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已有 2738 次阅读 2024-1-29 16:21 |个人分类:AI 科研工具|系统分类:博客资讯

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Thus vs Therefore


Thus vs Therefore 的用法示例

Thus: The experiment showed consistent results; thus, we can conclude that our hypothesis is accurate.

Therefore: The road is closed due to heavy snowfall; therefore, we should take an alternate route to reach our destination on time.

Which vs That


Which vs That 的用法示例

Which (non-restrictive): My car, which is red, is parked outside. (The color of the car is extra information, and the sentence would still make sense without it.)

That (restrictive): The car that is parked outside is mine. (The phrase "that is parked outside" is essential to identify which car is being referred to; without it, the sentence lacks clarity.)

Affect vs Effect

“Affect”是动词,是产生影响的意思。“Effect”是名词,指的是行动的结果。从助记符的角度,可以这样记忆:“Affect”是动作,以“Action”的“A”开头;而“Effect”是最终的结果,以“End result”的“E”开头。

Affect vs Effect 的用法示例

Affect (verb): The bad news affected her deeply, causing her to feel sad all day.

Effect (noun): The positive effect of regular exercise is improved health and increased energy.

Among vs Between


Among vs Between的用法示例

Among (three or more): The treasure was divided among the four friends.

Between (two): The decision needs to be made between the two job offers.

Attribute vs Contribute


Attribute vs Contribute的用法示例

Attribute (verb): She attributes her musical talent to her years of practice.

Contribute (verb): Many people contributed to the success of the fundraising event by donating their time and money.

Imply vs Infer


Imply vs Infer的用法示例

Imply (speaker): She didn't say it outright, but her words implied that the project was behind schedule.

Infer (listener): From her words, I inferred that the project was not going as planned.

Whether vs If


Whether vs If的用法示例

Whether (choice): I'm unsure whether I should order pizza or pasta for dinner tonight.

If (condition)If it snows tomorrow, we'll go sledding in the afternoon.

Fewer vs Less


Fewer vs Less的用法示例

Fewer (countable): There are fewer books on the shelf today.

Less (uncountable): I have less sugar in my coffee than usual.

Principal and Principle


Principal and Principle的用法示例

Principal (person): The principal investigator led the research team.

Principle (fundamental rule): The principle of conservation of energy was applied in this study.

使用 Wordvice AI 纠正常见的易混淆单词

检查文章中是否存在误用易混淆单词的一个方法是使用我们的 Wordvice AI 英文写作辅助工具。它能够纠正和转述英语句子,让用词更加引人注目。具体方法是将文字复制粘贴到 AI 英文校对工具的左边对话框后点击“Proofread”,然后点击反馈框内呈现的错误项目,会相应解释此处为何出错,以及如何纠错。

wordvice ai 英文校对工具的修改示例

这个 AI 英文校对工具能够检测许多常见的混淆用词错误,以及其他未列入本文的错误。

wordvice ai 英文校对工具的修改示例

用户可以使用这个工具中提供的不同的编辑模式,从 light(轻微)到 standard(标准)、intensive (深度)、concise(简洁),或者使用 AI 英语文章改写润色工具找出替代用词,确保文章没有错误和歧义。


上一篇:用 AI 和 ChatGPT 写留学文书(个人陈述篇)
下一篇:用 AI 和 ChatGPT 写英文推荐信 (内含提示词)
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