The 9-No Problems within the DIKWP Model(初学者版)
2024-9-25 14:39

The 9-No Problems within the DIKWP Model

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Comprehensive Proposal of the 9-No Problems within the DIKWP Model


Effective communication is pivotal within the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) model, facilitating seamless collaboration between stakeholders, including humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Initially, three critical communication deficiencies—Incompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision—were identified, collectively termed the 3-No Problems. However, to achieve semantic completeness and address a broader spectrum of communication challenges, six additional deficiencies are proposed, culminating in the 9-No Problems framework. This document delineates each of the nine communication deficiencies with precise definitions and illustrative DIKWP-based examples, ensuring comprehensive coverage and enhancing the robustness of human-AI interactions.

1. Introduction

The DIKWP model serves as a hierarchical framework that transitions from raw Data to actionable Purpose through successive layers of Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom. Effective communication within this framework is essential for accurate data processing, informed decision-making, and the attainment of desired outcomes. The 3-No ProblemsIncompleteness, Inconsistency, and Imprecision—identify fundamental communication deficiencies that can disrupt this process. To encompass a more exhaustive range of communication challenges, six additional deficiencies are introduced, expanding the framework to 9-No Problems.

2. The 9-No Problems Framework

The expanded framework includes the following nine communication deficiencies:

  1. Incompleteness (No-Incomplete)

  2. Inconsistency (No-Inconsistent)

  3. Imprecision (No-Imprecise)

  4. Relevance (No-Relevant)

  5. Redundancy (No-Redundant)

  6. Timeliness (No-Timely)

  7. Accuracy (No-Accurate)

  8. Accessibility (No-Accessible)

  9. Understandability (No-Understandable)

Each deficiency is defined with mathematical semantics and illustrated through practical DIKWP-based examples.

3. Detailed Definitions and DIKWP Examples3.1 Incompleteness (No-Incomplete)

Definition:The absence of necessary elements within any DIKWP component that impedes full comprehension or effective action.

Mathematical Representation:

IncompletenessX=XA∖XB\text{Incompleteness}_X = \mathbb{X}_A \setminus \mathbb{X}_BIncompletenessX=XAXB

Where XA\mathbb{X}_AXA and XB\mathbb{X}_BXB are the sets of DIKWP components from Stakeholders A and B, respectively.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Collaborative Medical Diagnosis

  • Data (D): Missing patient demographic details (e.g., age, gender).

  • Impact: The AI system generates an incomplete symptom analysis, leading to partial Information about potential diagnoses.

  • Outcome: Dr. Smith receives incomplete Information, resulting in an incomplete Knowledge base that may misguide treatment decisions.

3.2 Inconsistency (No-Inconsistent)

Definition:The presence of conflicting or contradictory elements within or across DIKWP components that cause confusion and misalignment.

Mathematical Representation:

InconsistencyX=XA∩XB∁\text{Inconsistency}_X = \mathbb{X}_A \cap \mathbb{X}_B^{\complement}InconsistencyX=XAXB

Where XB∁\mathbb{X}_B^{\complement}XB denotes the complement set of XB\mathbb{X}_BXB, highlighting contradictions.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Supply Chain Management

  • Information (I): Conflicting reports on supplier lead times from different data sources.

  • Impact: The AI system processes inconsistent Information, disrupting the Knowledge base for inventory planning.

  • Outcome: Ms. Johnson faces inconsistent Knowledge, leading to unreliable Wisdom in making inventory decisions.

3.3 Imprecision (No-Imprecise)

Definition:The presence of vague, ambiguous, or non-specific elements within DIKWP components that reduce clarity and effectiveness.

Mathematical Representation:

ImprecisionX={x∈X∣Ambiguity(x)>θ}\text{Imprecision}_X = \{ x \in \mathbb{X} \mid \text{Ambiguity}(x) > \theta \}ImprecisionX={xXAmbiguity(x)>θ}

Where θ\thetaθ is a threshold value defining acceptable levels of ambiguity.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Educational Tutoring

  • Knowledge (K): Vague explanations of calculus concepts (e.g., "understand derivatives intuitively" without concrete examples).

  • Impact: Students receive unclear Knowledge, hindering comprehension and effective learning.

  • Outcome: Alex struggles with applying calculus concepts due to imprecise Knowledge, affecting academic performance.

3.4 Relevance (No-Relevant)

Definition:The extent to which the communicated information is pertinent and applicable to the context or objectives.

Mathematical Representation:

RX=∣Xrelevant∣∣X∣R_X = \frac{|\mathbf{X}_{\text{relevant}}|}{|\mathbf{X}|}RX=XXrelevant

Where Xrelevant⊆X\mathbf{X}_{\text{relevant}} \subseteq \mathbf{X}XrelevantX denotes the subset of relevant elements within component XXX.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Financial Forecasting

  • Information (I): Inclusion of irrelevant economic indicators not pertinent to stock market trends.

  • Impact: Irrelevant Information distracts from critical analysis, diluting the effectiveness of forecasting.

  • Outcome: Ms. Johnson's forecasting Knowledge is cluttered with irrelevant data, reducing the precision of investment strategies.

3.5 Redundancy (No-Redundant)

Definition:The presence of unnecessary repetition or duplication of information within DIKWP components.

Mathematical Representation:

ReX=∣Xduplicate∣∣X∣Re_X = \frac{|\mathbf{X}_{\text{duplicate}}|}{|\mathbf{X}|}ReX=XXduplicate

Where Xduplicate⊆X\mathbf{X}_{\text{duplicate}} \subseteq \mathbf{X}XduplicateX represents duplicated elements within component XXX.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Environmental Monitoring

  • Information (I): Duplicate pollutant measurements from multiple sensors.

  • Impact: Redundant Information leads to data overload, complicating analysis.

  • Outcome: AI systems process excessive redundant data, slowing down the generation of actionable Knowledge for environmental assessments.

3.6 Timeliness (No-Timely)

Definition:The relevance of information in terms of its currency and availability when needed.

Mathematical Representation:

TX=Age of InformationMaximum Acceptable AgeT_X = \frac{\text{Age of Information}}{\text{Maximum Acceptable Age}}TX=Maximum Acceptable AgeAge of Information

Lower TXT_XTX values indicate higher timeliness.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Market Analysis

  • Information (I): Outdated market data used for trend forecasting.

  • Impact: Timeliness deficiency renders Information obsolete, undermining forecasting accuracy.

  • Outcome: Ms. Johnson bases investment strategies on outdated Information, leading to poor financial outcomes.

3.7 Accuracy (No-Accurate)

Definition:The correctness and reliability of the information provided within DIKWP components.

Mathematical Representation:

AX=Number of Accurate ElementsTotal ElementsA_X = \frac{\text{Number of Accurate Elements}}{\text{Total Elements}}AX=Total ElementsNumber of Accurate Elements

Where accurate elements ∈X\in \mathbf{X}X are verified against reliable sources or ground truth data.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Medical Diagnosis

  • Data (D): Erroneous patient data entries (e.g., incorrect lab results).

  • Impact: Inaccurate Data leads to faulty Information processing, compromising the Knowledge base for diagnosis.

  • Outcome: Dr. Smith receives inaccurate Knowledge, potentially leading to misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment plans.

3.8 Accessibility (No-Accessible)

Definition:The ease with which information can be obtained, understood, and utilized by stakeholders.

Mathematical Representation:

AcX=Accessible ElementsTotal ElementsAc_X = \frac{\text{Accessible Elements}}{\text{Total Elements}}AcX=Total ElementsAccessible Elements

Where accessible elements ∈X\in \mathbf{X}X meet predefined accessibility criteria (e.g., format, language, availability).

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Educational Tutoring

  • Knowledge (K): Complex calculus explanations in technical jargon inaccessible to the student.

  • Impact: Accessibility deficiency hinders the student's ability to comprehend and utilize Knowledge effectively.

  • Outcome: Alex struggles to engage with the material, impeding learning progress despite having access to relevant Information.

3.9 Understandability (No-Understandable)

Definition:The clarity and comprehensibility of the information presented within DIKWP components.

Mathematical Representation:

UX=Clear ElementsTotal ElementsU_X = \frac{\text{Clear Elements}}{\text{Total Elements}}UX=Total ElementsClear Elements

Where clear elements ∈X\in \mathbf{X}X are defined by linguistic clarity, absence of ambiguity, and appropriate complexity.

DIKWP Example:Scenario: Human-AI Financial Reporting

  • Information (I): Financial reports laden with technical financial terminology.

  • Impact: Understandability deficiency impedes stakeholders' ability to interpret and act upon Information.

  • Outcome: Ms. Johnson finds it challenging to derive actionable Knowledge from complex reports, affecting investment decisions.

4. Summary of the 9-No Problems Framework
No ProblemDefinitionAffected DIKWP ComponentsExample Scenario
IncompletenessAbsence of necessary elements.Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K)Missing patient data in medical diagnosis.
InconsistencyConflicting or contradictory elements.Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K)Conflicting supplier data in supply chain.
ImprecisionVague or ambiguous elements.Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K)Vague calculus explanations in tutoring.
RelevancePertinence and applicability.Information (I), Knowledge (K)Irrelevant economic indicators in forecasting.
RedundancyUnnecessary repetition or duplication.Information (I), Knowledge (K)Duplicate pollutant measurements.
TimelinessCurrency and availability when needed.Information (I), Knowledge (K)Outdated market data in financial planning.
AccuracyCorrectness and reliability.Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K)Erroneous patient data entries.
AccessibilityEase of obtaining and utilizing information.Information (I), Knowledge (K)Technical jargon in tutoring materials.
UnderstandabilityClarity and comprehensibility of information.Information (I), Knowledge (K)Complex terminology in financial reports.
5. Implementation of the 9-No Problems Framework5.1 Identification and Detection

To effectively implement the 9-No Problems framework, organizations must establish mechanisms to identify and detect each communication deficiency within DIKWP components.


  • Data Audits: Regularly review Data for completeness and accuracy.

  • Consistency Checks: Implement algorithms to detect inconsistencies across Information and Knowledge bases.

  • Precision Analysis: Utilize natural language processing (NLP) tools to assess the precision of Knowledge explanations.

  • Relevance Filtering: Apply relevance scoring systems to ensure Information aligns with objectives.

  • Redundancy Elimination: Use data deduplication techniques to remove redundant Information and Knowledge.

  • Timeliness Monitoring: Set up real-time data feeds and alerts to maintain timely Information.

  • Accuracy Verification: Cross-validate Information against trusted sources to ensure accuracy.

  • Accessibility Enhancements: Design Information and Knowledge repositories with accessibility standards in mind.

  • Understandability Testing: Conduct usability studies and readability assessments to enhance Understandability.

5.2 Remediation Strategies

Once deficiencies are identified, targeted remediation strategies must be employed to address each No Problem.


  1. Incompleteness:

    • Action: Augment missing Data through additional data collection or integration of external sources.

    • Example: Incorporate missing demographic data into medical records.

  2. Inconsistency:

    • Action: Harmonize conflicting Information through data reconciliation processes.

    • Example: Standardize supplier lead time data in supply chain systems.

  3. Imprecision:

    • Action: Refine Knowledge explanations to eliminate ambiguity.

    • Example: Provide concrete examples and definitions in calculus tutoring materials.

  4. Relevance:

    • Action: Filter Information to ensure only contextually pertinent data is communicated.

    • Example: Exclude irrelevant economic indicators in financial reports.

  5. Redundancy:

    • Action: Remove duplicate Information and Knowledge entries to streamline communication.

    • Example: Eliminate repeated pollutant measurements in environmental monitoring.

  6. Timeliness:

    • Action: Update Information in real-time to maintain relevance.

    • Example: Integrate live market data feeds into financial forecasting models.

  7. Accuracy:

    • Action: Implement validation checks to ensure the correctness of Data and Information.

    • Example: Cross-verify patient data with reliable medical records.

  8. Accessibility:

    • Action: Enhance the accessibility of Information through user-friendly formats and interfaces.

    • Example: Translate technical reports into layman's terms for broader accessibility.

  9. Understandability:

    • Action: Simplify complex Information to enhance comprehensibility.

    • Example: Use visual aids and simplified language in financial reports to improve stakeholder understanding.

5.3 Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

To maintain the integrity of the 9-No Problems framework, continuous monitoring and iterative improvements are essential.


  • Feedback Loops: Gather feedback from stakeholders to identify ongoing deficiencies.

  • Automated Monitoring: Deploy AI-driven tools to continuously assess communication quality.

  • Regular Reviews: Conduct periodic reviews of DIKWP components to ensure compliance with the framework.

  • Training and Education: Educate stakeholders on the importance of addressing communication deficiencies and best practices for remediation.

6. Illustrative DIKWP-Based Examples6.1 Example 1: Human-AI Collaborative Medical Diagnosis

Scenario: Dr. Smith collaborates with AI-Diagnosis to diagnose a patient.

No ProblemDescriptionImpact on DIKWPRemediation
IncompletenessMissing patient age data.Incomplete Data leads to partial Information on symptom severity.Integrate missing demographic data into the patient record.
InconsistencyConflicting symptom severity reports from sources.Inconsistent Information disrupts Knowledge of potential diagnoses.Reconcile symptom reports through cross-verification and consensus algorithms.
ImprecisionVague diagnostic criteria for pneumonia.Imprecise Knowledge results in ambiguous treatment recommendations.Define specific diagnostic thresholds and provide detailed criteria for pneumonia diagnosis.
RelevanceIrrelevant lifestyle data included.Irrelevant Information clutters the diagnostic process.Filter out non-essential lifestyle data to focus on clinically relevant Information.
RedundancyDuplicate symptom entries from multiple inputs.Redundant Information overwhelms the diagnostic analysis.Implement data deduplication to remove duplicate symptom entries.
TimelinessDelayed lab results affecting diagnosis timing.Untimely Information delays Knowledge generation, affecting timely treatment decisions.Integrate real-time lab result updates into the AI-Diagnosis system for prompt Knowledge formation.
AccuracyErroneous lab result data entered.Inaccurate Data compromises the accuracy of Information and Knowledge, risking misdiagnosis.Cross-validate lab results with reliable sources to ensure Data accuracy.
AccessibilityComplex medical jargon in AI reports.Inaccessible Information prevents Dr. Smith from easily interpreting diagnostic suggestions.Simplify AI report language and include layman-friendly summaries for better Accessibility.
UnderstandabilityAmbiguous explanations of treatment options.Unclear Knowledge hinders effective decision-making for patient treatment.Provide clear, concise explanations of treatment options with visual aids to enhance Understandability.
6.2 Example 2: Human-AI Financial Forecasting

Scenario: Ms. Johnson collaborates with AI-Forecast to predict stock market trends.

No ProblemDescriptionImpact on DIKWPRemediation
IncompletenessAbsence of real-time stock data.Incomplete Data leads to partial Information, reducing forecasting accuracy.Integrate real-time stock data feeds into the AI-Forecast system.
InconsistencyConflicting trend indicators from different sources.Inconsistent Information disrupts Knowledge of accurate market trends.Harmonize trend indicators through consensus algorithms and standardized data sources.
ImprecisionVague percentage projections for stock growth.Imprecise Knowledge results in unclear investment strategies.Provide specific percentage growth projections with confidence intervals.
RelevanceInclusion of unrelated economic sectors in analysis.Irrelevant Information dilutes focus on critical market sectors.Filter economic sector data to include only those relevant to stock market trends being forecasted.
RedundancyDuplicate financial indicators across reports.Redundant Information causes data overload, complicating analysis.Implement data deduplication techniques to eliminate repeated financial indicators.
TimelinessDelayed reporting of geopolitical events.Untimely Information affects Knowledge of market impacts, leading to outdated forecasts.Integrate real-time geopolitical event monitoring into the AI-Forecast system for timely Knowledge updates.
AccuracyInaccurate historical market data entries.Inaccurate Data compromises Information and Knowledge, leading to faulty forecasting.Validate historical market data against trusted financial databases to ensure Accuracy.
AccessibilityComplex financial metrics not easily interpretable.Inaccessible Information prevents Ms. Johnson from effectively utilizing forecasts.Simplify financial metrics presentation and provide user-friendly dashboards for better Accessibility.
UnderstandabilityTechnical jargon in AI-generated reports.Unclear Knowledge hinders comprehension and application in investment strategies.Use clear, non-technical language in AI reports and include explanatory notes to enhance Understandability.
6.3 Example 3: Human-AI Educational Tutoring

Scenario: Alex interacts with AI-Tutor to learn calculus.

No ProblemDescriptionImpact on DIKWPRemediation
IncompletenessLack of detailed learning preferences.Incomplete Data leads to partial Information on Alex’s learning needs.Collect comprehensive data on Alex’s learning preferences and styles.
InconsistencyConflicting progress assessments from different modules.Inconsistent Information disrupts Knowledge of Alex’s true proficiency levels.Standardize progress assessment criteria and reconcile conflicting assessments through AI consensus algorithms.
ImprecisionVague explanations of integral concepts.Imprecise Knowledge results in unclear understanding and application of calculus concepts.Provide detailed, step-by-step explanations and illustrative examples for integral concepts.
RelevanceInclusion of unrelated mathematical topics.Irrelevant Information distracts from core calculus learning objectives.Ensure all Information aligns with the targeted calculus curriculum and Alex’s learning goals.
RedundancyRepetitive practice problems covering the same concept.Redundant Information leads to monotonous learning and decreased engagement.Diversify practice problems to cover different aspects and applications of the same concept without unnecessary repetition.
TimelinessDelayed feedback on assignments.Untimely Information affects Knowledge of Alex’s progress, hindering timely interventions.Implement real-time feedback mechanisms to provide immediate insights into Alex’s assignment performance.
AccuracyIncorrect solutions provided for practice problems.Inaccurate Data compromises Information and Knowledge, leading to misconceptions.Validate all practice problem solutions through expert review to ensure Accuracy.
AccessibilityComplex visual aids not compatible with assistive technologies.Inaccessible Information prevents Alex from effectively utilizing learning resources.Design visual aids with accessibility standards, ensuring compatibility with assistive technologies.
UnderstandabilityOverly technical language in explanations.Unclear Knowledge hinders Alex’s comprehension and ability to apply calculus concepts.Use simple, clear language and incorporate visual aids to enhance the Understandability of explanations.
4. Mathematical Justification for Introducing New X-No Problems4.1 Information Theory Perspective

Effective communication within the DIKWP framework necessitates not only the transmission of information but also its quality and applicability. Drawing from Shannon's Information Theory, the introduction of additional No Problems aligns with minimizing uncertainty (entropy) and maximizing the mutual information between communicators.

  • Entropy Reduction:Deficiencies like Relevance and Accuracy directly contribute to reducing uncertainty by ensuring that only pertinent and correct information is communicated.

  • Mutual Information Enhancement:Enhancements in Understandability and Accessibility increase the mutual information by ensuring that the recipient can effectively decode and utilize the information.

4.2 Set Theory and Coverage Analysis

Using set theory, the expanded set of No Problems ensures that all potential communication deficiencies are addressed without overlap, adhering to the Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive (MECE) principle.

  • Mutual Exclusivity:Each No Problem targets a distinct aspect of communication, preventing overlap and ensuring clarity in identification and remediation.

  • Collective Exhaustiveness:The combined set of nine No Problems comprehensively covers all critical dimensions of communication challenges within the DIKWP semantic space.

4.3 Empirical Validation and Data Quality Standards

The expanded framework is supported by established Data Quality Dimensions and Cognitive Load Theory, which emphasize the importance of factors like Accuracy, Timeliness, and Understandability in effective communication and data processing.

  • Data Quality Dimensions (Wang & Strong, 1996):Highlighting dimensions such as Accuracy, Timeliness, and Accessibility as critical for maintaining high-quality data and information.

  • Cognitive Load Theory (Sweller et al., 2011):Emphasizing the need to minimize Redundancy and enhance Understandability to optimize cognitive processing and learning outcomes.

5. Conclusion

The transition from the initial 3-No Problems to an expanded 9-No Problems framework significantly enhances the semantic completeness within the DIKWP model. By incorporating additional communication deficiencies—Relevance, Redundancy, Timeliness, Accuracy, Accessibility, and Understandability—the framework now comprehensively addresses the multifaceted nature of communication challenges.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Semantic Completeness:The 9-No Problems framework ensures that all critical aspects of communication deficiencies are identified and addressed within the DIKWP model.

  2. Mathematical Rigor:Each No Problem is defined with precise mathematical semantics, facilitating objective identification and remediation.

  3. Practical Applicability:Illustrative DIKWP-based examples demonstrate the real-world relevance and impact of each communication deficiency, highlighting the framework’s utility across diverse scenarios.

  4. Enhanced Human-AI Collaboration:By addressing a broader range of communication deficiencies, the framework fosters more effective and meaningful collaborations between humans and AI systems.


  • Adopt the Expanded Framework:Integrate the 9-No Problems into organizational communication protocols to ensure comprehensive coverage of potential deficiencies.

  • Develop Mathematical Tools:Create algorithms and metrics based on the formal definitions to detect and quantify these deficiencies in real-time interactions.

  • Empirical Validation:Conduct empirical studies across various domains to validate the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of the 9-No Problems framework.

  • Continuous Refinement:Regularly update and refine the framework based on emerging communication challenges and advancements in information theory and cognitive science.

Future Directions:

  • Advanced Mathematical Modeling:Explore more sophisticated mathematical models, such as Bayesian networks or fuzzy logic, to capture the nuanced interplay between different communication deficiencies.

  • AI-Driven Remediation:Develop AI systems capable of autonomously identifying and mitigating these communication deficiencies, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of human-AI collaborations.

  • Interdisciplinary Integration:Collaborate with fields like linguistics, cognitive psychology, and systems engineering to further refine and expand the framework, ensuring its adaptability to evolving communication landscapes.

By embracing a mathematically rigorous and comprehensive set of communication deficiencies, the DIKWP framework can better facilitate effective and meaningful interactions, ensuring that both human and AI stakeholders achieve their collaborative objectives with clarity, precision, and mutual understanding.

6. References
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  5. Sweller, J., Ayres, P., & Kalyuga, S. (2011). Cognitive Load Theory. Springer.

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7. Acknowledgments

The author extends gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his pioneering work on the DIKWP model and foundational theories in information science. Appreciation is also given to colleagues in mathematics, information theory, and cognitive science for their invaluable feedback and insights.

8. Author Information

Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to [Author's Name and Contact Information].

Keywords: DIKWP Model, 9-No Problems, Communication Deficiencies, Incompleteness, Inconsistency, Imprecision, Relevance, Redundancy, Timeliness, Accuracy, Accessibility, Understandability, Information Theory, Set Theory, Human-AI Interaction, Mathematical Framework





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