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The proposal for Intel Dalian Fab68 EASP training system

大连职业技术学院  董春利




ESAPEquipment Skills Acquisition Program),即设备技能培养计划,是英特尔公司根据微电子产业对技术人员岗位技能的要求,并结合业界公认的SEMI标准,独立开发的专业技术培训项目。已在英特尔遍布全球的多个制造基地实施了10多年的时间,超过5万名员工通过该项目得到培训。英特尔公司遍布全球的所有晶圆制造厂、封装测试厂中都开设了这些课程。








一、           班级组成(The composition of one session

1、 学员班型人数 The number of trainee


Status: there are 20 trainees in one session, 4 groups in one session and 4-6 trainees in one group.


Evaluation: Perfectly.


Proposal: keep on.

2、 学员专业背景 The specialty background of the trainee


Status: Up to now, all the trainees who have different specialty background are mixed together in one session.


Evaluation: This is making the training process very confused, for the mixed specialty make the trainees understand the course very different. The instructor cannot teach all of them in same depth and progress. And someone will feel the course in very easy, but some of them feel difficult.


Proposal: Please put the same specialty background or likely or same job position in one session or group.

3、 学员工作经验(The working experience of the trainee


Status: Up to now, all the trainees who have different working experience are mixed together in one session.


Evaluation: This is making the training process very confused in some hand on courses, for the deferent working experience make the trainee understand the course very different. The instructor cannot teach all of them in same contents and progress.


Proposal: Please put the same working experience or likely in one session or group.


二、           教学计划(Training Program

1、 课程大纲(Courses guideline

现状:目前能够看到的材料就是 ESAP_Course_Catalog_rev.2(by_Kai).doc”文档,主要是描写了课程描述、设课目的、先决条件、目标听众、授课时间,类似于我们学校的教学计划中的课程简介的内容。到目前为止,没有看到类似于我校课程大纲的文件。即描述:本课程的名称、教学目的、教学要求、教学课时分配,每节课程的内容提要、重点难点、主要章节、每章节的课时。

Status: Up to now, all the file I have is the ESAP_Course_Catalog_rev.2(by_Kai).docwhich e-mailed by Qiao Kai about half year ago. It is described all ESAP course in description, objective, prerequisites, target audience, estimated time. It is just like the roughly introduction part of the course in our college’s Training Program. There is no Courses Guideline file from Intel, which described the course name, the purpose of this course, how to teach, the teach time allocation, and every section or chapter description, the main contents in every of teaching hour, what is the key point, and so on.


Evaluation: The Courses Guideline files are making the lecturer know all the contents in every course. If there are no such files, the lecturer would not know how to arrange the whole courses and how to arrange every section.

建议:必须制定一个比ESAP Course Catalog更详细的课程大纲,用以指导全部讲师。

Proposal: We need to compile a series Courses Guideline files which have more detail than ESAP Course Catalog, in order to give the lecturer a guideline in every course.


2、 教学计划(Training Program


Status: Up to now, I cannot get any files like our college’s Training Program, which indicate the training aim of this specialty or program: which specification the trainee would be, which knowledge and skill the trainee would have after trained, and which courses must included in this program corresponded to above knowledge and skill. In detail, all the courses must be arranged in every week and fill in a table to show the courses name, scores, teaching time by read or lecture or hand on, teaching schedule by week, etc.


Evaluation: The Training Program is used to making the lecturer know how all the course allocated in contents and time. If there are no such files, the lecturer would not know how many time one course could take, and which section this course is, where is the gap or dividing line between the curriculums.


Proposal: we need to compile a General Training Program which including details arrangement and schedule table in ESAP Course, in order to give the lecturer a total program guideline.

3、 教学设计(Teaching and learning process design files

现状:目前为止,除了“Basic Trouble Shooting”之外,任何其他门课程都没有看到统一的教学过程设计。因此,一门课程讲什么内容、内容深度如何、内容的递进关系都是由讲师决定。

Status: Up to now, I cannot get any teaching and learning process design files except “Basic Trouble Shooting”. In this way, which contents it would include, how many item it would teach, how the curriculums work, all these aspect are depends the lecturer personal knowledge, skill, sense of responsibility..


Evaluation: To the same curriculums, the lecturer change will leads to the contents, main point, and the depth change. This would not keep the teaching and learning quality and effect same.


Proposal: Every course must have a teaching and learning process design file, at least a PowerPoint file, to show the detail teaching process, in order to concentrate all the contents, main point, and depth.


三、           教学安排(Teaching Arrangement

1、 讲师的结构组成 Lecturer Composition


Status: Up to now, all lecturers have no working experience except two people. They are intending employee and are graduated students. They are not only have no work site experience but also have no teaching experience, and further more, they are not familiar to the semiconductor manufacture process and equipment. In their lecture, they are often making some mistake in common knowledge, especially when the trainee has practical work experience.



Evaluation: The lecturer, without work experience, could only teach the knowledge in the theory but not the practical and skill in performance. And this is out of the EASP original aim.


Proposal: Increase the quantity of work experience lecturer, in order to enhance the skill and performance teaching.


2、 讲师的专业匹配 Lecturers’ specialty matching


Status: As I know, most lecturer are teaching those course which it is not his or her specialty or out of their normal knowledge. Those courses like electric and electronic ought to be taught by E/E lecturer. The tools and operation course must taught by M/E lecturer. But the fact is deferent., that most lecturers are learnt yesterday and teach today.


Evaluation: Only the lecturer, who have professional or specialty background, could teach the right and exactly knowledge in the theory, the practical and skill in performance. Otherwise, some of them cannot answer the question asked by the trainees, and sometime give them wrong concept in their explaining. This is also out of the EASP original aim.



Proposal: The course must taught by the same lecturer with the same specialty education background. Or the course arrangement is according to the lecturer’s willing, rather than to push the lecturers to be an omnipotence lecturer.  


3、 课时的总体安排(The overall arrangements for the course hours


Status: As I know, most lecturers just know their next week task or schedule in this Friday, rather than to know one month or even one session arrangement ahead.



Evaluation: This situation is not convenient to the lecturer. If the course is not prepared ahead, the teaching result would be not satisfied. And more, as lecturer do not know how many hours he/she can spend in one course, so as to he/she cannot give the trainees an exactly progress and contents in one lesson.



Proposal: Give the lecturer teaching schedule for 3-4 weeks ahead and reviews every week. In this way, the lecturer can prepare their courses, information and tools. And more they can design the progress and the contents in one lesson, according to the total schedule of one total course.

4、 讲师的培养 The TtT


Status: As I know, most of our lecturers are shortly trained with all other trainee. Most of the courses are learnt from other lecturer. When he was teaching, he just teaches out what he has learnt, and most of them will lose something. Meanwhile, our TtT is not including the total course concept such as teach manner, total course system, course contents and so on.



Evaluation: This kind training lecturer one by one, lecturer repeats his lecturer teaching is not suitable to the system course training, such as ESAP.



Proposal: Except this learnt from other lecturer to got teaching experience, we must provide training courses by the professional lecturer from Intel TGM. This will unified the teaching style, teaching progress and schedule, notes of this course, the key point and difficult point, etc.


四、           教学文件(Teaching and learning books

1、 学生手册 Student Handbook


Status: As I know, the trainees have the WBT files from the web. But there are no any file about the MAS and IPC.


Evaluation: The WBT files are very useful. But the sensors, solenoid valves and PLC are also useful to explain to the trainees in the MAS and IPC.


Proposal: Keep the WBT files the same. Compile the MAS and IPC files.

2、 讲师手册(Instructor Handbook


Status: As I know, the lecturers also use the WBT files from the web to instruct the trainees. There is no any file about the MAS and IPC provided to the lecturer to introduce MAS and IPC.


Evaluation: To the lecturer, just WBT files are not enough to teach the trainees. They need extra information or books to teach the trainees about the sensors, solenoid valves and PLCespecially when trainees ask some questions about them in MAS and IPC courses.


Proposal: Keep the WBT files the same, but we need instruction PPT files against every course to the WBT file complied by the qualified lecturer. Meanwhile to compile the MAS and IPC files to explain the question from the trainees.


五、           教学文档的编写(The compile of teaching and learning files


1、 上述教学文档的编写(All above teaching and learning files’ compiling


Status: As I know, there are no any teaching assistance files available in the lecture. The lecturer teaching according their notes, brain remembers and his habit, even he taught several times. There are no any reference files left to the newer. Meanwhile, the EASP courses have no Courses guideline, Training Program, Teaching and learning process designpresentation PPT files, Instructor Handbook, etc.


Evaluation: To the completely training system, it is needed to be supported by a series teaching and learning files. But so many teaching and learning files cannot compile by few people in short time and high level.


Proposal: We need all the lecturers to compile the Courses guideline, Training Program, Teaching and learning process designpresentation PPT files, Instructor Handbook, according to their background and the courses he has taken or was good at.

2、 教学计划栏目内容(Training Program Contents



类 别

序 号


分  数



备  注




















Training Program Contents 



Course No.

Course   name


Teaching   time

Time allocation by   weeks


Total Time

WBT time

Hand on time

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3

Week 1-2

Week 3-4

Week 5-6

Week 7-8

Week 9-10

Week 11-12







Notes: Red word means it would be change according to the ESAP program.


七、课程安排(The Learning Schedule

4、 课程的教学时长 The Total time of one course


Status: The instructor would not know how many times it will take for one course. One reason is that the instructor just gets the next week schedule in this afternoon before check out. This week WW09 the instructor knows which lesion he could take until everyday morning conference. Another reason is that nobody would tell the instructor how many time you will spend in this course if the instructor have not ask.


Evaluation: It is difficult to the instructor to prepare the course. And when he begins the course, he does not know how many contents it has and which contents he will teach.


Proposal: We must make a teaching progress overview to every instructor. In this table, the instructor will know where the class is in this course and which contents it would be taught in his classes.

5、 同一班级的同一门课程的完成 The Execution of same course in the same session


比如:WW07Session 12, Group C & D,其Basic Vacuum周一由Nie Bing讲授,周三由Charlie讲授,周五由Thomas讲授。事先这三位讲师并不知道Basic Vacuum一共讲多少时间,每个讲师的讲授风格、讲稿内容、课程的前后呼应也不知道。

Status: The same course in the same session is executed by the different instructor.

For example: The Basic Vacuum of Session 12 Group C & D in WW07the instructor is Nie Bing on MondayCharlie on WednesdayThomas on Friday. Nobody of them knows the total teaching time in advance for the Basic Vacuum. Meanwhile the teaching style, the teaching contents are different all.


Evaluation: It makes the instructor more confused that he does not know which contents include in his lesson, and does not know which contents has finished by the last instructor in last lesson.


Proposal: The best solution is to finish one course by fixed instructor. If not, it is necessary to be team work that all instructors in one course must divide the course into a fixed lesson and contents.  


八、课程考核(The Score Assessment for Every Curriculum

1、 考核标准 The Standard of every Assessment


Status: The student got the score of 1, 0.5, 0 in some hand on curriculum, according to their behavior in safety, procedure, working environment. But there are no unique standard as same basis judgment for the same curriculum assessment, even in the same session and same group.


Evaluation: There are no standard means that the same action results to different scores or the same scores come from the different performance. In this way, the scores have lost a fair justice.


Proposal: We collect the usually mistake the trainee will done into a list. And name the a different point or scores according to the role of the mistake in the curriculum such as MAS/IPC, UL500/Pump. This will give them the fixed and same standard for the assessment.

2、 考核成绩 The Score of every Assessment


Status: Most assessments are finished by different instructor, even in the same session or same group. Most score is given according to the instructor’s mode or judgment. Usually, the same mistake got the different score for the different trainee.


Evaluation: The scores is vary widely makes the scores lost it fairness and impartiality.


Proposal: It is necessary to develop of harmonized assessment criteria. The best way is to arrange the same instructor to assess the same session. Or all the assessment is finished by the same instructor for one course.


九、人员安排(The labor assignment

1、 讲师与学员的人员数量的安排

现状:课程和教学人数的安排不合理。比如:WW06Session10Group DMAS/IPC课程,在完整的一整天(Friday)里,只安排了6个人参加培训,是不计分的考核。而在WW07Session11Group BMAS/IPC课程,在完整的一整天(Friday),却安排了12个人的培训,而且是计分的考核。同一天又安排了Session7Group A6个人进行计分考核。就是说,同样是完整的一整天,却有18个人参加计分的考核。

Status: The lesion and the quantity of trainee out of the match. Take Session 10, group D in ww06 as a example. In a whole Friday, there are only 6 people to participle the MAS/IPC follow spec testing which the score is not recorded. Comparing to the Session 7, group B in ww07, in whole Friday, there are up to 12 people to participle the MAS/IPC test which the score must recorded. And in same day, there are another 6 people in session 7, group A added to participle the MAS/IPC test which the score also be recorded. This means in one day 18 people must pass the test.

评估:6个人比18个人,计分与不计分,可以想象讲师及学员的工作情形和最终教学结果。更有失公允的是,同样在Session 7Group A的学习环境比Group D就差得多,分数也一定不好。

Evaluation: 6 people to 18 people, score recorded to not recorded, you can image the working statement and the training result. The furthermore, in the same session 7, the group A is better than B in training environment and so as to the score is higher.


Proposal: Arrange the load of lesion, instructor and trainee in a suitable way.

2、 相关课程的衔接安排(The interface arrangements for the related courses

现状:相关课程安排的衔接顺序及其不合理。前1条说过,Session11 Session7在同一天参加MAS/IPC课程的考核,但是,Session7以前完成过Basic RoboticsRobotics ChallengeSession 11没有完成过任何Robotics的课程。因此,Session 11MASIPCFollow Spec困难就很大。


Status: The relative courses are in wrong or confusion order. As above statement that session 11 and session 7 are pass the MAS/IPC test in the same day. Session 7 has finished the Robotics but the session 11 does not. So the session 11 do the follow spec work harder than session 7.

And more for session 7, group A/B finished the Automate200 before MAS/IPC. Group C/D finished the MAS/IPC before Automate200. It means that the scores of group A/B would be higher than group C/D in Automate200, and group C/D higher in MAS/IPC.

评估:相关课程安排的衔接顺序及其不合理,同一session的人完成Hand on 的顺序不同,必然导致考核分数不能真实反映其真实状态,那么,用这些分数来评估学员的培训效果就有失公允。

Evaluation: The relative courses are in wrong or confusion order. It would lead the result that the assessment scores for person in the same session lost it true value. In the end, if we use this score to assess the activities and the training effectiveness is not fair.


Proposal: Arrange the interface and order for the related courses in reasonable order, especially to the trainee in the same session.


十、学员的部分意见(The comments from Trainee

1、 WBT的教学安排 The WBT training arrangement

意见:WBT的学习由学员自己掌握,但是由于各人的学习能力、学习进度对总体内容的把握不同。导致许多学员并没有完成WBT就开始进入Hand on。导致学习效果极差。

Evaluation: The relative courses are in wrong or confusion order. It would lead the result that the assessment scores for person in the same session lost it true value. In the end, if we use this score to assess the activities and the training effectiveness is not fair.

建议:公司应安排每个WBT课程的学习进度,并由讲师在每个WBT开始时作简短的Overview,结束时作简短的Summary。这样保证每个Hand on学习前,每个学员已经完成相应的WBT的学习。

Proposal: Arrange the WBT learning progress, and the instructor gives us the brief overview at the beginning and summary in the end. In this way, we can finished the appropriate WBT courses before the study of Hand on course.

2、 Hands on的教学安排 The Hand training arrangement

意见:每一门Hands on的课程应该由一个讲师从头至尾完成,否则,有许多名词、习惯用语不同会引起学习时的混乱。而且每个老师的风格不同,注重的内容不同,往往有重复的内容和空白的内容。

Evaluation: The Hand on courses ought to be taught us by one instructor not two or three. Otherwise, there are some confusion by the different term and idiom for some device and part. And every instructor have different style and focus on. This leads them give us different contents or gap or repeat of the knowledge.

建议:公司尽量同一个讲师完成同一个Hands on的课程。

Proposal: The best way is that one instructor finished one Hand on course from beginning to the end.

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