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《Zoonoses》专辑征稿 | 寄生虫感染与转化医学 — 新故事

已有 2792 次阅读 2021-9-27 10:22 |个人分类:zoonoses|系统分类:科普集锦

为促进寄生虫学的转化应用方面的研究与发展,探索/验证基于寄生虫病诊断及预后技术,以及虫源性分子及其诱导特异性应答的转化应用价值,并分享寄生虫来源分子诊断和治疗的新思路,Zoonoses 拟在全球范围内就“Parasitic infections for translational medicine: the new story(寄生虫感染与转化医学—新故事)”这一主题面向广大学者征集相关稿件。



Parasitic infections for translational medicine: the new story!








1. 人畜共患寄生虫病的流行病学、防治体系和疫苗研制

2. 病原体衍生分子在免疫应答中的新发现

3. 寄生虫病的潜在诊断和预后标志物

4. 基于寄生虫分子(包括蛋白质、miRNA和细胞外囊泡(EVs)等)的各种疾病治疗研究。

5. 宿主-寄生虫相互作用


Manuscript - 2022 年 9 月 30 日






医学博士, 副教授

澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究院(QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute)访问学者(2019.3~2020.3),江苏省高校“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,南京医科大学“优秀中青年教师支持计划”优秀青年骨干教师培养对象。长期关注寄生虫感染后导致的宿主脑与肝脏免疫病理形成的分子学机制的研究,尤其是关注虫源性分子对机体免疫细胞的作用机制。目前以第一作者/通讯作者身份在“Nature Neuroscience”、“Nature Communications”、“Theranostics”、“Obesity”等国际高水平杂志上发表多篇学术论文,第一/通讯作者论著累计影响因子>80分。以第一/四/四申请人的身份申请国家发明专利三项。以项目主持人身份获得国自然基金青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金青年基金、江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目,南京医科大学生殖医学国家重点实验自主课题等项目。担任第一届江苏省预防医学会全球卫生专业委员会委员,担任《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》青年编委,同时受邀担任Journal of Immunology Research、BMC immunology国际期刊杂志的Academic editor。承担人体寄生虫学、病原生物学、人类疾病病原病理学基础、Medical Parasitology、医学英文文献导读等本科、硕士研究生课程。指导本科生开展各类科研实践活动。


澳大利亚QIMR Berghofer医学研究所,


Hong You is currently working as the senior research officer in Molecular Parasitology Laboratory in QIMR Berghofer Medical Institute and the Senior Lecturer in School of Veterinary Science in University of Queensland. Dr. You focus on the study of gene editing of schistosoma and the parasites-derived molecules on the regulation of host immunity. She has published more than 60 papers. Dr. You has lead projects as Chief Investigator including QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute seed grant, Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre (AID) seed grant, Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) project grant, NHMRC Early Career Fellowship, Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre (AID) seed grant, and Josephine Mackerras Training Fellowship Supported by Australian Centre for Vaccine Development for visiting Emory University in Atlanta and learning new vaccine technologies and attending American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 61st Annual Meeting in Atlanta, etc. Dr. You has been Awards for the Australian Society for Parasitology Network for Parasitology Researcher Exchange Travel Award for visiting Baylor University, Travel Award for visiting Yangzhou University and Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Australian Society for Parasitology Network for Parasitology Researcher Exchange Travel Award for visiting George Washington University, Invitation to attend the Australian Museum Eureka prizes award Ceremony in Sydney supported by Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre, etc. She severs as the reviewer and invited as guest editor for several journals, including Nature Communication, Pathogens, FASEB, BioEssays, Frontiers Cellular and Infection Microbiology, Frontiers in Genetics, etc.

Leow Chiuan Yee


Leow Chiuan Yee is currently working as Senior Lecturer, Principal Investigator, as well as the Course Coordinator in Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. He had visited QIMR Berghofer Medical Institute in Australia and used to identify the second receptor for PD-L2 and undertook the original research to show that targeting this molecule was protective against malaria. To date, he has attained 14 years of academic, research and industrial-consultancy experiences. Dr. Yee was awarded for Top Performing Paper (highest read and cited in 2018) 2019—Pathogen and Global Health (Editorial by Imperial College London); Australian Research Fellowship 2019—Griffith University, Australia; USM Sanggar Sanjung Award (Excellence in Publication) 2016—Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia, etc., and severed as Australian Society for Parasitology, Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicines, Young Scientists Network – Academy of Sciences Malaysia, and International Society for Infectious Diseases. Dr. Yee has been served as Seasonal Tutor (University of Queensland, Australia), Senior Lecturer and Postgraduate (Masters) Course Coordinator at Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), Lecturer and Course Coordinator at Faculty of Pharmacy, Universiti Teknologi MARA (Malaysia), and Lecturer, Scientific Officer and Laboratory Safety Coordinator at AIMST Universiti (Malaysia). He has supervised more than 20 research projects and 9 postgraduate research students. Dr. Yee has Published more than 20 SCOPUS/ISI indexed research papers in the field of cell biology, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunology, vaccinology, bioinformatics, microbiology and biomedical science. Also, he severs as the reviewer of MSc (Molecular Medicine) program, accredited by Malaysia Qualification Agency (MQA).


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