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已有 1696 次阅读 2023-7-5 14:39 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:论文交流

一篇用全新观点研究经典力学与量子力学关系的文章(Wave or particle? Quantum behavior of solar system)投稿后展示在Research Square 预印本网站,Kudos网络平台邀请作者介绍该文的研究思想和重要意义,以便让更多的人发现、理解和应用这项成果。下面是按照Kudos格式要求写的小故事(附中文翻译),网页地址是https://www.growkudos.com/publications/10.21203%25252Frs.3.rs-2891785%25252Fv1/reader .

Title: The earth has many quantized orbits 地球有许多量子化的轨道

What is it about?

Does the earth have other stable orbits in the solar system? This question can be answered by studying the long-term statistical behavior of the motion of real particles. The earth's trajectory in solar system is an ellipse according to Kepler's laws of motion. The quantum state function is a map of the elliptical equation onto the complex plane, from which we derive the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics. The results show that the stable orbit of the earth is not unique, and the motion energies of different orbits are quantized. 地球在太阳系中还存在其它稳定轨道吗?这个问题可以通过研究实粒子运动的长期统计行为得到解答。根据开普勒运动定律,地球/太阳系的运动轨迹是一个椭圆。将椭圆方程映射到复平面得到量子态函数,由此可以推导出态函数满足的量子力学薛定谔方程。研究结果表明:地球的稳定轨道不是唯一的,不同轨道的运动能量是量子化的。

Why is it important?

The wave-particle duality is a fundamental assumption of quantum mechanics. This study rules out the binary paradox of quantum through the motion scenarios of the solar system and provides an ontological interpretation for quantum mechanics by deriving the Schrödinger equation from the Kepler's laws of motion. It reveals an unusual relationship between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics, and demonstrates the unity of physical laws in the macro and micro world. 波粒二象性是量子力学的根本假设。该研究通过太阳系的运动场景消除了量子二元悖论的困惑,并从开普勒定律推导出薛定谔方程,为量子力学提供了一个本体论诠释。它揭示了经典力学和量子力学非同寻常的关系,展示了宏观与微观世界物理规律的统一性。


The real particle theory is an axiomatic system that represents a new paradigm different from classical and modern physics. The real particle theory is the tangram to build a unified physics, and the cluster concept is the unique module with parallelogram to solve particle puzzles. 实粒子理论是一个公理化体系,它代表了一种不同于经典和现代物理学的新的理论范式。实粒子理论是构建统一物理学的七巧板,团簇概念是用于解决粒子谜题的独特的平行四边形模块。




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