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Philosophical Challenges vs.DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)

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DIKWP Semantic Mathematics: Theoretical Mapping of All Natural Language Semantics and Resolution of Philosophical Challenges

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Prof. Yucong Duan proposed that "Theoretically the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics will evolutionarily cover or map to all semantics of natural language expressions while resolving the Wittgenstein's Language Game, Laozi's Ineffability of Essence or "giving subjective definitions for concepts", etc. Even the Wittgenstein‘s problem of axiomatics of semantics will not be required as a compliment. The what Laozi said that something essential cann't be expressed as Laozi's Ineffability of Essence will be ended".


Prof. Yucong Duan's Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) Semantic Mathematics framework proposes that it can theoretically map all semantics of natural language expressions. By exclusively manipulating the fundamental semantics of Sameness, Difference, and Completeness, the framework aims to resolve longstanding philosophical issues such as the "language game" and subjective definitions of concepts. This approach suggests that even Wittgenstein's problem regarding the axiomatics of semantics does not require additional complements and challenges Laozi's assertion that something essential cannot be expressed. This document explores how DIKWP Semantic Mathematics addresses these philosophical challenges, potentially providing a universal formalism for expressing all natural language semantics. Tables are provided to facilitate understanding.

1. Introduction

Natural language is rich, nuanced, and often ambiguous, leading to challenges in formalizing semantics and achieving precise communication. Philosophers like Ludwig Wittgenstein and Laozi have highlighted inherent limitations and complexities in language:

  • Wittgenstein's Language Game: Emphasizes that the meaning of words is shaped by their usage in various forms of life, leading to subjective definitions and interpretations.

  • Laozi's Ineffability of Essence: Suggests that the most profound truths cannot be adequately expressed through language.

Prof. Yucong Duan's DIKWP Semantic Mathematics proposes a theoretical framework that could map all natural language semantics using the foundational semantics of Sameness, Difference, and Completeness. This approach aims to overcome the limitations identified by Wittgenstein and Laozi by providing a universal and objective formalism for semantics.

2. DIKWP Semantic Mathematics and Natural Language Semantics2.1. Fundamental Semantics

The DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework operates exclusively with three fundamental semantics:

  • Sameness (Data): Recognition of shared attributes or identities between entities.

  • Difference (Information): Identification of distinctions or disparities between entities.

  • Completeness (Knowledge): Integration of all relevant attributes and relationships to form holistic concepts.

Table 1: Fundamental Semantics in DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

Fundamental SemanticDescriptionDIKWP Component
SamenessRecognition of shared attributes or identities between entitiesData
DifferenceIdentification of distinctions or disparities between entitiesInformation
CompletenessIntegration of all relevant attributes and relationships (holistic)Knowledge

By iteratively and explicitly manipulating these semantics, the framework builds complex semantic structures without introducing additional concepts or subjective definitions.

2.2. Mapping Natural Language Semantics

The framework suggests that any natural language expression can be decomposed and mapped using these three fundamental semantics:

Process of Mapping:

  1. Decomposition: Breaking down complex expressions into basic semantic components.

  2. Mapping: Associating these components with Sameness, Difference, or Completeness semantics.

  3. Integration: Combining the mapped semantics to reconstruct the original meaning within the formal framework.


Consider the natural language sentence:

"The cat sat on the mat."

Table 2: Mapping Example of a Natural Language Sentence

Semantic ComponentIdentified ElementsAssociated Fundamental Semantic
Entities"cat", "mat"Sameness (recognizing entities as objects)
Attributes"sat" (action), "on" (spatial relation)Difference (distinguishing roles and relations)
Integration"The cat sat on the mat." (complete meaning)Completeness (integrating entities and relations)

Through this process, the framework aims to capture the entire semantic content of natural language expressions.

3. Resolving the "Language Game" and Subjective Definitions3.1. Wittgenstein's Language Game

Wittgenstein proposed that language meaning arises from its use in various "language games," which are context-dependent and shaped by social interactions. This leads to subjective definitions and the challenge of achieving objective meaning.

Table 3: Challenges Posed by Wittgenstein's Language Game

Context-DependenceMeaning varies based on usage in different contexts
Subjective DefinitionsWords gain meaning through individual or cultural interpretations
Ambiguity in CommunicationPotential for misunderstandings due to varied interpretations

3.2. DIKWP's Objective Formalism

By reducing semantics to the fundamental and universal concepts of Sameness, Difference, and Completeness, the DIKWP framework aims to eliminate subjectivity:

Table 4: How DIKWP Addresses Wittgenstein's Challenges

Wittgenstein's ChallengeDIKWP's Solution
Context-DependenceUniversal Semantics: Fundamental semantics are context-independent and universal
Subjective DefinitionsExplicit Definitions: Semantics are explicitly defined, reducing ambiguity
Ambiguity in CommunicationFormal Mapping: Precise mapping of expressions ensures consistent interpretation


The framework suggests that by formalizing semantics in this way, it can resolve the issues raised by Wittgenstein's language games, providing a consistent and objective method for defining and interpreting language.

4. Addressing Wittgenstein's Problem of Axiomatics of Semantics4.1. The Axiomatics of Semantics

Wittgenstein was skeptical about the possibility of establishing a complete axiomatic system for language semantics due to the fluid and context-dependent nature of language.

Table 5: Wittgenstein's View on Axiomatics of Semantics

IncompletenessLanguage cannot be fully captured by a set of axioms
Contextual VariabilityMeanings change with different usages and contexts
SubjectivityIndividual interpretations hinder universal axiomatization

4.2. DIKWP's Solution

The DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework proposes that:

  • No Additional Axioms Needed: The three fundamental semantics suffice to construct all necessary semantic structures.

  • Iterative and Recursive Application: By repeatedly applying the fundamental semantics, complex meanings emerge without the need for new axioms.

  • Self-Contained System: The framework is self-sufficient, meaning that all semantics can be expressed within it without external complements.

Table 6: DIKWP's Approach to Axiomatics of Semantics

AspectDIKWP's Approach
Sufficiency of FundamentalsThree semantics cover all necessary semantic constructions
Handling Contextual VariabilityIterative application adjusts for context within the framework
ObjectivityUniversal semantics reduce subjective interpretation


This approach challenges Wittgenstein's assertion by providing a potential axiomatic system for semantics that is both complete and consistent, based solely on the foundational semantics.

5. Confronting Laozi's Assertion on Ineffability5.1. Laozi's View on the Limitations of Language

Laozi, in the Tao Te Ching, suggests that the most profound truths (the Tao) cannot be adequately expressed through words:

"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."

Table 7: Laozi's Perspective on Language

Ineffability of EssenceEssential truths transcend linguistic expression
Limitations of LanguageLanguage is insufficient to capture the profound or infinite
Emphasis on ExperienceTrue understanding comes from experience, not words

5.2. DIKWP's Counterargument

The DIKWP framework posits that:

  • Expressibility of Essence: By using the fundamental semantics, even the most abstract or profound concepts can be formally expressed.

  • Elimination of Subjectivity: Since the semantics are objective and universal, they can capture the essence without distortion.

  • Completeness Semantics: The integration of all relevant attributes and relationships allows for a holistic representation of concepts.

Table 8: DIKWP's Response to Laozi's Assertion

Laozi's AssertionDIKWP's Counterargument
Ineffability of EssenceExpressibility through Fundamentals: Essential truths can be mapped using Sameness, Difference, and Completeness
Limitations of LanguageUniversal Formalism: The framework overcomes limitations by providing a precise semantic mapping
Emphasis on ExperienceHolistic Representation: Completeness semantics integrate all aspects, including experiential elements


The framework suggests that the limitations described by Laozi can be overcome, asserting that essential truths can indeed be expressed within this formal system.

6. Theoretical Implications and Potential Impact6.1. Universal Semantic Framework

If the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework can indeed map all natural language semantics, it would provide:

  • A Universal Language of Semantics: Enabling precise communication and understanding across different languages and contexts.

  • Foundations for Advanced AI: Allowing AI systems to fully comprehend and generate natural language with human-like understanding.

Table 9: Potential Impact of DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

Potential BenefitDescription
Universal Semantic MappingStandardized representation of all natural language semantics
Enhanced AI Language ProcessingImproved natural language understanding and generation in AI
Philosophical ResolutionsAddressing long-standing issues in language philosophy

6.2. Philosophical Resolutions

  • Overcoming Language Limitations: Addressing the philosophical challenges posed by Wittgenstein and Laozi regarding language and meaning.

  • Objective Semantics: Establishing a foundation for objective semantics that transcends subjective interpretations and definitions.

7. Challenges and Considerations

While the DIKWP framework is theoretically promising, several challenges need to be considered:

Table 10: Challenges in Implementing DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

Practical ImplementationComplexity in applying the theoretical framework in real-world systems
ScalabilityManaging computational requirements for complex semantics
ValidationNecessity of empirical testing to confirm theoretical claims
Integration with Existing SystemsAligning with current linguistic and AI methodologies
Handling AmbiguityAddressing inherent ambiguities in natural language

8. Conclusion

Prof. Yucong Duan's DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework proposes a revolutionary approach to mapping all natural language semantics using the fundamental semantics of Sameness, Difference, and Completeness. By providing a universal and objective formalism, it aims to resolve longstanding philosophical issues related to language ambiguity, subjective definitions, and the limitations of expression.

Table 11: Summary of DIKWP's Contributions

Universal Semantic FrameworkPotential to map all natural language semantics
Philosophical Problem ResolutionAddresses challenges posed by Wittgenstein and Laozi
Foundations for AI AdvancementEnables development of AI with deeper language understanding

If successfully implemented and validated, this framework could have profound implications for linguistics, philosophy, and artificial intelligence, potentially enabling machines to understand and generate language with human-like depth and nuance.


  1. Duan, Y. (2023). The Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics. Proposed by Prof. Yucong Duan:" As Prof. Yucong Duan proposed the Paradox of Mathematics as that current mathematics will reach the goal of supporting real AI development since it goes with the routine of based on abstraction of real semantics but want to reach the reality of semantics. ".

  2. Wittgenstein, L. (1953). Philosophical Investigations. Blackwell Publishing.

  3. Laozi. (circa 6th century BCE). Tao Te Ching. Various translations.

  4. Russell, S., & Norvig, P. (2021). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th ed.). Pearson.

  5. Sowa, J. F. (2000). Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations. Brooks/Cole.


I extend sincere gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his pioneering work on DIKWP Semantic Mathematics and for inspiring this exploration into its theoretical implications for natural language semantics and philosophical challenges.

Author Information

For further discussion on DIKWP Semantic Mathematics and its potential to map all natural language semantics, please contact [Author's Name] at [Contact Information].

Keywords: DIKWP Model, Semantic Mathematics, Natural Language Semantics, Sameness, Difference, Completeness, Prof. Yucong Duan, Wittgenstein, Laozi, Language Game, Axiomatics of Semantics, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Modeling


上一篇:Compare DIKWP Semantic Mathematics with Related Models(初学者版)
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