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Foundation of DIKWP-TRIZ (初学者版)

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Foundation of DIKWP-TRIZ

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)

Foundation of DIKWP-TRIZ


The integration of the DIKWP model (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) with TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) offers a powerful framework for systematic innovation and problem-solving. By incorporating the formal semantics of DIKWP—particularly the concepts of "Sameness," "Difference," and "Complete"—we can enhance the DIKWP-TRIZ model to better facilitate cognitive processes in both human and artificial intelligence systems.

1. Enhancing Data Processing (Sameness)

Original Concept:

  • Sameness refers to recognizing and grouping raw data elements based on identical or similar characteristics, forming the foundation of data collection.

Improved Approach:

  • Formal Semantics Application: Utilize precise semantic definitions to categorize data more effectively. Define clear criteria for what constitutes "sameness" to improve data quality and relevance.

  • TRIZ Integration:

    • Principle 1 (Segmentation): Break down complex data sets into smaller, homogeneous groups based on shared attributes.

    • Principle 5 (Merging): Combine similar data groups to simplify processing without losing essential details.


  • Implement semantic algorithms that identify and cluster data points sharing defined attributes.

  • Use TRIZ principles to optimize data grouping, ensuring that data sets are both comprehensive and manageable.

2. Enhancing Information Processing (Difference)

Original Concept:

  • Difference involves identifying distinctions between data elements, transforming raw data into meaningful information through context and relationships.

Improved Approach:

  • Formal Semantics Application: Apply semantic networks to map out differences and relationships between data points, enabling deeper insight into patterns and anomalies.

  • TRIZ Integration:

    • Principle 13 (The Other Way Round): Examine data from different perspectives to uncover hidden differences.

    • Principle 10 (Preliminary Action): Anticipate differences by setting up criteria or thresholds for data comparison.


  • Develop semantic models that highlight significant differences relevant to the purpose.

  • Use TRIZ methodologies to resolve contradictions or conflicts identified in the data, enhancing the quality of information extracted.

3. Enhancing Knowledge Formation (Complete)

Original Concept:

  • Complete represents the synthesis of sufficient information into a coherent body of knowledge, providing comprehensive understanding.

Improved Approach:

  • Formal Semantics Application: Utilize ontologies and structured representations to ensure that knowledge encompasses all necessary facets of the information.

  • TRIZ Integration:

    • Principle 3 (Local Quality): Focus on specific areas where knowledge can be deepened or improved.

    • Principle 35 (Parameter Changes): Adjust parameters within the knowledge base to refine and enhance completeness.


  • Create comprehensive knowledge bases that are semantically rich and adaptable.

  • Use TRIZ to identify and fill gaps in knowledge, ensuring that the understanding is as complete as necessary for the purpose at hand.

4. Enhancing Wisdom Application

Original Concept:

  • Wisdom involves applying knowledge with insight, considering ethical, social, and contextual factors to make sound judgments.

Improved Approach:

  • Formal Semantics Application: Incorporate ethical ontologies and semantic reasoning to evaluate decisions against moral and societal norms.

  • TRIZ Integration:

    • Principle 32 (Color Changes): Introduce different perspectives or frameworks to view knowledge, enhancing wisdom.

    • Principle 37 (Thermal Expansion): Allow for flexibility and adaptability in applying wisdom to different contexts.


  • Implement systems that can semantically assess the implications of decisions, factoring in wisdom.

  • Use TRIZ to explore alternative solutions that align with ethical and societal values.

5. Enhancing Purpose Alignment

Original Concept:

  • Purpose defines the goals or objectives guiding the use and interpretation of wisdom, ensuring that cognitive processes are goal-oriented.

Improved Approach:

  • Formal Semantics Application: Clearly define the semantic representation of goals and objectives to align all processes effectively.

  • TRIZ Integration:

    • Principle 25 (Self-Service): Design systems that autonomously align actions with the defined purpose.

    • Principle 15 (Dynamics): Adapt purposes dynamically in response to changing conditions or new information.


  • Use semantic goal modeling to ensure that every stage from data to wisdom is aligned with the overarching purpose.

  • Apply TRIZ to continuously refine and adjust goals, maintaining relevance and effectiveness.

6. Dynamic Interaction and Evolution

Improved Understanding:

  • Recognize that Sameness, Difference, and Complete are not static concepts but evolve as new data and information emerge.

  • Formal Semantics Application: Employ semantic versioning and dynamic ontologies to accommodate changes.

  • TRIZ Integration:

    • Principle 35 (Parameter Changes): Continuously update parameters to reflect new insights.

    • Principle 10 (Preliminary Action): Prepare systems to handle future changes proactively.


  • Develop adaptive systems that evolve with the data, maintaining accuracy and relevance.

  • Use TRIZ principles to anticipate shifts and implement solutions preemptively.

7. Implementation in Artificial Intelligence

Applying the Enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ Model:

  • Recognition of Sameness:

    • AI systems use machine learning algorithms enhanced with semantic analysis to group similar data effectively.

  • Processing Differences:

    • AI identifies and learns from differences using advanced analytics and TRIZ-inspired problem-solving methods.

  • Synthesizing Completeness:

    • AI builds knowledge bases that are comprehensive and semantically rich, allowing for deeper understanding and reasoning.

  • Wisdom Integration:

    • AI incorporates ethical frameworks and societal norms into decision-making processes.

  • Purpose Alignment:

    • AI systems are designed with clear objectives, using goal-oriented architectures that adapt to changing purposes.


By integrating formal semantics into the DIKWP-TRIZ model, we enhance its capacity for systematic innovation and effective problem-solving. This improved framework ensures that:

  • Data is accurately collected and categorized.

  • Information is meaningfully extracted through the identification of differences.

  • Knowledge is comprehensive and applicable.

  • Wisdom guides decisions ethically and contextually.

  • Purpose aligns all processes toward achieving specific goals.

The dynamic interaction between Sameness, Difference, and Complete enables continuous learning and adaptation, which is crucial for both human cognition and the development of advanced AI systems.

Next Steps

  • Pilot Implementation: Test the enhanced DIKWP-TRIZ model in specific scenarios to evaluate its effectiveness.

  • Training Programs: Educate stakeholders on applying formal semantics and TRIZ principles within the DIKWP framework.

  • Continuous Improvement: Gather feedback and refine the model to address any challenges or limitations encountered.


  • DIKWP Model: Understanding cognitive processes from data to purpose.

  • TRIZ Methodology: Tools and principles for inventive problem-solving.

  • Formal Semantics: Techniques for precise meaning representation and processing.


上一篇:DIKWP语义数学导论:攻克哥德尔不完备定理 (初学者版)
下一篇:Mapping the DIKWP Model to the 40 TRIZ Principles(初学者版)
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