如果你像我一样来美国读书,毕业后一边搞科研,一边带孩子,大概很少能有机会与这些超级富人(super rich)和超级穷人在一起聊天。
这些超级富人和超级穷人都住在同一条街上,纽约市的派克大道(Park Avenue)。作为富和穷的分水岭的则是一条窄窄的哈林河(the Harlem River )。
在河道南边,有一栋高楼,曼哈顿的派克大道740号(740 Park Avenue, Manhattan)。这是美国1%富人中的1%(the 1% of the 1%)住的地方。
在河道北边,开车不过10分钟,是哈莱姆区。Wikipedia 写道:哈莱姆区(Harlem,又译“哈林”)是美国纽约市曼哈顿的一个社区,原名來自一個荷蘭的村莊。曾经长期是20世纪美国黑人文化与商业中心,也是犯罪与贫困的主要中心,目前正在经历一场社会和经济复兴。
Wikipedia写的是“哈莱姆区。。。曾经。。。是。。。贫困。。。的主要中心。。。”但是,这部长达58分钟的“教育影片”,Park AvenueHow much inequality is too much? (58 mins)
In America, the rich are getting richer. Isn't that great? Doesn't that meanthere's lots more wealth to go round? Or is it good news for the rich but verybad news for the poor? Watch the documentary now or download it from our Vimeo channel.
740 Park Avenue, Manhattan, is one of the most exclusive addresses in theworld, home to some of the richest Americans, the 1% of the 1%. Ten minutes tothe north, across the Harlem River, is the other Park Avenue, in the SouthBronx. Here, unemployment runs at 19% and half the population need food stamps.
The American Dream of equal opportunities and hard work says you can be born inthe Bronx and end up at 740. But is that dream still true? The filmargues the super-rich haven’t just bought the exclusive addresses – they’vebought the whole system and they’re running it for themselves…