这是为研究生和初级研究人员所写的指南 ,一般步骤如下:
3. 前期研究。包括文献调查,正在进行的或已经完成的项目回顾,文档回顾,简要写下文献综述,帮助确定自己的研究主题。
5. 确定方法。了解本学科的研究方法,文献调研提供思路。有很多方法包括实验,田野调查,采访等,社科领域最常用的是普查和采访。
6. 设计方法采集数据。
7. 对数据进行编码分析。采用数学方法或使用软件或算法。
8. 把研究结果呈现出来并提炼出发现或揭示某种图谱或趋势用来回答研究主题、问题、假设。
9. 讨论并解释结果和发现。支持/反对了某些理论或其他相关研究的发现?本研究有哪些限制条件,下一步计划,建议等。
10. 撰写引言部分。常用倒三角方法叙说,从大的议题缩小到小的议题并叙说你的研究主题、问题、假设,注意引用其他文献组织引言叙述避免有主观偏见之嫌疑。
11. 写摘要。放到最后一步, 注意摘要四要素:目的,方法,结果和发现,意义。
12. 撰写完成文稿。
13. 找一个本领域合适同行评议的期刊,并仔细阅读作者要求特别期刊引用格式。
14. 提交文稿。
15. 认真研究回复审稿人意见,并等待出版或拒稿。
This guideline is for graduate students and junior researchers. Here are general research and manuscript writing steps:
1. Brain storm research ideas & topics. For example, you are interested in Research Data Management Services. You can conduct research on researchers' needs assessment, implementation process, patterns/trends, best practices, case studies, etc.
2. Draft/create an research project/manuscript outline and revise later.
3. Preliminary research including literature research, working/completed projects review, documents review, write literature review to help narrow down research topic/statement/research questions/hypothesis..
4. Finalize research topic and write down research statement/questions/hypothesis/hypotheses.
5. Determine research methods. Frequently used methods for social science are survey and interview.
6. Design methods to collect data,
7. Code and analyze data using mathematical ways such as analytical software/algorithm.
8. Present data/results.Highlight findings or revel a pattern/trend or answer research statement/questions/hypothesis.
9. Discuss and/or explain findings. Here are some examples,do findings support/not support theories or other related research findings? Any limitations? any next-step research plan? any recommendations?
10. Write introduction using inverted triangle mode and citing related research works to organize introduction and avoid bias. Narrate step by step from broad topics to your specific topic. Clearly state your research statement/questions/hypothesis.
11. Write abstract, focus on four elements: purpose, method, results/findings, significance.
12. Complete manuscript.
13. Find an appropriate journal and examine the journal citation style.
14. Submit to the selected journal.
15. Respond reviewers' comments and revise manuscript, wait for publication or rejection.
This summary was from my personal experiences and this is only for your reference.