2020-2-28 08:47
摘要 美国由于媒体报道2019新冠病毒肺炎疫情而引发的公众的公共卫生焦虑情绪十分普遍,错误的信息会导致对华人和华裔美国人的歧视。因此,获取关于这种病毒以及一般性传染病的权威的可信任的信息比以往任何时候都更为重要。这份报告采用关键词检索,使用“新冠病毒” “图书馆”这两个关键词通过谷歌搜索,对搜索结果页面中的美国国家级图书馆网站、州立和地区性公共图书馆以及学术图书馆和大学图书馆关于2019新冠病毒主题建立的网页内容和建议性质的资源进行了梳理和归纳总结,试图回答以下几个问题:面对2019新冠病毒,公共图书馆和图书馆员们自己应该了解些什么?面对2019新冠病毒,美国国家级专业图书馆在做些什么?针对2019新冠病毒,州立和地区公共图书馆提供了哪些资源和服务?学术图书馆和大学图书馆如何面对2019新冠病毒?梳理分析结果发现,各级各类图书馆各司其职,扮演不同的角色。他们不仅起到了传播权威可靠可信的知识和信息的作用,还扮演了教育者的角色,教育公众学习公共卫生常识甚至专业知识,并提供相应的咨询服务和应急事件服务,疏导和缓解民众不必要的恐慌心理及情绪。
关键词 : 2019新型冠状病毒,  图书馆,  应急服务    
Abstract:Public health anxiety caused by media reports of the 2019 novel coronavirus is now widespread in the USA, and misinformation can lead to discrimination against Chinese and Chinese Americans. Therefore, access to authoritative and trusted information about the virus and general infectious diseases is more important than ever. Using keywords of "Novel coronavirus" and "Library" and conducting search in Google, the author analyzed the content of the websites of U.S. national libraries, state and regional public libraries, and academic and university libraries appeared on the first few pages of the Google results page regarding the themes of the 2019 novel coronavirus. The author sorted out and summarized the content and suggested resources of the web pages created on the theme of the 2019 novel coronavirus and tried to answer the following questions: What should public libraries and librarians know about the 2019 novel coronavirus? Faced with the 2019 novel coronavirus, what are the US national special libraries doing? Regarding the 2019 novel coronavirus, what resources and services do state and regional public libraries provide? How do academic libraries and university libraries face the challenge of the 2019 novel coronavirus? The analysis results show that libraries at all levels play different roles. The libraries not only play the role of disseminating authoritative and reliable trusted knowledge and information, but also play the role of an educator, educate the public to learn common knowledge and even professional knowledge of public health, and provides corresponding consulting services and emergency services to educate the public and relieve unnecessary panic.
Key words: 2019 novel coronavirus    Library    Emergency services

全文下载: http://www.libraryjournal.com.cn/CN/volumn/volumn_1224.shtml

傅平. 美国的图书馆如何应对突然爆发的新型冠状病毒的?[J]. 图书馆杂志, 2020, 39(3): 4-25.
Fu Ping. How Do American Libraries React to the Outbreak of 2019 Novel Coronavirus?. Libraly Journal, 2020, 39(3): 4-25.





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