嫦娥4号即将发射,目的地月球dark side
2018-12-5 23:32

China is about to land a spacecraft on the dark side of the moon


The article introduced a news in astronautics /,æstrə'nɔtɪks/. China’s Chang’e-4 will be the first lunar lander to touch the dark side of the moon which is the natural satellite of Earth. Since China National Space Administration(CNSA) has kept information pretty tightly under wraps, we no less about details. But it is rumored that it will launch at December 8 Beijing time and speculated to land at Von Karman crater. Many preparation works has been down to help this mission successful. For instance, a communications satellites, Queqiao has been launched in May. China began its lunar exploration program in 2004 and Chang’e-3 rover was the first spacecraft to land on the moon since the Soviet Union’s sample return mission in 1996. Chang’e 5 scheduled for launch next year will attempt to bring lunar samples back and Google’s Lunar XPrize contestants could likely be seen next years.


Earth’s natural satellite

the first lunar lander to touch the far side of

kept information pretty tightly under wraps; Foggy on the details

世界调整时间(Universal Time Coordinated----UTC

in the early hours of December 8 Beijing time, December 7 UTC

is speculated to be

Von Kármán crater /'kretɚ/

oldest basin /'besn/

To combat this, China````

communications satellite

The Chinese Lunar Exploration Program

The China National Space Administration (CNSA)

unmanned orbiting probes

The Chang’e-3 rover /'rovɚ/

the Soviet Union /'sovɪ'ɛt/

plans for upcoming moon landers

Google’s Lunar XPrize contestants





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