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已有 3483 次阅读 2018-11-15 23:51 |个人分类:综合性资料|系统分类:海外观察| 德国, 科研, 教育, 联邦, 制度








1953-1965年的德国教育事务委员会Deutsche Ausschuss für das Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen 以及

1965-1975年的 德国教育委员会 Deutsche Bildungsrat

2008年1月1号之后,BKL完成自己使命,其任务移交给新成立并一直仍然在运行的的“联合科学会议”- Gemeinsamen Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK)。(http://www.blk-bonn.de/

该委员会负责规划设计联邦政府与各州政府如何合作共同出资,保障德国教育与科技的发展,如何实现战略目标和解决实际问题。其中也包括设计对具有全国代表性的科研机构以及科研、教育项目进行经费的配资,比如对于德国最主要的一个国家级科研以及学术机构,该委员会一直根据所谓的Skeleton Agreement 设置了下面的这样一个能够满足联邦政府和州政府诉求和能力的独特的、相当于固定财政拨款部分的基础投入的两级政府经费配比:

1. 德国研究联合会(德国科学基金会) 联邦政府58% : 地方州政府配套42%

2. 机构已经撤消

3. 机构已经撤消

4. (亥姆霍兹)国家研究中心 联邦政府90% : 所在地州政府出资 10%
5. 马普学会  联邦政府50% : 州政府50%

6. 弗劳恩霍夫协会      联邦政府90% : 州政府10%

7. 其他具有跨地域特点的科研机构(莱布尼茨联合会)联邦政府50%:州政府50%

8. 其他组织和机构   联邦政府50%:州政府50%

9. 德国国家科学院 LEOPOLDINA 联邦政府80% : 州政府20%

10. 柏林科学学院 联邦政府50% :  州政府50%

 Skeleton Agreement
between the Federal and Laender Governments on the

Joint Promotion of Research Pursuant to
Article 91 b of the Basic Law

- Skeleton Agreement on Research Promotion -
of 28 November 19751
 Bundesanzeiger no 240 of 30 December 1975, p. 4
Last amended by Agreement of 25 October 2001,
Bundesanzeiger, p. 25218

The Federal Government and the governments of the Länder of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, the Saarland, Saxony, Saxony Anhalt, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia, on the basis of Article 91 b of the Basic Law, conclude the following skeleton agreement:

Article 1

(1) The Contracting Parties shall collaborate on the promotion of
institutions and projects of scientific research of supraregional importance in accordance with the detailed provisions of this agreement and for that purpose shall inform each other about their plans
and decisions in this field. While preserving their own competence, they shall strive for close coordination in the field of research policy.
注1 The Länder of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and
Thuringia acceded to the Skeleton Agreement on Research Promotion by Agreement of 17/21
December 1990, which became effective on 1 January 1991 (Bundesanzeiger 1991, p. 683).

(2) The Contracting Parties shall undertake obligations under this agreement, subject to provision of the required budgetary funds by their legislative bodies.
Protocol note concerning Article 1
The Contracting Parties understand that the skeleton agreement including its implementing regulations provides for the content and forms of their cooperation in the field of research promotion comprehensively and exclusively.
The second sentence of Art. 1, para. 1 of Art. 3 in connection with nos 1, 4, 5 and 6 of Art. 2 and Art. 4 of the Administrative Agreement between the Federal and Länder governments on the Establishment of a Joint Commission for Educational Planning shall remain unaffected. When fulfilling the duties assigned to it under these provisions, the Commission shall act in the composition required by para. 2 of Art. 8 and in accordance with the procedural provisions of this skeleton agreement.

Article 2

(1) The joint promotion of research shall cover:
1. The German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (including the collaborative research centres, the postgraduate study groups and other tasks assumed by the German
Research Association)
2. the national research centres (Großforschungseinrichtungen)
3. the Max Planck Society (MPG)
4. the Fraunhofer Society
5. other autonomous research institutions of supraregional importance and overall interest to national science policy, provided that the need for financial assistance to be met by the Federal
and Länder governments towards current costs exceeds a given amount
6. other organizations sponsoring research institutions and research promotion organizations as well as institutions fulfilling a service function for research, provided that the requirements mentioned
under no 5 are fulfilled

7. research projects of supraregional significance and of overall interest to national science policy, provided that their need for financial assistance exceeds a given amount
8. the German Academy of Natural Scientists LEOPOLDINA
9. the Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin.


Skeleton Agreement.pdf

1. German Research Association 58:42

2. No longer applicable

3. No longer applicable4. National research centres 90:10
5. Max Planck Society 50:50
6. Fraunhofer Society 90:10
7. Other research institutions of supraregional significance 50:50

8. Other organizations or institutions 50:50
according to no 6 of para. 1 of Art. 2;deviation from this ratio is permitted subject
to approval by all Contracting Parties

9. German Academy of Natural Scientists  LEOPOLDINA 80:20

10.  Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin50: 50


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