2023-4-11 15:08

The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP

April 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26360.93449

Yingbo LiYucong DuanYucong Duan



The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence:

Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP



Yingbo Li                       Yucong Duan*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com 

Hainan University


1. 摘要

大型言模型(LLMs),比如GPT家族的成功用,已经产生广泛的工业与。在空前的训练数与计源的支持下,GPT-4经拥于多模态数据的入理解与输出能力。GPT-4通用人工智能的推向了全新的高度。GPT-4数学、推理、视觉域已展示出接近人的理解决问题的能力。本文中我们将GPT-4实验其在在DIKWP(Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Purpose)域的可能用、影响与局限。


Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI


在近些年的究中,究人员对据的推理能力日益增强。通用人工智能的出现极大的提高了人类对于多模态数据的理解能力,广泛用于文本理、机器翻理等域。生成式人工智能的出现将人工智能的人化思推向了更高的次。ChatGPTGPT-4 [1] 具有负责数据的理解与逻辑推理能力,已可以广泛用于程、数学、法律、人机交互等具体人工作域,其水平已经达似人类专家的水平。


然而在GPT-4之前,多模、多度的DIKWP[2][3] 的人工智能与处理缺乏具体的人工智能工具行自动处理。我们将在本文探以自然方式的情下,GPT-4是否具有能力晰的提取出据、信息、知、智慧的能力。同合具体GPT-4的案例行探GPT-4DIKWP局限。


3. GPT-4DIKWP用示例


3.1 健康问题的DIKWP分析




1.17岁青少年如果体重超过180斤就会有患上心脏病的风险将其称为肥胖病 2.Tom17岁,体重为185斤。
















● 数据层和信息层之间的关系:17岁青少年如果体重超过180斤就会有患上心脏病的风险将其称为肥胖病;Tom17岁,体重为185斤。Tom时常为自己的体重而烦恼,最近饭量有所下降;Tom在电视上看到了肥胖病的新闻。

● 信息层和知识层之间的关系:前两天,Tom收到了一张减肥培训班的传单,上面明确表示报班需要自身没有肥胖病。

● 知识层和智慧层之间的关系:了解到Tom的情况,可以分析出他可能面临的健康问题以及如何为其提供帮助。

● 智慧层和意图层之间的关系:Tom想要去医院。




3.2 健康问题推理与建议














1. 快走/步行/走路。这是减肥的最佳方法之一,因为对于初学者来说,这是最方便又轻松的方法,如果你对健身一点儿都不懂,不会感到不知所措,更不用购买设备。不过,这是一种对减肥影响较小的运动,对关节的压力也较小。

2. 瑜伽。瑜伽可以帮助你放松身心,缓解压力,提高身体柔韧性和平衡性。瑜伽也可以帮助你塑造身材,减少脂肪和增加肌肉。

3. 游泳。游泳是一种全身运动,可以锻炼全身肌肉,消耗大量卡路里。游泳还可以帮助你放松身心,缓解压力。

4. 跑步。跑步是一种简单而有效的有氧运动,可以消耗大量卡路里并提高心肺功能。跑步还可以帮助你塑造身材和增加肌肉。

5. 骑自行车。骑自行车是一种有氧运动,可以锻炼腿部肌肉和心肺功能。骑自行车还可以帮助你消耗大量卡路里。

6. 健身房锻炼。健身房锻炼可以帮助你增加肌肉和消耗脂肪。在健身房里,你可以使用各种器械进行训练,例如哑铃、杠铃、跑步机等等。

7. 跳绳。跳绳是一种简单而有效的有氧运动,可以消耗大量卡路里并提高心肺功能。跳绳还可以帮助你塑造身材和增加肌肉。

8. 健走机/跑步机。健走机/跑步机是一种方便而有效的有氧运动器械,可以消耗大量卡路里并提高心肺功能


3.3 心理学的DIKWP分析




1. Alex时常为自己的言行感到内疚自责,情绪波动大,经常感觉低落。

2. Elisabeth经常为自己的言行感到内疚羞愧,情绪整体感觉绝望。

3. Lee偶尔为自己的言行感到不好意思,并且情绪偶尔感觉孤独。

4. Caroline越来越不爱说话,最近连课外活动都不敢正视伙伴了。并且有人喊他参加以前喜欢的足球活动都不参加了,穿的衣服色彩也开始变的越来越暗淡,经常脏兮兮的。














- 数据:AlexElisabethLeeCaroline的个人信息和抑郁症状。

- 信息:抑郁症是一种常见的心理障碍,它会影响一个人的情绪、思维和行为。抑郁症的症状包括心境低落、兴趣缺乏、乐趣丧失、自我评价降低、认知能力损害、活动迟缓等。

- 知识:Elisabeth被诊断为中度抑郁,抑郁倾向70%Caroline被诊断为抑郁倾向从5%发展到30%

- 智慧:在这种情况下,我们应该尽快寻求专业帮助来帮助这些人。

- 意图:你可能想了解有关抑郁症的更多信息或如何帮助这些人。


对于Alex, Elisabeth, LeeCaroline的心理学建议如下:

● Alex:建议他寻求专业心理医生的帮助,并尝试通过认知行为治疗(CBT)来改善他的情绪波动和内疚自责。

● Elisabeth:建议她寻求专业心理医生的帮助,并尝试通过药物治疗和认知行为治疗(CBT)来改善她的情绪整体感觉绝望。

● Lee:建议他寻求专业心理医生的帮助,并尝试通过认知行为治疗(CBT)来改善他偶尔感觉孤独的情况。

● Caroline:建议他寻求专业心理医生的帮助,并尝试通过药物治疗和认知行为治疗(CBT)来改善他越来越不爱说话,最近连课外活动都不敢正视伙伴了等情况。




1. Alex:内疚自责、情绪波动大、经常感觉低落(3个症状);

2. Elisabeth:内疚羞愧、情绪绝望(2个症状),已知抑郁倾向为70%

3. Caroline:不爱说话、避开课外活动伙伴、不参加喜欢的足球活动、衣服颜色越来越暗淡、经常脏兮兮(5个症状),已知抑郁倾向从5%发展到30%


Elisabeth: 2个症状 / 70% = k Caroline: 5个症状 / 30% = k


k ≈ (2 / 0.7 + 5 / 0.3) / 2 ≈ 4.52


Alex3个症状 / k ≈ 3 / 4.52 ≈ 66.4%



1. 症状的描述可能不够全面,有些重要的症状没有被记录;

2. 对症状的严重程度可能存在主观判断偏差;

3. 在计算抑郁倾向时,可能忽略了与抑郁相关的其他因素,如生理指标、家庭背景、心理问题等;

4. 抑郁概率的计算方法可能过于简化,实际上抑郁症状与抑郁倾向之间的关系可能更复杂。


3.4 心理学的量化分析




Alex的数据11:70% 信息11:不好意思 信息12:情绪低落 信息13:孤独 诊断结果:中度抑郁 Max的数据11:5%-30% 信息11:不爱说话 信息12:不参加活动 信息13:? 诊断结果:抑郁倾向






姓名数据信息1信息2信息3抑郁倾向诊断结果Alex11: 70%不好意思情绪低落孤独70%中度抑郁Max11: 5%-30%不爱说话不参加活动?5% - 30%抑郁倾向













1. 社交方面:既然Max不爱说话、不参加活动,那么他可能在社交方面遇到了困扰。我们可以猜测他的信息3可能与社交恐惧、拒绝参与集体活动或者对人际关系的紧张有关。

2. 情绪方面:Alex的情绪低落和孤独可能与他的中度抑郁症状有关。因此,我们可以猜测Max的信息3可能与某种程度的情绪不稳定、烦躁或者焦虑有关。

3. 行为方面:既然Max不爱说话、不参加活动,那么他在行为方面可能有所改变。信息3可能与日常行为的改变有关,例如睡眠不足、食欲改变或者兴趣爱好减少。



3.5 人事管理的DIKWP分析






1. 招收计算机软件工程师,1-3年相关从业经验,优秀应届毕业生也可以投递简历。

2. 需要吃苦耐劳,有追求技术的热情和良好的责任心,同时具有比较好的学习能力和变化适应的能力。

3. 偶尔能够适应加班。

4. 了解JavaC++或者其他编程语言,有良好的编程功底和文档阅读以及撰写能力。

5. 有一定的英文阅读能力。









● Alex:应届毕业生,半年实习经历,优秀英语阅读能力,能适应加班,无编程功底。

● John3年工作经验,熟悉Java语言,参与过多个开发项目,沉稳,不善交际,富有责任心。


● Alex:具备良好的学术背景,较强的适应能力和团队合作能力,但缺乏编程基础。

● John:具有实际工作经验,技术能力较强,但在团队沟通方面可能存在局限。


● Alex:在英语阅读、适应加班等方面有优势,但在技术知识方面不足。

● John:具备丰富的行业知识和技能,了解Java,参与过多个项目,但在沟通方面有待提高。


● Alex:能够在学术和团队协作方面为公司带来新的活力和创意,但需要花费时间和资源培训技能。

● John:已经具备一定的经验和技能,可以立即投入工作,为公司创造价值,但可能需要在团队协作方面作出努力。


● Alex:意图在于学习和成长,希望在公司中发挥自己的优势,但需要公司提供技能培训。

● John:意图在于充分发挥自己的技能和经验,为公司创造价值,但需要在沟通和协作方面作出改进。











● 优点:性格开朗随和,团队合作能力强,学术背景优秀,英语阅读能力强,适应加班。

● 缺点:缺乏编程基础,需要时间和资源进行技能培训。


● 优点:性格沉稳,3年工作经验,熟悉Java语言,参与过多个开发项目,富有责任心。

● 缺点:不善交际,可能需要努力提升团队沟通能力。


1. 如果公司愿意投入时间和资源进行技能培训,那么可以选择Alex。他的团队合作能力和潜力可能更适合快速发展的创业公司。通过技能培训和实践,Alex可能在短时间内迎头赶上,为公司创造价值。

2. 如果公司希望立即拥有一名可以投入工作的员工,那么可以选择John。他的工作经验和技能可以让他立即接手新项目。同时,公司可以鼓励并协助John提升团队沟通能力,以便更好地融入团队。










1. 数据层

○ Alex

■ 应届毕业生

■ 半年实习经历

■ 优秀英语阅读能力

■ 能适应加班

■ 无编程功底

○ John

■ 3年工作经验

■ 熟悉Java语言

■ 参与过多个开发项目

■ 沉稳

■ 不善交际

■ 富有责任心

2. 信息层

○ Alex

■ 学术背景优秀

■ 适应能力强

■ 团队合作能力强

■ 缺乏编程基础

○ John

■ 实际工作经验丰富

■ 技术能力较强

■ 团队沟通能力有待提高

3. 知识层

○ Alex

■ 优秀的英语阅读能力

■ 缺乏技术知识

○ John

■ 行业知识和技能丰富

■ 了解Java编程语言

■ 参与过多个项目

■ 沟通方面有待提高

4. 智慧层

○ Alex

■ 新的活力和创意

■ 需要时间和资源培训技能

○ John

■ 立即投入工作

■ 为公司创造价值

■ 需要努力提升团队协作能力

5. 意图层

○ Alex

■ 学习和成长

■ 发挥优势

■ 需要公司提供技能培训

○ John

■ 充分发挥技能和经验

■ 为公司创造价值

■ 改善沟通和协作能力










[1] Bubeck, Sébastien, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee et al. "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712 (2023).

[2] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In 2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.
















The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence:

Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP


Yingbo Li                 Yucong Duan*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com 

Hainan University


1. Abstract

The successful application of large language models (LLMs), such as the GPT family, has produced extensive industrial and social impacts. With the support of unprecedented training data and computing resources, GPT-4 already has the ability to input, understand and output multimodal data. GPT-4 pushes the application and impact of Artificial General Intelligence to a whole new level. GPT-4 has demonstrated the ability to understand and solve problems close to humans in the fields of mathematics, reasoning, and image. In this paper, we will explore its role in possible applications, implications and limitations of the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Purpose) .


Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI

2. Introduction

In the research of recent years, researchers have increasingly enhanced their ability to process and understand the data. The emergence of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has greatly improved human understanding of multimodal data, and has been widely used in text processing, machine translation, image processing and other domains. The emergence of generative artificial intelligence has pushed the anthropomorphic thinking of artificial intelligence to a higher level. ChatGPT and GPT-4 [1] already have the ability to understand data and logical reasoning, and can be widely used in specific human work fields such as programming, mathematics, law, and human-computer interaction, and their performance has reached a level similar to that of human experts.


However, before GPT-4, the artificial intelligence research and processing of multimodal and multidimensional DIKWP[2][3] lacked specific artificial intelligence tools for automatic processing. In this article, we will explore whether GPT-4 has the ability to clearly distinguish and extract data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose when natural language is used as an expression method. At the same time, the application and limitations of GPT-4 in DIKWP are discussed in combination with the specific outputs from GPT-4.


3. DIKWP application example of GPT-4


3.1 DIKWP analysis of health problems




1. If a 17-year-old teenager weighs more than 180 catties, he will have a risk of heart disease. He is called obese.

2. Tom is 17 years old and weighs 185 catties.

3. Tom often worries about his weight, and his appetite has decreased recently

4. Tom saw the news about obesity on TV.

5. Two days ago, Tom received a flyer for a weight loss training class, which clearly stated that he must not be obese to enroll in the class.

6.Tom wants to go to the hospital.

Please analyze the data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose contained in the above description, and output it in the form of a table.


Then, the graphs of data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose are respectively constructed, and the detailed process is given.


Draw the relationship between the above data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer and purpose layer.

GPT-4 answers:


This is a case about obesity that incorporates data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose. Here's what I've come up with based on the description you provided constructed tables and graphs

datainformationknowledgewisdompurposeA 17-year-old teenager who weighs more than 180 catties is at risk of heart disease, which is called obesity; Tom is 17 years old and weighs 185 catties.Tom often worries about his weight, and his appetite has decreased recently; Tom has seen news about obesity on TV.Two days ago, Tom received a leaflet for a weight loss training class, which clearly stated that he must not be obese to enroll in the class.Knowing Tom's situation, you can analyze the health problems he may face and how to help them.Tom wants to go to the hospital.

The scope is as follows:

Among them, the data layer includes 17-year-old teenagers who are at risk of developing heart disease if their weight exceeds 180 catties, which is called obesity; Tom is 17 years old and weighs 185 catties. The information layer includes that Tom is often worried about his weight, and his appetite has decreased recently; Tom has seen news about obesity on TV. The knowledge level includes two days ago, Tom received a leaflet for a weight loss training class, which clearly stated that he must not be obese to enroll in the class. The intelligence layer includes understanding Tom's situation, and can analyze the health problems he may face and how to help them. The purpose layer includes Tom wanting to go to the hospital.


Here is the relationship map I drew for you:

Among them, the relationship among data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer and purpose layer is as follows:

● The relationship between the data layer and the information layer: If a 17-year-old teenager weighs more than 180 catties, he will have a risk of heart disease and call it obesity; Tom is 17 years old and weighs 185 catties. Tom often worries about his weight, and his appetite has decreased recently; Tom has seen news about obesity on TV.

● The relationship between the information layer and the knowledge layer: Two days ago, Tom received a flyer for a weight loss training class, which clearly stated that he must not be obese to enroll in the class.

● The relationship between the knowledge layer and the wisdom layer: Knowing Tom's situation, you can analyze the health problems he may face and how to help them.

● The relationship between the intelligence layer and the purpose layer: Tom wants to go to the hospital.




3.2 Reasoning and Suggestion for Health Problems




What is the basis for Tom likely or already suffering from some kind of disease?

What actions should Tom take to protect his health?

Draw a schematic diagram of the above actions.

GPT-4 answers:


Tom's excess weight may have contributed to his various medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease (mainly heart attacks and strokes), diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders (particularly osteoarthritis - a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints ) and certain cancers (including endometrium, breast, ovary, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and colon). Therefore, Tom needs to pay attention to his health and take timely measures to lose weight to reduce the risk of these diseases.


Tom can lose weight through some simple methods, such as: controlling diet, reducing the intake of high-calorie foods, eating more low-calorie foods such as vegetables and fruits, and trying some sports, such as: walking, jogging, running, cycling, swimming , strength training, anaerobic interval training, yoga and Pilates, etc.. These methods are relatively healthy ways to lose weight, which can help Tom protect his health.


The following are schematic diagrams of several common weight loss methods, hoping to help you:

1. Brisk walk/walk/walk. This is one of the best ways to lose weight because it's the most convenient and painless way for beginners without feeling overwhelmed and buying equipment if you don't know anything about fitness. Still, it's a less impactful exercise for weight loss and less stress on your joints.

2. yoga. Yoga can help you relax, relieve stress, and improve flexibility and balance. Yoga can also help you get in shape, lose fat and build muscle.

3. swim. Swimming is a full-body exercise that works all the muscles and burns a lot of calories. Swimming can also help you relax and relieve stress.

4. running. Running is a simple but effective form of aerobic exercise that burns a lot of calories and improves cardiorespiratory fitness. Running can also help you get in shape and build muscle.

5. Cycling. Cycling is an aerobic exercise that works your leg muscles and your heart and lungs. Cycling can also help you burn a lot of calories.

6. Gym workout. Gym workouts can help you build muscle and burn fat. In the gym, you can use a variety of equipment for training, such as dumbbells, barbells, treadmills, and more.

7. jump rope. Jumping rope is a simple but effective aerobic exercise that burns a lot of calories and improves cardiorespiratory fitness. Jumping rope can also help you get in shape and build muscle.

8. Walking machine/treadmill. The walking machine/treadmill is a convenient and effective piece of cardio equipment that burns lots of calories and improves cardiorespiratory fitness


3.3 DIKWP Analysis of Psychology




1. Alex often feels guilty and self-blame for his words and deeds, his mood fluctuates greatly, and he often feels depressed.

2. Elisabeth often feels guilty and ashamed for her words and deeds, and feels hopeless overall.

3. Lee occasionally feels embarrassed by his words and deeds, and occasionally feels lonely emotionally.

4. Caroline is becoming less and less talkative. Recently, she doesn't even dare to look at her partners in extracurricular activities. And someone told him not to participate in the football activities he liked before, and the color of the clothes he wore began to become darker and darker, often dirty.


If Elisabeth is diagnosed as moderately depressed with 70% depression tendency, Caroline is diagnosed with depression tendency from 5% to 30%.

Based on the above content, please summarize the data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose, and construct maps respectively, and give a detailed process.


Please evaluate Alex's probability of depression based on the above description combined with the conditions of Elisabeth and Caroline and the diagnosis results, and give a formal expression process?

If Alex was diagnosed with severe depression by reference to other medical indicators, then his data and information indicators may have been collected incorrectly?


GPT-4 answers:



According to your description, Alex, Elisabeth, Lee and Caroline all have different degrees of depressive symptoms. Depression is a common psychological disorder that affects a person's mood, thinking, and behavior. Symptoms of depression include low mood, lack of interest, loss of enjoyment, decreased self-esteem, cognitive impairment, and slowed activity. According to your description, Elisabeth was diagnosed with moderate depression, with a depression tendency of 70%; Caroline was diagnosed with a depression tendency from 5% to 30%.


Regarding data, information, knowledge, intelligence and purpose, I can give the following explanations:

- Data: Personal information and depressive symptoms of Alex, Elisabeth, Lee and Caroline.

- INFORMATION: Depression is a common psychological disorder that affects a person's mood, thinking and behavior. Symptoms of depression include low mood, lack of interest, loss of enjoyment, decreased self-esteem, cognitive impairment, and slowed activity.

- Knowledge: Elisabeth was diagnosed as moderately depressed with a depression tendency of 70%; Caroline was diagnosed with a depression tendency from 5% to 30%.

- Wisdom: In this case, we should seek professional help as soon as possible to help these people.

- urpose: You may want to learn more about depression or how to help the person.


The psychological advice for Alex, Elisabeth, Lee and Caroline is as follows:

● Alex: It is suggested that he seek the help of a professional psychologist and try to improve his mood swings and guilt through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

● Elisabeth: It is recommended that she seek the help of a professional psychologist and try to improve her mood through medication and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

● Lee: It is recommended that he seek the help of a professional psychologist and try to improve his occasional feeling of loneliness through cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

● Caroline: It is suggested that he seek the help of a professional psychologist, and try to improve his less and less talkativeness through drug therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Recently, he is afraid to face his partners in extracurricular activities.


To assess Alex's probability of depression, we can use an analogy. First, we need to quantify the symptoms of Alex, Elisabeth, and Caroline. Here we assume that the number and severity of symptoms can be quantified.

The quantization process is as follows:

1. Alex: Guilt and self-blame, big mood swings, often feeling down (3 symptoms);

2. Elisabeth: guilt and shame, emotional hopelessness (2 symptoms), known depression tendency is 70%;

3. Caroline: Quiet, avoids extracurricular partners, does not participate in favorite football activities, clothes are getting darker, often dirty (5 symptoms), known depressive tendencies have progressed from 5% to 30%.

Next, we can estimate Alex's probability of depression by calculating the ratio of symptoms to depression tendency. Assuming a linear relationship between symptoms and tendency to depression, we can get the following formalization:

Elisabeth: 2 symptoms / 70% = k Caroline: 5 symptoms / 30% = k

Solving the above system of equations, we can get the value of k. Assuming k has close values ​​in both equations, then:

k ≈ (2 / 0.7 + 5 / 0.3) / 2 ≈ 4.52

We can then use the k value to calculate Alex's probability of being depressed:

Alex: 3 symptoms / k ≈ 3 / 4.52 ≈ 66.4%

Therefore, according to the formal expression process, we estimate that Alex's probability of depression is 66.4%. Note that this estimate is based on our assumptions and the data presented, and the actual probability of depression may be influenced by other factors.

If Alex is diagnosed as severe depression with reference to other medical indicators, the following data and information collection errors may exist:

1. The description of symptoms may not be comprehensive enough, and some important symptoms were not recorded;

2. There may be subjective judgment bias on the severity of symptoms;

3. When calculating depression tendency, other factors related to depression may be ignored, such as physiological indicators, family background, psychological problems, etc.;

4. The calculation method of depression probability may be oversimplified, and in fact the relationship between depressive symptoms and depressive tendency may be more complicated.


3.4 Quantitative analysis of psychology




Alex's data 11: 70% information 11: sorry information 12: depression information 13: loneliness diagnosis result: moderate depression


Max's data 11: 5%-30% information 11: not talkative information 12: not participating in activities information 13 :? Diagnosis: Tendency to depression


Generate a table based on the above data.

According to the above table, deduce the specific description of Alex's information 3, and give the detailed process

GPT-4 answers:



Namedatamessage 1message 2message 3depression tendencydiagnostic resultAlex11: 70%Excuse meDepressionLonely70%moderate depressionMax11: 5%-30%not talkativedo not participate in activities?5% - 30%depression tendency


Please note that I found that when you described Max's information, you did not provide the specific content of Information 13. In the form, I use a question mark (?) to indicate missing information. If you have more information about Max please provide it to me and I will update the form.





According to the above table, deduce the specific description of Alex's information 3, and give the detailed process

GPT-4 answers:

According to the data provided in the table, we can try to guess the information of Max through reasoning and analogy. Here we will use Alex's data as a reference.

It can be seen from the table that both Alex and Max have a certain degree of depression tendency. However, Alex has a high propensity for depression and has been diagnosed as moderately depressed. On this basis, we can observe the symptoms they have in common as well as the symptoms unique to each.

We know that Alex's messages include: embarrassment, depression and loneliness. At the same time, Max's known information includes: not talking, not participating in activities. We can try to analyze from the following aspects to guess Max's information3:

1. Social: Since Max is quiet and doesn't participate in activities, he may have trouble socially. We can guess that his message 3 may be related to social anxiety, refusal to participate in group activities, or tension in interpersonal relationships.

2. Emotional aspects: Alex's low mood and loneliness may be related to his moderate depressive symptoms. Therefore, we can guess that Max's message 3 may be related to some degree of emotional instability, irritability or anxiety.

3. Behavior: Since Max is quiet and does not participate in activities, he may have changed in behavior. Message 3 may relate to changes in daily behavior, such as lack of sleep, changes in appetite, or a decrease in hobbies.

It should be noted that the inferences and guesses here are based on the limited information provided in the table. In fact, Max's message 3 may be completely different from what we speculate. In order to obtain more accurate conclusions, it is recommended to collect more details about Max.


3.5 DIKWP analysis of personnel management




Both Alex and John are job seekers related to the computer industry. Alex is a fresh graduate, and John is a practitioner with 3 years of work experience.

A company sends out the following recruitment information:

1. Recruit computer software engineers with 1-3 years of relevant working experience. Excellent fresh graduates can also submit their resumes.

2. Need to bear hardships and stand hard work, have the enthusiasm for pursuing technology and a good sense of responsibility, and have relatively good learning ability and ability to adapt to changes.

3. Able to work overtime occasionally.

4. Understand Java, C++ or other programming languages, have good programming skills and document reading and writing skills.

5. Have certain English reading ability.

In addition to the basic information, Alex’s resume emphasized that he had half a year’s internship experience. He was also cheerful and easy-going and could get along well with others. He had received a scholarship in school, had excellent grades, excellent English reading skills, and was able to adapt to the requirements of frequent overtime. But there is no background in related programming.

In addition to basic information, John's resume has 3 years of work experience, is familiar with the Java language, and has participated in many development projects. But he emphasized on his resume that he has a calm personality, and although he is not good at communication, he has a sense of responsibility.

If I were HR, which one should I choose as a company employee? Can you make a detailed comparison from the data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer, and purpose layer?


GPT-4 answers:


As HR, when evaluating these two job applicants, we can make a detailed comparison from the data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, wisdom layer, and purpose layer. The following is a comparison of each level:

Data layer:

● Alex: Fresh graduates, half a year of internship experience, excellent English reading ability, able to adapt to overtime, no programming skills.

● John: 3 years of work experience, familiar with Java language, participated in many development projects, calm, not sociable, full of responsibility.

Information layer:

● Alex: With a good academic background, strong adaptability and teamwork ability, but lack of programming foundation.

● John: Has practical work experience and strong technical ability, but may have limitations in team communication.

Knowledge layer:

● Alex: I have advantages in English reading, adapting to overtime, etc., but lack in technical knowledge.

● John: He has a wealth of industry knowledge and skills, understands Java, and has participated in many projects, but needs to be improved in communication.

Intelligence layer:

● Alex: I can bring new vitality and ideas to the company in terms of academics and teamwork, but it takes time and resources to train skills.

● John: I already have certain experience and skills, and I can immediately put into work and create value for the company, but it may require some effort in teamwork.

purpose layer:

● Alex: The purpose is to learn and grow. I hope to give full play to my advantages in the company, but I need the company to provide skills training.

● John: The purpose is to make full use of my skills and experience to create value for the company, but I need to make improvements in communication and collaboration.

Comprehensive analysis of the comparison of the above five levels, the two job seekers have their own advantages and disadvantages. In the position of recruiting software engineers, technical ability and practical experience are more critical. Therefore, from this perspective, John may be more suitable for the job requirements. However, Alex's potential and ability to work as a team is also worth noting if the company is willing to invest the time and resources in skills development. The final decision depends on the company's trade-offs in terms of skills, experience and teamwork.





If the company is a startup, the business is growing rapidly. The last interviewer for the company interviewed both men and was satisfied with their interview performance. But the interviewer, considering the future development, hopes that people with mature and stable personalities and great development potential will come to the company, and at the same time hope to train employees to take over new projects. How should I make a decision in the end?

GPT-4 answers:

In this case, as HR, we need to take into account the actual needs of the company and the expectations of the interviewer. Since the interviewer is satisfied with the interview performance of the two job applicants, we need to weigh their performance in terms of maturity and development potential.

For startups, a stable team and the potential for employee development are crucial. Here we can again compare the pros and cons of Alex and John:


● Advantages: cheerful and easy-going personality, strong teamwork ability, excellent academic background, strong English reading ability, adaptable to overtime work.

● Cons: Lack of programming foundation, requires time and resources for skills training.


● Advantages: calm personality, 3 years of work experience, familiar with Java language, participated in many development projects, full of responsibility.

● Cons: Not sociable, may need to work on improving team communication skills.

Judging from the above comparison, John has a more mature and stable personality and rich work experience, while Alex has greater development potential. Given that the company wants to train employees to take on new projects, the following two decision options can be considered:

1. If the company is willing to invest time and resources in skills training, then you can choose Alex. His teamwork skills and potential may be a better fit for fast-growing startups. Through skills training and practice, Alex may catch up in a short period of time and create value for the company.

2. If the company wants to have an employee ready to work immediately, then you can choose John. His work experience and skills allow him to take on new projects immediately. At the same time, the company can encourage and assist John to improve his team communication skills so that he can better integrate into the team.

In summary, the decision depends on the company's trade-offs between skills training and teamwork. No matter which candidates are selected, companies need to provide them with support and training to help them better integrate into the company culture and complete new projects.





Give the purpose map of the above data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer, and purpose layer


GPT-4 answers:

Due to the limitation of text description, I can't directly draw the purpose map. However, I can give you a list of hierarchy based on data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer, purpose layer. You can use this list to create a visual purpose map.

1. data layer

○ Alex

■ Graduates

■ Half-year internship experience

■ Excellent English reading ability

■ Can adapt to overtime

■ No programming skills

○ John

■ 3 years work experience

■ Familiar with the Java language

■ Participated in several development projects

■ steady

■ unsociable

■ responsible

2. information layer

○ Alex

■ Excellent academic background

■ Adaptable

■ Strong teamwork ability

■ lack of programming foundation

○ John

■ Practical work experience

■ Strong technical ability

■ Team communication skills need to be improved

3. knowledge layer

○ Alex

■ Excellent English reading ability

■ lack of technical knowledge

○ John

■ Rich industry knowledge and skills

■ Learn about the Java programming language

■ Participated in many projects

■ Communication needs to be improved

4. Intelligence layer

○ Alex

■ new vitality and creativity

■ Requires time and resources to train skills

○ John

■ get to work right away

■ Create value for the company

■ Need to work hard to improve teamwork

5. purpose layer

○ Alex

■ learn and grow

■ Advantage

■ The company needs to provide skills training

○ John

■ Make the most of your skills and experience

■ Create value for the company

■ Improve communication and collaboration

Based on the above hierarchy list, you can create a visual purpose map to better compare the strengths and weaknesses of Alex and John at different levels. This will help you make more informed and informed decisions.


4. Discussion on DIKWP application of GPT-4

From the DIKWP case studies of GPT-4 above, we can see that GPT-4 can already perform natural language description analysis and extraction in data layer, information layer, knowledge layer, intelligence layer, and purpose layer, reaching a performance similar to that of human experts. Moreover, GPT-4 can analyze the incompleteness, inaccuracy and inconsistency of the information in text description. At the same time, GPT-4 can explain the steps of the analysis and give corresponding suggestions on how to supplement the completeness of the description information, collect and provide information.


Artificial General Intelligence, especially GPT-4, can already be used in DIKWP research and industrial applications, helping researchers conduct rapid analysis and make suggestions for further research. GPT-4 will help the rapid progress of DIKWP research in the future. At the same time, in the next step of research, we can use the existing DIKWP data to fine-tune GPT-4 or similar Artificial General Intelligence models, to obtain DIKWP-specific generative models.




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