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已有 3896 次阅读 2010-12-17 11:11 |个人分类:翻译教学与实践 Translation Practice & Teaching|系统分类:论文交流| 翻译大赛, 翻译技能, 难句翻译, 技巧训练





She said her name was now Shiloh. It used to be Sheila, she explained, but that was too common. She was starting a new life now, and she thought Shiloh was a much better name.?

My daughter and I were traveling through the South. We were in Knoxville, Tenn. Shiloh was a fleshy blonde, wearing jean shorts and a Who T-

shirt. Her sandaled feet were dirty. She had all her belongings in a cheap zipper bag. She was 14 years old.?

I'll get me a job here at the World's  Fair,” she said.I hear they're hirin' lots of people, young people. They's no jobs for young people back home.”?

Where's home?”?

Don't matter, she said, and stared off at the giant Ferris wheel of what is formally called the Knoxville International Energy Exposition.Th­

at's behind me now.”?

She was a baby, really, but her voice sounded a hundred years old. My daughter gave me a look that saidShe's heading for trouble. I said to Shiloh that we were going to eat a hamburger. Instead of giving her change (which is what she'd asked for), I said we'd like her to join us. She shrugged. We sat together in a booth, and Shiloh ate greedily.?

I can work here all summer,she said. Then in the fall, I'm gonna try Nashville. Maybe get into the music business.”?

You play an instrument?”?



Well…” She smiled and started to sing I Don't Care.She had a pure, clear, but tuneless voice, and the glazed eyes of the selfabsorbed. She didn't see the other customers in the coffee shop turning to look at her. She finished. I nodded and smiled.

What do you think? she asked. She was working on a slice of apple pie now.I think you should go back to school, I said. I think you should go home. Her face went gray. She poked at the pie. I can't, she said. They'll never take me back after what I done.”?

You see kids like her all over America now: runaways, drifters,childr

en cast loose, knocked off their moorings. The Knoxville cops say the World's Fair is drawing a lot of them this summer. The cops round them up and ship them out. But some of them slip through and drift into prostitution. I said some of this to the girl. She shook her head; she was not a good listener.? “Oh, parents are always saying things like that.”?

   That's true, I said. Parents usually have seen more of the world than their kids have. They know it's a dangerous place.”?

   I'm not afraid.”?

You better be,I said. My daughter gave me another look: Lay off. I did.

You want me to sing another son-

g? Shiloh asked. She didn't wait for an answer; she began to sing I Can't Help It If I'm Still In Love With You. Wherever he was, Hank Williams must have shuddered. Then I asked her what she had done back home that was so terrible she couldn't discuss it.?

   My stepfather would kill me if he ever saw me again, she said. So I'm not gonna see him again. She paused. I stole  some  money. I stole $47.

She looked as if she'd just confessed to a triple homicide. I made all the conventional noises: Call your mother, promise to get a job for the summer and pay back the money, go to a church or the cops. But she wasn't listening.?

I paid the bill and we went into the


hot, humid night. Shiloh asked me to drop her off downtown. I said no. I'd take her to a church or a phone booth. I wasn't going to drop her off downtown.?

   Well, then, the hell with you, mister, she said, and walked away from us to the dark road, carrying her zipper bag. She never looked back. She stuck out her thumb. 

What'll become of her? my daughter asked. Nothing good, I said. When we pulled out of the parking lot onto the road, the girl was gone.?



茜 露








“这跟家有什么关系?”她将凝视的眼光转向那 “诺克斯维尔国际能源博览会”弗氏大转轮“我没家。”







“你看怎们样?”她问。她开始吃起苹果馅饼来。“我想你应该回学校读书,” 我说,“你也应该回家。”她脸色马上变得苍白起来。拿叉子在馅饼上戳着,说:“我不能回家。从那件事起,他们也决不会让我回家。”














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