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[March for reflection |Maynard] digit zero differs

已有 1248 次阅读 2022-7-18 21:58 |个人分类:牛津大学|系统分类:科研笔记


["Terms of awareness /use" folded below] On going is to read a paper of primes to increase generic understanding on mathematics.

It is high papers that make textbooks meaningful, not on the contrary.

      ♘   7         5


      ♗   2         3

Story - Bishop assigned a job to check the cornerstones...

 ℂ ℍ ℕ ℙ ℚ ℝ ℤ ℭ ℜ I|φ∪∩∈ ⊆ ⊂ ⊇ ⊃ ⊄ ⊅ ≤ ≥ Γ Θ Λ α Δ δ μ ≠ ⌊ ⌋ ∨∧∞Φ⁻⁰ 1

Review: #m(a0, b^k) := (κi + o(1)) (b - 1)^k / klogbas k --> through the integers, where κ2 = b/(b-1), κ1 = b(b'-1)/ b'(b-1).

Note: b':=φ(b), where φ is called Euler's phi function*. (b' = 4 for b = 10).

---- For a "full" test of bigger b^k, taking a0 = 0,...,9 as the missing digit.

---- Set b = 10, k = 7.

---- κ2 = b/(b-1) = 1.111... for a0 = 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8. [Note: κ value need a rivision for digit 0, see below].

---- #m(a0, 10^7) = 329716.99 ≈ 329717

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 0 is of 397866 (accuracy: -17.13%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 2 is of 352155 (accuracy: -6.37%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 4 is of 354123 (accuracy: -6.89%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 5 is of 354910 (accuracy: -7.10%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 6 is of 355148 (accuracy: -7.16%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 8 is of 355805 (accuracy: -7.33%);

Comment: digit 0 is special in primes.

---- κ1 = b(b'-1)/ b'(b-1) =  0.8333... for a0 = 1, 3, 7, 9.

---- #m(a0, 10^7) = 247287.74 ≈ 247288

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 1 is of 262549 (accuracy: -5.81%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 3 is of 265015 (accuracy: -6.69%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 7 is of 266823 (accuracy: -7.32%);

---- Eaxct value for a0 = 9 is of 267486 (accuracy: -7.55%);

Comment: digits 1, 3, 7, 9 are greater weighted in primes than the rest digits. Apparently, these four digits may appear as the ending digit of all primes greater than 10, while other digits may not.


Observation: roughly, the number of primes missing digit 0 is of 4x10^5 greater than other cases of the same type. In particular, if one calculates the difference of the two estimations, namely 329717 -  247288 = 82429, one may want to divide this difference by two and add it onto the estimation for the first type, to gain a corrected estimation of 329717 + 41215 = 370932 (accuracy: -6.77%) for the digit 0. This is reasonable as the digit 0 does not have the chance to be the leading digit for any prime, while all other digits have. So, one can guess (in the case of base 10) for large b^k ——

#m(0, 10^k) = #m(2, 10^k) + #Δ,  where #Δ = [#m(2, 10^k) - #m(1, 10^k) ]/2. 

That is to say, for digit 0, one takes κ0 = κ2 + (κ2 - κ1)/2.  For both types of the digits, except for 0, the esitmaition is slightly more accurate for the smaller digits. It's clear that digit 1 is weighted number one by presence in primes for x < 10^7, possibly the case for any upper bound. 


How many primes are there in the case of P(2, 3, 5, 7) where the digits 0, 1, 4, 6, 8, 9 are missing? The exact number is 1903 for x < 10^7. That is to say, P(2, 3, 5, 7) is very sparse in [1, x] for sufficiently large x. By homemade experiments, I got #P(2,3,5,7) = (1 + o(1))·2^3·3^(k-2), verified for 10^k with 3 ≤ k ≤ 9. (I expect to check later for the estimation of multiple missing digits in a major paper by Maynard).


Review (halfway modulo): n = ∑nib^i  ∑ni = sb(n)    (mod  b - 1) ...... (%)

In the last note, I made an amussing but partial understanding to this formula.

---- The equation n = q·(b - 1) + sb(n) appears to hold, though I need to check it closely.

---- The partial understanding was identified accidentally when checking a case of missing digit 0 in the above experiment.

---- The case is of 9817141, a usual example of primes missing digit 0.

---- Apparently, 9817141 = 1090793·(10 -1) + 4.

---- At the same time, sb(9817141) = 31 = 3·(10 - 1) + 4.

---- That is, 9817141 = 4  (mod 10 - 1), and 

----  ......................31 = 4  (mod 10 - 1).

---- The fomula (%) refers to 4 ≡ 4, not 9817141 = sb(9817141)   (mod b - 1).

---- But, the equation n = q·(b - 1) + sb(n) may hold.

---- One can rewrite 9817141 = 1090790·(10 - 1) + s10(9817141), though digit 9 is not coprime to 10 - 1. 


The arguments in the last note only hold partially (i.e. for the coprime case) ——

---- For ni coprime to b - 1, one indeed has ni·b^i = ni   (mod  b - 1).

---- Under this coprime assumption, one indeed has n = sb(n)    (mod  b - 1)  at some stage of modulus.

---- That is, n = q·(b - 1) + sb(n), generally sb(n) > b - 1. (Note: I referred to "n", "b - 1" and sb(n) as "starings" who apparently share factors, if any).

---- For this reason, to the end, n and sb(n) would have the same remainder under modulus b - 1.

---- For example, taking n = 124578, one has sb(124578) = 27 > 10 - 1.

---- Further, 124578 = 13842·(10 - 1) + 0.

---- One can rewrite n = 124578 = 13839·(10 - 1) + 27.

---- That is, 124578 = 27  (mod 10 - 1), which I call halfway modulo.

---- Or, 124578 = sb(124578)   (mod 10 - 1).

---- So comes the form n = q·(b - 1) +  sb(n) for the present case.

---- Or, n = sb(n)   (mod b - 1).


For the case of ni not coprime to b - 1, one still has ni·b^i = ni   (mod  b - 1), except for ni = b - 1.

---- The inequality ni ≤ b - 1 aways holds.

---- For the case of ni < b - 1, one still has ni·b^i = ni   (mod  b - 1).

---- For the case of ni = b - 1, it is better to check an example.

---- Say, n = 98765, with sb(n) = 35.

---- 9·10^4 = 10^4·(10 - 1) + 0.

---- That is, 9·10^4 = 0   (mod 10 - 1)

---- However, one can always separate a 9 from the form of u·9 for any integer u > 9.

---- That is, 9·10^4 = 10^4·(10 - 1) = 9999·(10 - 1) + 9.

---- In the sense of halfway modulo, one has 9·10^4 = 9  (mod 10 - 1).

---- With such a special treatment, one still has ni·b^i = ni  (mod  b - 1) for ni = b - 1.


In summary, the equation n = q·(b - 1) + sb(n) holds for any (positive) integer. This equation appears more useful than equation (%).


Question: what if sb(n) be a prime?

 ℂ ℍ ℕ ℙ ℚ ℝ ℤ ℭ ℜ I|φ∪∩∈ ⊆ ⊂ ⊇ ⊃ ⊄ ⊅ ≤ ≥ Γ Θ Λ α Δ δ μ ≠ ⌊ ⌋ ∨∧∞Φ⁻⁰ 1


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