2020-10-22 12:39
标签:iCANX, Light, 青年科学家


北京时间1023日晚8点,大家期待已久的 iCANX Talks第二十八期即将重磅来袭,本期直播将迎来世界顶尖光学期刊Light: Science & ApplicationsiCANX Talks联合发起的Light学术新星评选活动,从7月份正式发出通知,共有世界各地的35位优秀青年科学家获得提名,经过严格的筛选最终有10位杰出的青年科学家入围最终的角逐,他们将在23日和30日的iCANX Talks上进行最终的评选,每人做20分钟的演讲,并接受5位世界顶级光学专家组成的评审团的提问和评议。 

五位评委分别是来自加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的Aydogan Ozcan教授、原科技部副部长曹健林、澳大利亚国立大学的Chennupati Jagadish教授、纽约市立大学的Andrea Alù教授、以及来自西湖大学的仇旻教授。本次Light学术新星评选活动设有1名一等奖,2名二等奖和3名三等奖,最终的比赛结果将在30日的iCANX Talks上揭晓。

本周率先即将登场的5位青年科学家是:来自科罗拉多大学博尔德分校孙硕教授、复旦大学的孙树林教授、美国范德堡大学的Justus Ndukaife教授、新加坡国立大学的胡光维博士、以及来自斯坦福大学的Avik Dutt。他们将在iCANX Talks的舞台上给大家带来一场精彩的学术竞赛。








Quantum nanophotonics: engineering atom-photon interactions on-a-chip


Shuo Sun


University of Colorado Boulder



The ability to engineer controllable atom-photon interactions is at the heart of quantum optics and quantum information processing. In this talk, I will introduce a nanophotonic platform for engineering strong atom-photon interactions on a semiconductor chip. I will first discuss an experimental demonstration of a spin-photon quantum switch [1], a fundamental building block for quantum repeaters and quantum networks. The device allows a single spin trapped inside a semiconductor quantum dot to switch a single photon, and vice versa, a single photon to flip the spin. I will discuss how the spin-photon quantum transistor realizes optical nonlinearity at the fundamental single quantum level, where a single photon could switch the transmission of multiple subsequent photons [2]. Toward the end of this talk, I will highlight exciting applications of these devices in quantum networks and optical quantum information processing.





Shuo Sun is an associate fellow of JILA and an assistant professor of Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is an expert in quantum optics, nanophotonics, and optical quantum information science. Dr. Sun obtained his BS in 2011 from Zhejiang University, China, and obtained his PhD in 2016 from the University of Maryland, College park. During his PhD, he developed the first spin-photon quantum switch and the first single-photon transistor using a solid-state spin. His pioneering research achievements have been awarded by the Maiman grand prize from the Optical Society of America and the Distinguished Dissertation Award from the University of Maryland, College Park. Before joining the faculty of JILA and the University of Colorado Boulder in 2020, Dr. Sun was a postdoctoral fellow (2017 – 2019) and a physical science research scientist (2019 – 2020) in the Ginzton Lab of Stanford University. There he worked with Prof. Jelena Vuckovic on color center based quantum optics and inverse designed quantum photonics. Dr. Sun has published more than 20 journal articles and book chapters. He is an assistant topical editor of JOSA B, and a regular reviewer of 19 journals including Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Physics and PRL.


孙硕目前任职于科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,担任物理系助理教授以及JILA Associate Fellow. 他是量子光学,纳米光子学,以及光量子信息领域的杰出研究者。孙硕于2011年取得浙江大学光电信息工程系学士学位,2016年于马里兰大学帕克分校取得电子工程博士学位。在就读博士期间,他开发了首个基于固态电子自旋的光量子开关以及单光子调控的光学放大器。他的研究获得了美国光学学会颁发的Maiman学生论文奖以及马里兰大学电子工程系的杰出毕业论文奖。在加入科罗拉多大学之前,孙硕在斯坦福大学Ginzton Lab先后担任博士后(2017-2019)和研究科学家(2019-2020)职位。在斯坦福大学期间,他在Jelena Vuckovic研究组研究基于色心的量子光学以及基于目标优先设计的量子光学器件。孙硕博士迄今已发表论文和书刊章节超过20篇。他目前是美国光学学会期刊JOSA B的助理编辑,同时是包括Nature, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Physics, PRL在内的19个期刊的审稿人。




High-efficiency Electromagnetic Wave Manipulations with Metasurfaces


Shulin Sun


Fudan University




Manipulating electromagnetic (EM) waves in desired manners are important for both sciences and applications. However, naturally existing materials exhibit limited capabilities on EM wave controls. Metamaterials, man-made materials consisting of subwavelength microstructures (also called as meta-atoms) arranged in certain macroscopic orders, were recently proposed that can exhibit many fascinating wave-manipulation effects, including negative refraction, super lens, and optical cloaking. However, after decades of development, researches on bulky metamaterials face several challenges, such as complicated fabrication, increasing energy loss. In particular, one important freedom, i.e., the arrangement order of meta-atoms inside bulky metamaterials, was difficult to be fully exploited due to the structural complexity. Facing these challenges, our group proposed to design ultrathin metasurfaces (or two-dimensional version of metamaterials) to efficiently manipulate EM waves. Different from conventional bulky optical elements (including metamaterials) replying on the accumulation of propagating phases for wave manipulations, the metasurfaces can introduce abrupt change of EM phases and thus modulate the imping light, which can be usually ultra-thin, low-loss, and easy for optical integration. The freedoms to manipulate EM waves are also significantly expanded with such two-dimensional systems. Here, I will focus on our works on high-efficiency EM wave controls, including surface wave manipulations and spin-dependent wave manipulations.





Shulin Sun received his Ph. D. degree in Physics at Fudan University in 2009. From 2010 to 2013, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Physics Division of National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) at National Taiwan University. In 2013, he joined the Department of Optical Science & Engineering at Fudan University, and has been a full Professor and associate head of the department since 2019. He has been in the research fields of metamaterials/metasurfaces, plasmonics and photonic crystals, and published over 60 papers in scientific journals including Nature Materials, Nano Letters, Advances in Optics and Photonics, Light: Science and Applications, etc. The total citation is over 4800 times with the highest one being over 1200 times (google scholar). He won the Second Prize of National Natural Science Award in 2019 (ranked No. 2), the First Prize of Shanghai Natural Science Award in 2016 (ranked No. 2), the Prize of Important Optical Achievements of China in 2012 (ranked No. 1), and Outstanding Paper Award of Light: Science and Applications in 2018 (Corresponding Author).


孙树林,2009年在复旦大学物理学系获得博士学位,20102013年在台湾大学物理系任博士后研究员,2013年入职复旦大学光科学与工程系,2019年起任研究员、系副主任。研究方向包括电磁超构材料/超构表面、纳米光子学、光学微腔等,目前已发表论文60余篇,包括Nature Materials, Nano Letters, Advances in Optics and Photonics, Light: Science & Applications等期刊论文,被引用4800余次,单篇最高引用1200余次(谷歌索引)。曾获“2019国家自然科学二等奖(第二完成人),“2016上海市自然科学一等奖(第二完成人),“2012中国光学重要成果奖(第一完成人),“2018 Light: Science & Applications杰出论文奖(通讯作者)等奖项。




Opto-Thermo-Electrohydrodynamic Tweezers: A New Tool for Biology and Medicine



Justus Ndukaife


Vanderbilt University, USA




One-half of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for Optical Tweezers and their application in biological systems. Optical tweezers have emerged as a powerful tool for the non-invasive trapping and manipulation of colloidal particles and biological cells. However, the stable trapping of nanometer-scale biological objects such as proteins, DNA, exosomes, and virions has been met with challenges due to the diffraction limit of light. Attempts to substantially increase the laser power to generate enough optical trapping potential for trapping such small biological objects, unfortunately, results in photo-toxicity and thermal stress, which damages the integrity of the biological specimens. An optical nanotweezer approach that can stably trap nanoscale biological objects without exposing them to high light intensity or heat which may physically alter or destroy detectable bio-activity is of paramount importance for fundamental life science research and translational biomedical applications. In this talk, I will introduce a new kind of optically controlled nanotweezers termed Opto-ThermoElectrohydrodynamic Tweezers (OTET) that enables the stable trapping and dynamic manipulation of sub-10 nm biomolecules at locations that are several microns away from the high-intensity laser focus, where they experience both negligible photothermal heating and light intensity. The OTET platform employs a finite array of plasmonic nanoholes illuminated with light in conjunction with an applied alternating current electric field to create the spatially varying electrohydrodynamic potential that can rapidly trap sub-10 nm biomolecules at femtomolar concentrations on-demand. This novel noninvasive optical nanotweezer is expected to open new horizons in life science and medicine by offering an unprecedented level of control of tiny nano-sized biological objects in solution without photo-induced damage.





Justus Ndukaife is an assistant professor of electrical engineering at Vanderbilt University, USA. He received a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, USA in 2017.

Ndukaife’s interdisciplinary research is focused on nanophotonics for biomedical applications. He has made major contributions to the field optical nanotweezers. Very recently, Ndukaife invented a new optical nanotweezer approach termed: “opto-thermoelectrohydrodynamic tweezer (OTET)” that enables the trapping of sub-10 nm size biological molecules at tunable trapping locations several microns away from the highintensity focus to prevent the issue of photo-induced damage usually encountered when trying to trap such minuscule objects using the conventional optical tweezer technology that was recognized with one-half of the 2018 Physics Nobel Prize. Ndukaife’s research works have been published in the top peer-reviewed journals including Nature Nanotechnology, Science, ACS Nano, and Nano Letters, and he is an inventor of six technologies relating to optical nanotweezers. In recognition of his scientific contributions, Ndukaife received the Year 2017 Prize in Physics by the Dimitris N. Chorafas Foundation. His other honors include the Purdue College of Engineering Outstanding Research Award, NSBE Golden Torch Award, Best Paper Award at the ASME conference, Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Award, and Vanderbilt Provost Research Studios Award.


Justus Ndukaife2017年获得美国普渡大学电气工程博士学位,现任美国范德堡大学电气工程系的助理教授。Ndukaife的研究横跨多个学科,主要集中在具有生物医学应用的纳米光子学上。他在纳米光镊领域做出了重要贡献。我们都知道,传统的光镊技术已经在2018年赢得了诺奖,但是其未能解决使用高强度激光对生物分子的损伤问题。最近,Ndukaife发明了一种新的纳米光镊方法,称为--电流体力学镊子(OTET,它能够在距离高强度激光焦点几微米外的位置捕获或操控小于10纳米的生物分子,因此可以防止光致损伤问题。Ndukaife的研究成果在包括Nature NanotechnologyScienceACS NanoNano Letters在内的顶级期刊上发表,同时,他是纳米光镊相关的六项技术的发明人。Ndukaife因其科学贡献获得了Dimitris N. Chorafas基金会颁发的2017年物理学奖。同时,他还荣获包括普渡工程学院杰出研究奖、NSBE金火炬奖、ASME会议最佳论文奖、卡内基非洲侨民奖学金和范德堡教务长研究工作室奖。




Metasurfaces With Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials: Integration and Structuring


Guangwei Hu


National University of Singapore




 “God made the bulk; surfaces were invented by the devil.” Quoted from Wolfgang Pauli. In last two decades, two kinds of surfaces, i.e. metasurfaces (“2D metamaterials”) and low-dimensional nanomaterials (2D materials), emerge and support the extreme manipulation of light within an ultrathin and highly compact platform. However, the development of metasurface reaches a stage where all conventional materials (dielectrics, metals etc) have nearly been exhausted. While 2D nanomaterials presents exotic properties, they are too thin to be practically useful (Chemical Reviews, 2020). In this talk, I will show you how we can develop advanced metaphotonics by combining those two “devil-invented” surfaces, via our proposed two important strategies: integration and structuring. Specifically, I will provide a case study of integrating a monolayer semiconductor with a linear metasurface to develop the coherent nonlinear and valleytronic devices (Nature photonics, 2019), which are allowed by either metasurfaces or 2D materials alone. Besides, through structuring low-dimensional nanomaterials with a twisted stack, we achieved extreme dispersion engineering and “magic-angle” topological transitions of plasmon (Nano Letters, 2020) and phonon polaritons (Nature, 2020; Nature Communications, 2020). This work, for the first time, has transformed the so-called twistronics (i.e. engineering electron’s bandstructures of interlayer-coupled twisted 2D materials in condensed matter physics) into photonic regime and developed the new field of “opto-twistronics”. Via the proposed systematic strategies of integration and structuring, the advanced valleytronic, nonlinear, polaritonic and opto-twistronic applications may be developed.





 Mr. Guangwei Hu was born in 1994. He received the B. Sc. in Harbin Institute of Technologies in 2016 and is the PhD student in National University of Singapore from Sept. 2016 to Oct. 2020. His current research interests include fundamental light-matter interactions of metasurface and low-dimensional nanomaterials, with promising applications, such as the multifunctional metadevices, the optical engineering of the 2D materials, polaritonics (plasmon, phonon and excitons), and topological transitions in photonics, among many others.  He has co-authored more than 20 papers in many journals including Nature, Nature Photonics, Light: Science & Applications, Nature Communications, Science Advances, Chemical Reviews, Nano Letters, Advanced Materials, and more others. He received NUS Research Scholarships, President's Graduate Fellowships and Chinese government award for outstanding self-finance students abroad. 


胡光维于2016年在哈尔滨工业大学获得本科学位,20169月至202010月于新加坡国立大学博士在读。其研究兴趣包括超构表面和低维材料中的光与物质基本相互作用,研发多功能超构器件,基于二维材料的光学工程,极化激元调控,拓扑光子学等。目前,已在Nature, Nature Photonics, Light: Science & Applications等众多期刊发文约20余篇;并获得新加坡国立大学研究奖学金,校长奖学金和优秀自费留学生奖学金等。




Synthetic dimensions in dynamic photonic structures: quantum and classical applications


Avik Dutt

Stanford University




Photons are incredibly versatile particles, with multiple degrees of freedom such as frequency, spatiotemporal mode structure, polarization and propagation direction, that can be manipulated by dynamic photonic structures. In this talk, I will show how to harness the manipulation of these degrees of freedom to create synthetic photonic dimensions, for quantum, nonlinear and topological photonics. For this purpose, we use high-quality-factor resonators to enhance light-matter interactions. Specifically, we show how synthetic frequency dimensions can be used to simulate a wide variety of physics related to the quantum Hall effect, such as effective magnetic fields, spin-orbit coupling, spin-momentum locking and topological chiral one-way edge modes. These two-dimensional effects are realized in a single modulated photonic resonator, elucidating how higher-dimensional physics can be implemented experimentally in much lower-dimensional structures. We introduce a method to directly detect the band structures in such synthetic dimensions from time-resolved transmission measurements. This paves the way for quantum simulation and information processing in high dimensions on chip using scalable devices with significantly reduced footprint. 

High-quality resonators can also be used for generating ultrabroadband frequency combs – a sequence of narrow equi-spaced lines in the spectral domain. We show how to generate two such combs on a single silicon nitride chip pumped by a single laser for real-time spectroscopy of materials. The same resonators pumped with much lower powers also generate nonclassical squeezed light, with a quantum noise reduction below the standard quantum limit. Using this technique, we report the first nanophotonic source of optical squeezing, which finds applications as a scalable source for quantum sensing and quantum information processing. 

At the end I will briefly discuss the potential for extensions to non-Hermitian systems, and to strongly interacting, time-modulated quantum systems.







Avik Dutt received the M.S. and Ph.D degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, in 2015 and 2017, respectively, and the Bachelor’s degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, in 2011. He is currently a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford University. His research interests span quantum/nonlinear photonics, silicon nanophotonics, topological physics, synthetic dimensions, frequency combs, and time-modulated/non-Hermitian systems. 

Avik was the Editor’s pick for the Outstanding Reviewer for July 2020 in LSA, and is among the Top 1% of Physics reviewers (2018). He was awarded a Jacobs Fellowship (2011) and a Zurich instruments thesis award for his Ph.D. dissertation (2017). He has authored/co-authored more than 30 journal articles in journals such as Science, Nature Communications, Nature Photonics, Light: Science and Applications, Science Advances, PRL, Optica and other OSA, APS, IEEE and ACS journals, which have been cited more than 1000 times since 2015. He was a subcommittee member of the Latin America Optics & Photonics conference (2018) and a session chair for the SPIE Optics + Photonics conference (2020). Avik enjoys communicating science broadly by contributing to Wikipedia and news articles, especially involving projects which increase the representation of women and racial minorities, such as Art+Feminism.


Avik Dutt2011年获得印度理工学院(IIT)的学士学位,并于2015年和2017年获得康奈尔大学的电子计算机工程专业的硕士和博士学位。目前,他是斯坦福大学的博士后。他的研究领域涉及量子/非线性光子学、硅纳米光子学、拓扑物理、合成维度、频率梳和时间调制/非厄米系统。

Avik曾荣获Light: Science & Applications 20207月编辑选择的杰出审稿人,也是2018年物理学排名前1%的审稿人之一。他曾获雅各布斯奖学金(2011年)和苏黎世仪器论文奖(2017年),并在ScienceNature CommunicationsNature PhotonicsLight: Science and ApplicationsScience AdvancesPRLOptica和其他OSAAPSIEEEACS期刊上发表了30多篇文章,自2015年以来被引超过1000次。他是拉丁美洲光学和光子学会议(2018年)的小组委员会成员和SPIE光学+光子学会议(2020年)的分会主席。Avik喜欢通过在维基百科和新闻文章中发表文章来广泛传播科学,尤其是涉及到增加妇女和少数民族代表性的项目,如艺术+女权主义。


同时,本次讲座还邀请到威斯康星大学的Mikhail Kats教授为大家带来精彩的主持。

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