//the following is the list of algorithms and their series numbers (SN) in the program**********************************
//the algorithms with SNs from 1 to 6 are proposed by Lovell He in 2023
// 1 SLLS; snake locomotion learning search
//2 REAL; Rotation excursion algorithm with learning
//3 MLA_SE; Medalist Learning Algorithm with separated efficiency
//4 Hybrid of REALandSLLS;
//5 LFEAL Levy Flight excursion algorithm with learning
//6 the algorithms (1 to 5) with multiscale search spaces!!
//From SN 7 on, the algorithms from other researchers are considered!!___________________________
//7 GA Genetic Algorithm
//8 SA Simulated annealing
//9 TS TabuSearch
//10 PSO Particle Swarm Optimization
// 11 DE Differential Evolution
//12 HS Harmony Search
//13 SFLA Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm
//14 HBMO Honey-Bee Mating Optimization
//15 IWO Invasive Weed Optimization
//16 BBO Biogeography-Based Optimization
//17 FA Firefly Algorithm
//18 GSA Gravity Search Algorithm
//19 CFO Central Force Optimization
//20 PPA Plant Propagation Algorithm
//21 BA Bat Algorithm
//22 WCA Water Cycle Algorithm
//23 SOS Symbiotic Organism Search
//24 CS Cuckoo Search with Levy Flights
//25 TLBO Teaching-learning-based optimization
//26 GWO Grey Wolf Optimizer
//27 WOA Whale Optimization Algorithm
//28 BH Black Hole Algorithm
//29 SCA Sine Cose Algorithm
//30 GTO Giant Trevally Optimizer
//31 GSK Gaining-sharing knowledge based algorithm
//32 DA Dragonfly Algorithm
//33 MFO Moth-flame optimization algorithm 2015
//34 GOA Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm 2017
//35 SSA Salp Swarm Algorithm 2017
//36 CGA Combat genetic algorithm
//37 BBBC Big Bung-Big Crunch
//38 ECBO Enhanced Colliding Bodies Optimization
//39 ALO Ant Lion Optimizer
//40 TEO Thermal Exchange Optimization
//41 EO Equilibrium Optimizer
//42 WEO Water Evaporation Optimization
//43 GMBA Global Mine Blast Algorithm
//44 FPA Flower Pollination Algorithm
//45 MVO Multi-Verse Optimizer
//46 JADE JADE: Adaptive Differential Evolution with Optional External Archive 2009
//47 SHADE Success-History based parameter Adaptation for Differential Evolution 2013
//48 LSHADE or L-SHADE Improving the search performance of SHADE using Linear Population Size Reduction 2014
//49 CMA-ES Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy(CMA-ES)
//50 CMAESwith IPOP CMAEvolutionStrategy(CMAES) including restarts with increasing population size (IPOP)
//51 ABC Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
//52 ICA Imperialist Competitive Algorithm 2007
//53 LCA League Championship Algorithm 2014 by ALi Husseinzadeh Kashan
//54 VPS Vibrating Particles System algorithm (VPS) 2016 by Ali Kaveh and Majid Ilchi Ghazaan
//55 RMO Radial Movement Optimization 2014 by Rasoul Rahmani and Rubiyah Yusof
//56 BSA Backtracking Search Optimization Algorithm for numerical optimization problems 2013 by Pinar Civicioglu
//57 SFS Stochastic Fractal Search: A powerful metaheuristic algorithm 2014
//58 HOA Hiking Optimization Algorithm 2024
//59 RO Ray Optimization 2012 by A. Kaveh, M. Khayatazad
//60 ACO Ant Colony Optimization 1991 by Dorigo (only for discrete optimizatiom)
//61 DEO Dolphin Echolocation optimization 2013 by Kaveh and Farhoudi (only for discrete optimizatiom)
//62 SO Snake optimizer 2022
//63 MKE Monkey King Evolution 2016
//64 CSS Charged System Search 2010 by A. Kaveh and S. Talatahari
//65 Jaya Jaya (2016) by R. Venkata Rao
//66 LJA Levy flight Jaya algorithm (2021)
//67 LCBO Life choice-based optimizer (2019)
//68 TWO Tug of War Optimization 2016
//69 OTWO Opposition-based tug of war optimization 2020
//70 CRO or OCRO Coral Reefs Optimization algorithm 2014 and Opposition-based CRO 2019
//the following are the new algorithms proposed by Lovell He ************************
//71 VLA Various Learning Algorithm by Lovell He 2024
//72 AVLA Adaptive Various Learning Algorithm He 2024
//73 AVLA_Archive this is the algorithm extended from 72 by using archive!!
除上述单目标优化算法, 将将如下15种求解多目标优化的算法进行了Java实现(为去年的工作):
//1 is SLLS;
//2 is REAL;
//3 is MLA;
//4 is the LFEAL;
//5 NSGA2;
//6 NSGA3;
// 7 APNsgaIII;
//8 GenticAlgorithm
//9 NSGA2 from the GA group
//10 Ngra;
//11 Hgasso
//12 Emosoa;
//13 GaQpso
//14 Cso;
//15 Amga2