Will there be a tomorrow?
2011-5-22 01:58
标签:End, Days

It's May 21, 2011.

What a question to ask, you may tell me. Well, I hope you are right. Where I live, the talk of "End of Days" is in the air (wave) and on the front page (of the internet). So, I have been asking myself these questions. If it's 6pm, which time zone is it going to be? I think it has to be the Pacific Time (or Hawaii Local Time), because the God is great and he would not short-change us, the people in paradise.

I have a plan to go out at 6pm, to thank our long-time resident manager for his service. I made a yarn lei in gold color, hoping that he would become rich somehow in case the world does not end too soon.

In the morning, I will go to my office to check on our latest numerical experiments. We are so close to getting our best solution for a never-ending project. It has to end soon, whether the world will end today or not. Then, I will get some snacks and lunch at my favorite places.

I wish to go sit by the beach this afternoon. The ocean is so beautiful when the sky is blue. Somehow, I need to sneak in an hour here and there to finish editing some papers for my clients, which is now part of my daily routine.

Well, just in case the world ended at 6pm my local time, I would like to say that it has been my pleasure to have had a chance Blogging for you.


Christian movement preparing for End of Days


By GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press – 1 hr 33 mins ago

OAKLAND, Calif. – Some shut themselves inside to pray for mercy as they waited for the world's end.

Others met for tearful last lunches with their children, and prepared to leave behind homes and pets as they were swept up to heaven.

And across the globe, followers of a California preacher's long-publicized message that Judgment Day would arrive Saturday turned to the Bible, the book they believe predicts the beginning of Earth's destruction on May 21.







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