DIKWP Semantic Mathematics: A Glance
2024-9-19 10:25

DIKWP Semantic Mathematics: A Glance 

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Prepared by:

Prof. Yucong DuanInternational Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWP for Artificial Intelligence Evaluation (DIKWP-SC)World Artificial Consciousness CIC (WAC)

1. Introduction to DIKWP Semantic Mathematics1.1 Overview of the Framework

DIKWP Semantic Mathematics is a comprehensive mathematical framework designed to process and transform content across the five core components of DIKWP: Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), and Purpose (P). The aim of the framework is to provide a systematic approach for representing, processing, and transforming DIKWP content while maintaining the semantic integrity and contextual consistency of each element.

1.2 Objectives and Applications
  • Objectives:

    • Provide semantic precision in processing DIKWP content.

    • Ensure adaptability to different AI contexts and real-world applications.

    • Enable transparent processing in artificial intelligence systems to generate Artificial Consciousness with objectified subjectivity.

  • Applications:

    • Artificial Consciousness Systems: Creating advanced decision-making systems that handle subjective elements with objective consistency.

    • Cognitive Computing: Support for natural language understanding, knowledge reasoning, and automated decision-making.

    • Semantic Blockchain Systems: Encoding DIKWP transformations for secure, transparent, and objective semantic records.

2. Defining DIKWP Core Components and Their Mathematical Representations

Each DIKWP component is semantically defined, and mathematical transformations are developed to ensure content consistency across networked, bidirectional interactions.

2.1 Data (D)
  • Definition: Raw and unstructured content representing "sameness" (similar or identical properties).

  • Mathematical Representation:Let D={d1,d2,…,dn}D = \{d_1, d_2, \dots, d_n\}D={d1,d2,,dn} represent a set of data points. Data is categorized and grouped based on concrete properties.

  • Transformation Function:

    • From Data to Information (D → I):TDI(di)=ijT_{DI}(d_i) = i_jTDI(di)=ij, where iji_jij represents information derived from data did_idi.

2.2 Information (I)
  • Definition: Structured and contextualized content that identifies "differences" between data points.

  • Mathematical Representation:I={i1,i2,…,im}I = \{i_1, i_2, \dots, i_m\}I={i1,i2,,im} represents extracted information sets based on context and relationships.

  • Transformation Function:

    • From Information to Knowledge (I → K):TIK(ij)=kmT_{IK}(i_j) = k_mTIK(ij)=km, where kmk_mkm represents a structured knowledge node derived from information iji_jij.

2.3 Knowledge (K)
  • Definition: Coherent, structured, and complete representations of information, organizing content into logical frameworks (e.g., ontologies or knowledge graphs).

  • Mathematical Representation:K=(N,E)K = (N, E)K=(N,E), where NNN represents knowledge nodes and EEE represents the relationships between them.

  • Transformation Function:

    • From Knowledge to Wisdom (K → W):TKW(km)=wnT_{KW}(k_m) = w_nTKW(km)=wn, where wnw_nwn is wisdom, applying structured knowledge kmk_mkm to decision-making.

2.4 Wisdom (W)
  • Definition: Application of knowledge to make decisions based on long-term goals and ethical considerations.

  • Mathematical Representation:Let W={w1,w2,…,wp}W = \{w_1, w_2, \dots, w_p\}W={w1,w2,,wp}, representing decisions based on available knowledge.

  • Transformation Function:

    • From Wisdom to Purpose (W → P):TWP(wn)=GT_{WP}(w_n) = GTWP(wn)=G, where GGG represents the system’s goal or purpose, informed by wisdom wnw_nwn.

2.5 Purpose (P)
  • Definition: The overarching goal or objective that directs actions and decisions within the system.

  • Mathematical Representation:P=GP = GP=G, where GGG defines the purpose aligned with the DIKWP components.

  • Feedback Loops:Refinement functions ensure ongoing improvement and realignment based on outcomes:FPD(G,O)F_{PD}(G, O)FPD(G,O), FPI(G,O)F_{PI}(G, O)FPI(G,O), etc., where outcomes OOO drive updates to data, information, knowledge, and wisdom.

3. DIKWP Networked Transformations and Bidirectional Interactions

The DIKWP model operates in a networked manner, where any element can transform into another. This enables complex bidirectional transformations such as:

  • K → D (Knowledge generating new data insights).

  • W → I (Wisdom influencing the reinterpretation of existing information).

  • P → K (Purpose refining knowledge structures).

3.1 DIKWP*DIKWP Transformation Matrix

MDIKWP=(mDDmDImDKmDWmDPmIDmIImIKmIWmIPmKDmKImKKmKWmKPmWDmWImWKmWWmWPmPDmPImPKmPWmPP)M_{DIKWP} = \begin{pmatrix} m_{DD} & m_{DI} & m_{DK} & m_{DW} & m_{DP} \\ m_{ID} & m_{II} & m_{IK} & m_{IW} & m_{IP} \\ m_{KD} & m_{KI} & m_{KK} & m_{KW} & m_{KP} \\ m_{WD} & m_{WI} & m_{WK} & m_{WW} & m_{WP} \\ m_{PD} & m_{PI} & m_{PK} & m_{PW} & m_{PP} \end{pmatrix}MDIKWP=mDDmIDmKDmWDmPDmDImIImKImWImPImDKmIKmKKmWKmPKmDWmIWmKWmWWmPWmDPmIPmKPmWPmPP

  • Interpretation: The transformation matrix maps the interactive relationships between DIKWP elements, enabling the seamless flow of semantics between them.

4. Implementing DIKWP Semantic Mathematics in Systems4.1 DIKWP Semantic Blockchain
  • Concept: A blockchain designed to record semantics instead of merely conceptual data.

  • How It Works: Each block in the chain represents a DIKWP transformation (e.g., D → I, I → K), with a unique hash identifying the semantic changes.

  • Application: The blockchain can transparently record the progression of content, from raw data through to decisions, ensuring traceability and semantic consistency.

4.2 Semantic Communication Systems
  • Goal: Facilitate more effective human-machine communication by encoding the semantic meaning of information.

  • How It Works: A semantic communication protocol will interpret and transform natural language input into DIKWP components, enabling machines to understand intent (P) and meaning (I) at a deeper level.

5. Continuous Optimization of DIKWP-TRIZ and Patents Opportunities5.1 Integrating the 40 TRIZ Principles

The TRIZ principles can be mapped and integrated into the networked DIKWP transformations, enabling enhanced innovation opportunities, including patentable inventions:

  • Invention Example: An AI-driven semantic optimizer based on DIKWP-TRIZ that systematically evaluates incomplete or inconsistent content to propose optimized solutions through structured transformations.

5.2 The 3-No Problem and Artificial Consciousness
  • Challenge: Incomplete, inconsistent, and imprecise DIKWP content requires adaptive semantic transformation systems.

  • Solution: The mutual remedy between DIKWP content ensures continuous improvement and adaptive transformation, leading to more efficient decision-making systems for Artificial Consciousness.

6. Conclusion: Towards the Future of Artificial Consciousness

The DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework provides a foundation for creating intelligent systems that can objectify subjective elements such as meaning, intent, and context. This approach allows for scalable, adaptive, and transparent AI systems capable of decision-making aligned with long-term goals. By integrating the DIKWP-TRIZ principles, this framework can drive innovation and generate new patent opportunities across diverse fields.





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