


已有 3472 次阅读 2021-4-1 07:25 |系统分类:教学心得


 A. 开课宗旨 

    The last 15 years have witnessed important progresses in our understanding of the mechanism of superconductivity in the high-Tc cuprates. There is now strong evidence that the strange metal behavior is induced by the quantum critical fluctuation at the pseudogap end point, where the Fermi surface changes its topology from hole-like to electron-like. However, experiments show that the quantum critical behavior in the high-Tc cuprates is qualitatively different from that observed in the heavy Fermion systems and the iron-based superconductors, in both of which the quantum critical behavior can be attributed to the quantum phase transition toward a symmetry breaking phase. The fact that the pseudogap exists as a spectral gap without a corresponding symmetry breaking order, together with the fact that the strange metal behavior occurs as a quantum critical behavior without a corresponding symmetry breaking phase transition, exposes the central difficulty of the field: the lack of a universal low energy effective theory description of the high-Tc phenomenology beyond the Landau paradigm. Recent experiments imply that the dualism between the local moment and the itinerant quasiparticle character of the electron in the high-Tc cuprates may serve as an organizing principle to go beyond the Landau paradigm and may hold the key to the mystery of the pseudogap phenomena and the strange metal behavior. It is the purpose of this course to provide a cohrent introduction to the phenomenology and related physical understanding of the high-Tc cuprate superconductors. 

 B. 本课程的参考书籍与文献 


 (1) Scattering and Pairing in Cuprate Superconductors, L. Taillefer, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. 1, 50 (2010).      

 (2) Energy gaps in high-transition-temperature cuprate superconductors, M. Hashimoto, et al.,Nature Physics 10, 483 (2014).

 (3) From quantum matter to high-temperature superconductivity in copper oxides, B. Keimer, S.A. Kivelson, M.R. Norman, S. Uchida and J. Zaanen, Nature 518,179 (2015). 

 (4) Resonant X-Ray Scattering Studies of Charge Order in Cuprates, R. Comin and A. Damascelli, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. 7, 369 (2016). 

 (5) A Tale of Two Metals, N. E. Hussey, J. Buhot, S. Licciardello, Rev. Prog. Phys. 81, 052501 (2018). 

 (6) The Remarkable Underlying Ground States of Cuprate Superconductors, C. Proust and L. Taillefer, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. 10, 409 (2019). 

 (7) The Strange Metal State of the Electron-Doped Cuprates, R. L. Greene, et al, Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. Phys. 11, 213 (2020).

 (8) Leading theories of the cuprate superconductivity: a critique, N. Singh, Physica C:, 580, 1353782 (2020).   

 (9) The Physics of Pair-Density Waves: Cuprate Superconductors and Beyond, D. F. Agterberg, et al., Ann. Rev. Cond. Matt. 11, 231 (2020). 

 (10) Charge ordering in superconducting copper oxides, A. Frano, S. Blanco-Canosa, B. Keimer and R. J Birgeneau, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 374005 (2020). 

(11) A short review of the recent progresses in the study of the cuprate superconductivity,Tao Li, arXiv:2103.13595(an invited review submitted to Chinese Physics B). 


(12) Correlated electrons in high-temperature superconductors, E. Dagotto Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 763 (1994). (13) Pairing symmetry in cuprate superconductors, C.C. Tsuei and J.R. Kirtley, Rev. Mod. Phys. 72, 969 (2000). 

 (14) Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the cuprate superconductors, A. Damascelli, Z. Hussain, and Z.-X. Shen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 75, 473 (2003).

 (15) Quantum- critical theory of the spin- fermion model and its application to cuprates: Normal state analysis, A. Abanov, A.V. Chubukov and J.Schmalian, Advances in Physics, 52, 119 (2003).

 (16) The physics behind high-temperature superconducting cuprates: the 'plain vanilla' version of RVB, P. W. Anderson, P. A. Lee, M. Randeria, T. M. Rice, N. Trivedi and F. C. Zhang, J. Phys: Cond. Matt. 16, R755 (2004). 

 (17) Electrodynamics of high-Tc superconductors, D. N. Basov and T. Timusk, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 721 (2005). 

 (18) Doping a Mott insulator: physics of high-temperature superconductivity, P. A. Lee, N. Nagaosa and X.-G. Wen, Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 17 (2006). 


 (19) 铜氧化物高温超导电性实验与理论研究,韩汝珊主编,科学出版社 (2009). 

 (20) d-波超导体,向涛著,科学出版社 (2007). 

 C. 课程时间安排(以下每小节内容约占三个课时) 


 1. 超导现象及其研究简史,高温超导的主要物理现象,所涉及的物理问题及其研究意义 


















 16.Hubbard模型,Heisenberg模型与t-J 模型及其基本性质 



















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