2019-10-7 12:21

7.3 短语动词与动词短语


在词法结构上,短语动词(Phrasal Verb)与动词短语(Verbal Phrase)均为含动词和小品词(副词、介词等)的短语,且两者多为固定习语。但两者在词法结构与句法功用上是有区别的:短语动词是指一个不可拆分的短语整体仅充当谓语动词”,动词短语则是指“一个含动词的词组,其通常不仅充当谓语动词,还带有宾语等其它句子成份


a) This is the girl whom I learn the news of/from我就是这位姑娘那里听到的(获悉的)这条消息(这就是我由她而听说/获悉这条消息的那位姑娘)。

b) This is the book that/ which you can refer to这就是你可以参考的那本书。

c) This is the book that/ which you are looking for. 这就是你正在找的那本书。

d) A nurse is a person who looks after patients. 护士就是照顾病人的人。


e) He always lives up to his word他向来说话算数

f)  For some persons, it’s an effectively educational method to pay them back in their own coins within the limits permitted by law. 在合法范围之内以其人之道而治其人之身,对某些人来说是有效的教育方法。




1 动词 + 副词,如:

  a) After the accident he blacked out and couldn’t remember what happened. 事故之后他昏了过去,不记得发生了什么事。

  b) Let’s break off and have some tea. 我们歇会儿,喝点儿茶吧。

  c) The total at the top of the page is markedbrought forward”本页上端的总数被标注着“承上页”。

d) The election will be brought forward to June, as so many people are on holiday in July. 选举提前至六月份,因为许多人通常在七月份休假。


 answer back 顶嘴;

 act out  演出,实现;

 add up 加起来,总之;

 black out 涂黑,删去,灯火管制,昏厥:

 break away 逃离,断绝(政治、宗教)关系;

 break down 故障、损坏、停顿、失败、破裂、浅释;

 break off 使折断,终止,中止(歇一会儿);

 break out 突破(围堵),爆发;

 break through 突破(防线、学术研究瓶颈),克服,征服;

 break up 终止,停止,(婚姻)破裂,(公司)解散;

 bring about 产生,引起,使转向(=bring (a)round);

 bring back 归还;

 bring forth 产生,结出(成果,果实),生(子);

 bring forward 提出,提供,承前,提前;

 bring up 抚育,培养,呕吐,使唤,责备,嘎然止步,(军队)殿后;

 call off 取消,遣走;  

 carry away 激动;

 carry back 回忆,唤起;

 carry on 继续;

 carry out 执行,实现,完成;

 carry through 实现,完成,维持;

 come up 萌芽,发生,上升,流行起来;

 count out 点清,不计在内/排除在外;

 cut back 修剪,减少;

 cut down 减少,砍倒,致残,杀害,讨价还价;

 cut in 插嘴,插队,超车;

 cut off 切断,隔绝,剥夺(继承权);

 do …(sth.) up 整理,收拾,修缮,粉刷;

 drink in 吸收,陶醉;

 drink up 喝光;

 find out 找到,揭露,査出;

 get in收割(作物),进入,(火车,等)进站、到达,上车,加入,插入,插话,(人)当选,收集,收回,收获,(使)获得录取(获准入学或比赛,如:Did your son get in?你儿子被录取了吗?);

 get down 下(车,船,飞机,等),放下,咽下;

 get home 到家;

 get off 下(车,马),送走,脱下(衣服,鞋),出发,起飞,逃脱,搞错[俚语];

get on 进展,过活;

get out 走出,逃走,滚出去[口语],泄密,取出,拔出,发觉,出版;

get ready 准备好;

get up 起床,起立,钻研,安排,组织;

give away 赠送,捐赠,泄露秘密,公布(答案),失掉,丧失;

 give back 归还,交还,送回,回声,反射;

 give in 让步,投降,屈服,呈交;

 give off 散发;

 give out 分发,用尽,停止,发表,公布,发出(声音);

 make out 弄清楚,起草(文件);

 make up 决定,弥补,收集;

 pay down 即时支付;

 pay in 交费;

 pay off 清还,付清;

 pay up 付清,缴清;

 pick off 摘掉,采摘,狙击;

 pick out 挑选,拣出,辨别,嗅出,听出,看出;

 pick up 捡起,掘起,接载(搭车者),收听到,结识,刚学会(语言),恢复(健康);

 point out 指出,指明;

 put off  推迟,关(灯,等);

 put on 穿上,戴上,上演,假装,开(灯,等);

 put out 扑灭(火),熄灭(灯,等),发布,生产,脱臼;

 put up 建造,提供,提名,张贴,举起;

 read on 继续读下去;

 read out 宣读;

 send away 赶走,辞掉;

 send back 归还,退还;

 send down 降低(温度,价格),送下,让(乘客)下车;

 send off 寄出,送别,送发;

 send out 派出,打发,散发,放射;

 send up 提高,提出,检举;

 shoot forth 射出,发芽;

 shoot off 击落,打掉;

 shoot out 射出,抽出,武力解决;

 shoot up 射出,涌出,喷出,(儿童)长高;

 take down 记下,吞下,拆毁(房子);

 take off 起飞,拿掉,免除,脱去(衣帽),;

 take up 占据(时间),开始从事,接纳(乘客);

 tear up 撕碎;

 turn away 拒绝;

 turn down调低(音量,等),拒绝;

 turn in 上交;

 turn off 关闭;

 turn up 突然出现;

 wear out 穿坏,穿破,用坏;等。


 e) You can count it out你可以把它排除在外

 f) They put out the big fire. / They put the big fire out他们扑灭了那场大火。

 g) The pair of shoes worn out这双鞋已经穿破了。(相当于不及物动词的短语动词)


 a) Don’t keep your eyes on the ground; look at me. 你的眼睛别老盯着地面,看着我!

 b) I called on my teacher that year. 那年我去探望过我的老师。

 c) I believe in him. 信任他(人品)。【比较:believe him. 相信他(所说的话)。】

 d) I believe in Marxism. 信仰马克思主义。

常见“动词+介词”的短语动词(常见介词有:for, about, over, after, into, at, to, on, across, with等):

account for解释,说明,报账;

act as 充当,担任;

act for 代理;

act like 行为像;

act (up)on 奉行,对有效;

apply for申请;

believe in信仰(政治,宗教),信任(人品);

break into闯入,打断(说话);

break with 断交;

bring about 带来,造成;

break through 突破; 

call for 召唤,需要,接(人或物);

call in 邀请,请来,收回;

call on 号召,拜访,探望;

care about 在意;

care for 喜欢,关心;

come across 偶然发现,偶遇;

come after 探寻;

come at 达到;

come by 寻到,得到,获得;

come to达到,不负[期望],合乎[标准]

come under 归入,受…影响;

deal with处理,对付;   

depend on依靠;

do for(人)配做,(物)适用于,料理,替管理;

do with 处置,容忍,将就;

get…across 解释清楚,使被理解(get A across B 使AB理解),被接受(The idea got across. 这个意见已被接受了。);

get into 进入,陷入,穿上;

get on 上(车,马),穿上(衣服,鞋),相投,接近;

get over 克服;

go about着手做,从事;

go through(议案)通过,到达,(考试)及格,完成(任务),耗费;

laugh at 嘲笑;

listen to听;

look after 照顾;

look at看着,看一看;

look for 寻找;

look into 调査;

object to反对;

operate (up)on 做手术;

pay for 为…付款;

persist in坚持;

play at 玩,装扮,

play with玩弄;

rely on依靠;

run into撞到,偶遇;

stand for 代表,代替,拥护,容忍;

stick to 坚持; 

take after 效仿;

take…for 误认为;

take in 轻信(虚报);【比较:be taken in 受骗上当】

wait for 等候;

wait on伺候,招待,供应;等。


 a) His refusal to accept the prize doesn’t take away from his success in winning it. 他拒绝接受此奖项并没有减损他获奖的成功。

 b) What all his excuses add up to is that he doesn’t intend helping/to help us. 他所有的借口加起来就是不想帮我们。

 c) Given enough time and heat, seawater is sure to boil down to salt. 若有足够的时间与热度,海水就会浓缩成盐。


act up to 行事,遵守;

add up to合计达;

boil down to归结为,浓缩为;

break away from脱离,摆脱;

catch up with 追上,赶上;

come up with 想出(计划,答案),回答;

cut back on削减;

do away with 除掉,废除,取消,撤销;

fall back on依赖,借助于;

fall in with 遇到,同意,符合;

get away from 逃离,摆脱;

get away with免受惩罚;

get down to开始做;

get through to 通话;

go in for 参加;

hold on to 坚持,抓牢;

keep away from 远离;

keep on about 纠缠不休;

keep up with 保持联系,赶上;

look back on 回顾;

look down on 轻视,看不起;

look forward to 盼望;

look out for 留心;

look up to尊敬;

make up for 弥补;

make up to 补偿;

put up with 忍受,容忍;

run out of 用光,耗尽;

stand up for维护,支持,拥护;

settle down to 开始专心于;

take away from减损:

take up with致力于;

think back to回忆;

tie up with协作[美语]

watch out for提防,戒备;等。


a) People make fun of him because he wears such a strange hat. 人们常取笑/戏弄他,因为他常带着个那么奇怪的帽子。

b) Don’t take advantage of me by asking me to run errands on such a hot day. 利用我——要我在这么热的天去跑腿儿!

 c) Move along and make room for me. 往过挪一挪,腾个地儿(空儿)

   d) She takes pride in her work. 自己的作品而感到自豪


catch (a) sight of 看见,瞥见;

give birth to 产生,分娩;

get the most out of 充分利用(out of为短语介词);

have a look at 看一看;

make friends with/of 作朋友;

make fun of  取笑,戏弄;

make peace with 和解;

make sense of  理解,搞清楚;

make contributions to 对…作出贡献;

make room for 为…腾出空儿(腾地方);

make preparations for 为…作准备;

make progress in 在…取得进步;

make way for 给…让路;

pay attention to注意;

play a joke on 戏弄;

say a good word for 说好话(a good word为名词组);

take advantage of  [贬义]利用,趁之机;

take account of 考虑到;

take (a) pride in 为自豪;

take care of 关心,照料,照顾;

take charge of 保管,管理,接办;

take command of 开始指挥;

take credit for 而得到表扬;

take delight in为乐;

take hold of 握住,抓住;

take part in 参加;

take the place of 代替;等。

:在“动词+名词”和“动词+名词+介词”结构中,有的名词前须加冠词a/an,有的须加the,有的是零冠词;有的名词须用复数形式,有的须加人称代词所有格形式。如:lose one's heart灰心;lose one's heart to爱上;make a face(不由得)作鬼脸;make faces(故意)做鬼脸;take place 发生;take the place of 取代。】


  a) We are busy with important work all day. 我们整天忙于重要工作。

  b) A good man is different from an evildoer. 好人不同于坏人。

  c) Einstein is famous for winning the Nobel Prize. 爱因斯坦获诺奖而著名

  d) We are proud of our motherland. 我们祖国为自豪

  e) You make light of all the troubles. But it isn’t equal to no difficulty for you. 不在乎麻烦,但不等于你没有困难。


 be busy with 忙于;

 be different from 不同;

 be famous for 而著名;

 be friendly to 友好;

 be good at 擅长于;

 be good for  有益;

 be interested in 对...感兴趣;

 be proud of 为自豪;

be referred to as 被称为,叫作(此结构实为动词refer的被动式,归为此类时将referred作为分词式形容词,to as为双重介词);

 be sensitive about 敏感,易感受到;

 be strong in/on 擅长于,在能力很强(如:He is strong in/on mathematics. 他擅长于数学。/ 他学数学能力很强。);

 feel content with 感到满意,满足于;

 get familiar with 熟悉起来;

 get tired of  厌烦,讨厌;等。

 go wrong with(机器,等)出毛病,发生故障;

 make light of  轻视,低估,不在乎;等。


 a) We should put our children at ease for the healthy growth of them. 我们应该使孩子放松,以便他们健康成长。

 b) Students do bear in mind that they must always behave well. 学生们一定要牢记心上:应该永远行为端正!


bring... under control 使在掌控中;

have…in mind心中已有,考虑到;

keep/ bear...in mind 牢记心上;

put…at ease 使放松;

put… into effect 付诸实施;

learn/ know... by heart 记住

take...by surprise 出乎的意料;

take...into account /consideration考虑进去; 等。




a) These terms from the vocabulary make sense, but they are not abstract. 这些来自词汇表的术语是有意义的,而不是抽象的。

b) If you are trying to lose weight, you will have a good future. 如果你正在努力减肥,你将会有一个好的未来。

c) I’m sure that you should take aim at the right target spot. 我确信你应该向右靶点瞄准


answer the demand 满足要求;

catch/get/have a cold 感冒;

get a blow 受打击;

get a lesson 学功课,得到教训;

lose courage 丧失勇气;

lose one’s heart 灰心;

lose interest 失去兴趣;

lose patience 失去耐心;

lose (one’s) face 丢面子;

lose weight 减肥;

make a bet 打赌;

make sense 有意义,有道理;

make the bed 整理床铺;

offer advice 提出建议;

play a game 比赛,赌博;

play a part 欺骗;

play foul 舞弊,比赛违规不公平,投机取巧;

play the game 进行公开比赛,光明正大地行动;

put a bet 下赌注;

save one’s face 保全面子;

take a bow= bow one’s thanks)鞠躬致谢;

take action 釆取行动,进行活动;

take aim 瞄准;等。


 a) He burst into tears when he told me by phone that he suffered wrong at school. 他给我打电话说他在学校受了委屈时失声痛哭起来

 b) Our great, glorious and correct Chinese Communist Party came into power in 1949. 我们伟大、光荣、正确的中国共产党于1949开始执政

c)He came to himself after the emergency treatment. 经抢救后,他苏醒了/恢复了知觉 


burst into tears 失声痛哭;

come across the mind 浮上心头;

come along with跟着一起来;

come into being形成;

come into effect生效;

come into power开始执政;

come into use开始应用;

come to an agreement 达成协议;

come to life振作起来,活跃起来;

come to oneself 苏醒过来,恢复知觉;

come to the point 言归正传;

do for oneself 管理自己;

do onto others 强加于人;

fall into ruin 衰落;

get at the meaning 领会(理解)其意义;

get in touch 取得联系;

get over a task 完成任务;

get over the difficulties 克服困难;

get over one’s illness 把某人的病养好;

get round the law 规避法律;

get round a person 笼络人;

go to bed 就寝;

keep in touch 保持联系;

put on weight胖;

refer to the map/schedule 查阅地图(时刻表);

seek after truth 寻求真理;

talk from the point 谈话走题,扯一边儿去了;等。


a) Black is in sharp contrast with white. 黑与白形成鲜明对比

b) He refused to accept bribery again and again. He is always strong under temptation. 他再三拒绝接受贿赂。他总是在诱惑下无动于衷


balance between work and play 劳逸结合;

be in sharp contrast with 形成鲜明对比;

be much/little sought after 很(不太)吃香;

be sold by weight 按重量出售;

be strong against compromise 坚决不妥协;

be strong for socialism 坚决拥护社会主义;

be strong under temptation 在诱惑下无动于衷;

be weary in body and mind 身心疲惫;

get ahead of others 赶上别人,胜/超过别人;

get away from the true facts 脱离实际;

get away with it 侥幸成功;

get out of bed 下床;

get out of a bad habit 戒除恶习;

get sth. out of a person 向人探听某事;

get out of sight 看不见了;

have a good rest 好好休息一下;

live up to one’s word 说话算数;

make good one’s promise 履行诺言;

make up one’s mind 下定决心;

pay a person back in his own coin 以其人之道还治其人之身;

play a person foul/false 欺负人,玩弄人;

play off someone against another 挑拨离间(从中获利);

read a letter to oneself 默念一封信;

read up a subject 主修一门学科,重修一门课(= repeat a course);

pay a person out 对人进行报复;

pay money back 还钱;

pick oneself up(摔倒后)站起来;

take a shot cut 抄近路,走捷径;

seek in vain 找不着;

support one’s family on one’s wages 靠工资养家糊口;

take back one’s words 收回说过的话;等。



1. 薄冰,何政安. Bo Bing English Grammar薄冰英语语法(袖珍本)北京:开明出版社,2007

2. 张道真,朱从军张道真英语语法长春:吉林出版集团有限公司,2013

3. 胡敏 主编(新航道图书编委会)英语语法红宝书(English Grammar北京:中国出版传媒股份有限公司,中国对外翻译出版有限公司,2011

4. 外研社编辑组现代汉英词典北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1988

5. 朗文当代英汉双解词典香港:朗文出版(远东)有限公司,1988

6. 张其春,蔡文萦简明英汉词典北京:商务印书馆, 1963

7. 吉玲,杨艳梅 汉英双解成语词典北京:商务印书馆, 2005

8. 陈宗余简明英语同义词词典济南:山东教育出版社,1984

9. Frederick T Wood. 余士雄,余前文 . English Prepositional Idioms英语介词习语词典北京知识出版社, 1983







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