The Plant Journal:拟南芥盐适应中主根和侧根发育的关键调控因子(阿根廷利托罗国立大学)
2023-5-21 22:23

A complex tissue-specific interplay between the Arabidopsis transcription factors AtMYB68, AtHB23, and AtPHL1 modulates primary and lateral root development and adaptation to salinity

第一作者Fiorella Paola Spies


通讯作者Raquel Lía Chan


背景回顾:Adaptation to soil is a well-regulated process vital for plant life. AtHB23 is a homeodomain-leucine zipper I transcription factor (TF), previously revealed as crucial for plant survival in front of salinity conditions. 

提出问题We wondered whether this TF has partners to achieve this essential function. 

研究方法A TF cDNA library screening, Y2H, BiFC, and CoIP assays were complemented with expression analyses and phenotypic characterizations of silenced, mutant, overexpressor, and crossed plants in normal and salinity conditions. 

主要发现We revealed that AtHB23, AtPHL1, and AtMYB68 interact with each other, modulating root development and salinity response. 

结果1-共表达模式与突变表型The encoding genes coexpress in specific root tissues and developmental stages. In normal conditions, amiR68 silenced plants have less initiated roots, the opposite phenotype to that showed by amiR23 ones. 

结果2-MYB68和PHL1的相反作用AtMYB68 and AtPHL1 play contrary roles in lateral root elongation. Under salinity, where AtHB23 plays a crucial positive function, AtMYB68 cooperates with it, whereas AtPHL1 obstructs its action impacting survival ability and supporting the complex interaction between AtHB23, AtPHL1, and AtMYB68 in the primary and lateral roots. 

结论The root adaptation capability was associated with the amyloplast state. We identified new molecular players that through a complex relationship determine Arabidopsis root architecture and survival ability in salinity conditions.


 摘 要 

适应土壤对于植物来说是非常重要的,该过程受到严格的调控。AtHB23是一个HD-Zip I类转录因子,被认为在植物适应盐条件中发挥重要作用。但是,还不清楚该转录因子是否需要其他因子来工作促进植物在盐条件下的存活。本文中,作者通过对基因沉默、突变体、过表达以及杂交株系在正常和盐条件下的基因表达分析和表型鉴定,同时结合转录因子cDNA文库扫描、酵母双杂(Y2H)、双分子荧光互补(BiFC)以及免疫共沉淀(CoIP)试验进行研究。结果发现,AtHB23、AtPHL1和AtMYB68三个蛋白能够相互互作,从而调控植物根发育和盐响应。这三个蛋白的编码基因在特定的根组织和发育阶段共表达。在正常条件下,amiR68沉默植株根数量减少,与amiR23株系的表型相反。AtMYB68和AtPHL1在侧根伸长中发挥相反的作用。在盐条件下,AtHB23一起发挥正调控作用,而AtMYB68起协同作用,但AtPHL1却阻碍AtHB23介导的植物生存,表明主根和侧根中AtHB23、AtPHL1和AtMYB68之间存在复杂的互作关系。另外,根的适应能力与淀粉体的状态有关。作者鉴定到新的调控因子,通过一个复杂的互作关系,作用于拟南芥根系结构及在盐条件下的生存能力。

doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.16273

Journal: The Plant Journal

Published date: May 11, 2023

Fiorella Paola Spies, María Florencia Perotti, Yuhan Cho, Chang Ig Jo, Jong Chan Hong, Raquel Lía Chan. A complex tissue-specific interplay between the Arabidopsis transcription factors AtMYB68, AtHB23, and AtPHL1 modulates primary and lateral root development and adaptation to salinity. The Plant Journal, 2023. DOI: 10.1111/tpj.16273





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