefit.

8. Documentation and Reporting

8.1 Standardizing Reporting Formats

  • Executive Summary: High-level overview of evaluation results.

  • Introduction: Scope, objectives, and methodology.

  • Detailed Findings: Results for each DIKWP transformation.

  • Issues and Recommendations: Clear actions for improvement.

  • Conclusion and Next Steps: Summarize findings and outline future plans.

  • Appendices: Supplementary data and materials.

8.2 Creating Detailed Evaluation Reports

  • Data Compilation and Analysis: Thorough examination of collected data.

  • Drafting the Report: Clear, structured presentation of findings.

  • Incorporating Feedback: Include insights from stakeholders.

  • Quality Assurance: Final review for accuracy and completeness.

  • Distribution and Presentation: Share with relevant parties.

8.3 Continuous Improvement and Updates

  • Maintain Documentation Repository: Centralized storage of all reports.

  • Implement Version Control: Track changes over time.

  • Review Benchmarks Regularly: Update standards as system evolves.

  • Share Knowledge and Learnings: Promote collective growth.

  • Plan Future Evaluations: Ensure ongoing assessment and refinement.

9. Conclusion

9.1 Advantages of the DIKWP Model

  • Comprehensive Evaluation: Captures full spectrum of cognitive processes.

  • Quantitative Measurement: Scoring rubric provides measurable insights.

  • Adaptability: Applicable across different species and AI systems.

  • Holistic Understanding: Enhances interpretation of complex behaviors.

9.2 Future Work and Broader Applications

  • Expanding Research Scope: Apply criteria to more species and systems.

  • Technological Integration: Use AI and machine learning for data analysis.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Combine insights from various fields.

  • Refinement of the Model: Continual improvement based on new findings.

10. Appendices

A. Glossary of Terms

  • DIKWP: Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose.

  • Transformation Matrix: A framework capturing interactions between DIKWP components.

  • White Box Evaluation: Testing methodology examining internal structures.

B. References

  • DIKWP Semantic Mathematics Framework

  • Studies on Animal Cognition and Consciousness

  • Standards in AI Ethics and Governance

Final Thoughts

By enriching the DIKWP-Based White Box Evaluation with the 5×5 Transformation Matrix and detailed criteria, we provide a robust framework for assessing AI systems and biological entities. This approach moves beyond traditional testing methods, offering a nuanced understanding of cognitive processes, adaptability, and consciousness levels. It fosters transparency, reliability, and ethical alignment, contributing to advancements in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.

Contact Information

For further information or collaboration opportunities:

  • DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Standardization Committee

References for Further Reading

  1. International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC),World Association of Artificial Consciousness(WAC),World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)Standardization of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics of International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP ) Model. October 2024 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26233.89445 .  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/384637381_Standardization_of_DIKWP_Semantic_Mathematics_of_International_Test_and_Evaluation_Standards_for_Artificial_Intelligence_based_on_Networked_Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose_DIKWP_Model

  2. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will not reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".


上一篇:Proposal for Standardizing DIKWP-Based White Box Evalu(初学者版)
下一篇:Running Data Tests for DIKWP Artificial Consciousness (初学者版)
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