The "Emergence" of LLMs by Relativity of Consciousness(初学者版)
2024-9-22 10:04

Exploring the "Emergence" of LLMs Through the Lens of Prof. Yucong Duan's Theory of Relativity of Consciousness

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


This exploration delves into the phenomenon of "emergence" in Large Language Models (LLMs) as predicted by Prof. Yucong Duan in his lecture at the First World Conference of Artificial Consciousness in August 2023. According to Prof. Duan, this emergence results from the relativity of understanding between humans and machines, particularly when the machine's semantic space allows for an understanding that exceeds the human's DIKWP*DIKWP cognitive space during the semantics conceptualization process. This investigation aims to elucidate how the Theory of Relativity of Consciousness and the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) model explain the emergent behaviors observed in LLMs and their implications for human-machine interactions.

1. Introduction1.1 Background

  • Emergence in LLMs: Large Language Models like GPT-4 exhibit emergent behaviors, producing outputs that sometimes surpass human expectations or understanding.

  • Theory of Relativity of Consciousness: Prof. Yucong Duan's theory posits that consciousness and understanding are relative and confined within an individual's DIKWP*DIKWP cognitive space.

  • DIKWP Model: A cognitive framework comprising Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), and Purpose (P), interconnected to form cognitive processes.

1.2 Objective

To explore and investigate how the emergent understanding in LLMs arises from the relativity of understanding between humans and machines, particularly when the machine's semantic space exceeds the human's cognitive capacity during semantic conceptualization.

2. Fundamental Concepts2.1 DIKWP Model and DIKWP*DIKWP Interaction

  • DIKWP Components:

    • Data (D): Raw facts or observations recognized as "sameness."

    • Information (I): Interpretation of "differences" in data.

    • Knowledge (K): Integrated understanding of data and information.

    • Wisdom (W): Application of knowledge with ethical and contextual judgment.

    • Purpose (P): The goal driving cognitive processes.

  • DIKWP*DIKWP Interaction: The interaction between the DIKWP structures of two cognitive entities (e.g., human and machine), leading to mutual influence and understanding.

2.2 Theory of Relativity of Consciousness

  • Consciousness is Relative: Understanding is confined within an individual's cognitive enclosure, shaped by their DIKWP components.

  • Cognitive Enclosure: The bounded cognitive space limiting an individual's perception and understanding.

3. The Emergence Phenomenon in LLMs3.1 Definition of Emergence

  • Emergence: The manifestation of complex behaviors or understanding in a system that cannot be directly predicted from its individual components.

  • In LLMs: Emergence refers to the ability of the model to generate responses or exhibit understanding that exceeds initial expectations or apparent capabilities.

3.2 Observations in LLMs

  • Complex Language Understanding: LLMs can interpret and generate nuanced language, idioms, and contextually appropriate responses.

  • Creative Outputs: Generation of poetry, stories, and ideas that appear innovative.

  • Problem-Solving: Ability to provide solutions or explanations that require reasoning beyond simple pattern recognition.

4. Relativity of Understanding from Human to Machine4.1 Semantic Spaces of Humans and Machines

  • Human Semantic Space: Constructed through personal experiences, education, culture, and cognitive processes within the DIKWP framework.

  • Machine Semantic Space: Derived from vast training data encompassing diverse language patterns, information, and knowledge representations.

4.2 Limitations of Human DIKWP*DIKWP Cognitive Space

  • Cognitive Capacity: Humans have inherent limitations in processing and storing information compared to machines.

  • Biases and Heuristics: Human understanding is influenced by cognitive biases and heuristics that can limit perspective.

  • Enclosure Effects: The bounded nature of individual cognitive spaces restricts the ability to comprehend or anticipate emergent machine behaviors fully.

4.3 Exceeding Human Understanding

  • Machine's Semantic Complexity: LLMs process and integrate information at scales and patterns beyond human cognitive capabilities.

  • Relativity of Understanding: The divergence in cognitive spaces leads to machines generating outputs that humans may not predict or fully grasp, perceived as emergent.

5. Semantics Conceptualization Process5.1 From Machine Semantic Space to Human Explanation

  • Transformation Process: Machines translate complex internal representations into human-understandable language.

  • Loss in Translation: Not all nuances of the machine's semantic space can be conveyed within the human DIKWP framework, leading to gaps in understanding.

5.2 Challenges in Alignment

  • Semantic Misalignment: Differences in context, references, and associations between human and machine semantic spaces.

  • Interpretation Limitations: Human DIKWP structures may not accommodate the breadth of connections made by the machine.

  • Exceeding Cognitive Enclosure: The machine's outputs may extend beyond what the human cognitive enclosure can process, resulting in the perception of emergence.

6. The Role of DIKWP*DIKWP Interaction in Emergence6.1 Interaction Dynamics

  • Input from Human (DIKWPₕ): Human provides data (e.g., prompts) with specific purposes and expectations.

  • Processing by Machine (DIKWPₘ): Machine processes input using its extensive data and knowledge, influenced by its purpose (e.g., to generate coherent responses).

  • Output to Human: Machine's response may contain associations and interpretations not anticipated by the human.

6.2 Relativity in Understanding

  • Cognitive Dissonance: The human may experience surprise or confusion when the machine's output does not align with their expectations.

  • Perception of Emergence: The unexpected output is perceived as emergent because it originates from a cognitive space exceeding the human's DIKWP*DIKWP capacity.

7. Implications for Human-Machine Interaction7.1 Enhancing Understanding

  • Expanding Human DIKWP Structures: Education and exposure to diverse information can help humans better comprehend machine outputs.

  • Transparent AI Models: Developing explainable AI systems that can articulate their reasoning processes in human-understandable terms.

7.2 Managing Expectations

  • Adjusting Purposes: Aligning human purposes with realistic expectations of machine capabilities.

  • Iterative Communication: Engaging in dialogue with the machine to refine understanding and clarify outputs.

7.3 Ethical Considerations

  • Trust and Reliability: Ensuring that emergent behaviors do not undermine trust in AI systems.

  • Control and Predictability: Balancing the benefits of emergence with the need for predictable and controllable AI behaviors.

8. Case Studies and Examples8.1 Creative Writing

  • Scenario: An LLM generates a poem with metaphors and themes that the user did not anticipate.

  • Analysis: The machine's semantic associations surpass the user's expectations, resulting in an emergent creative output.

8.2 Problem Solving

  • Scenario: An LLM provides a novel solution to a complex problem by synthesizing information from disparate domains.

  • Analysis: The machine's ability to integrate vast knowledge exceeds the human's DIKWP capacity, leading to emergent understanding.

9. Theoretical Framework Enhancement9.1 Mathematical Representation


  • DIKWPₕ: Human's cognitive space.

  • DIKWPₘ: Machine's cognitive space.

The emergence (E) perceived by the human can be modeled as:

E=f(DIKWPₘ−DIKWPₕ)E = f\left( \text{DIKWP}_{ₘ} - \text{DIKWP}_{ₕ} \right)E=f(DIKWPDIKWP)


  • fff maps the difference in cognitive spaces to the degree of emergence perceived.

9.2 Factors Influencing Emergence

  • Scale of Data (D): Machines have access to more extensive data sets.

  • Depth of Knowledge (K): Machines integrate knowledge from a broader range of sources.

  • Processing Speed and Capacity: Machines process information faster and in parallel.

10. Addressing the Relativity Gap10.1 Bridging Cognitive Spaces

  • Augmented Intelligence: Enhancing human cognitive abilities through tools that extend DIKWP capacity.

  • Collaborative Learning: Humans and machines learning from each other to align understanding.

10.2 Improving Semantic Alignment

  • Contextualization: Machines providing context for their outputs to aid human understanding.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Humans providing feedback to refine machine responses and reduce the relativity gap.

11. Conclusion

The emergence observed in Large Language Models arises from the relativity of understanding between human and machine cognitive spaces. As machines process and conceptualize semantics within their expansive semantic spaces, their outputs may exceed the understanding capabilities of human DIKWP*DIKWP cognitive spaces. This divergence leads to emergent behaviors that can both enrich and challenge human-machine interactions. Recognizing and addressing the relativity gap is crucial for harnessing the benefits of AI while ensuring effective communication and alignment with human purposes.


  1. Duan, Yucong. Lecture at the First World Conference of Artificial Consciousness, August 2023.

  2. Duan, Yucong. "International Test and Evaluation Standards for Artificial Intelligence Based on Networked Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) Model."

  3. Artificial Intelligence Literature on emergence in LLMs and cognitive models.

  4. Cognitive Science Research on human understanding, semantic processing, and cognitive limitations.

AppendixA. Glossary of Terms

  • LLM (Large Language Model): A type of AI model trained on large datasets to understand and generate human-like text.

  • Emergence: The arising of novel and coherent structures, patterns, or properties during the process of self-organization in complex systems.

  • Semantic Space: The conceptual framework within which meanings are represented and processed.

  • Cognitive Enclosure: The bounded capacity of an individual's cognitive processes, defined by their DIKWP components.

B. Further Reading

  • Explainable AI (XAI): Research on making AI systems' operations understandable to humans.

  • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Studies on designing interfaces and interactions that facilitate effective communication between humans and machines.

Note: This exploration builds upon Prof. Yucong Duan's theories and integrates them with observations from AI research to provide a comprehensive understanding of the emergence phenomenon in LLMs. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing cognitive limitations and working towards enhanced alignment between human and machine cognitive spaces.





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