Ar–Ar 年代学交流园地分享 邱华宁  中国地质大学 (武汉)


40Ar/39Ar 等时线与混合线

已有 4285 次阅读 2018-3-15 21:59 |个人分类:生活点滴|系统分类:论文交流| Ar-Ar法, 等时线, 混合线



Increasingly more data have indicated that the 40Ar/39Ar crushing technique provides a very useful approach to determine the mineralization ages of hydrothermal ore deposits. In this study novel gas mixing lines are proposed based on the data of two quartz samples by 40Ar/39Ar crushing. Electron microprobe analyses indicate that the quartz grains contain K-rich silicate microlites. Both quartzs by crushing yield two mixing lines with ages corresponding respectively to those of K-feldspar or sericite (post-mineralization fluids) and muscovite samples (ore-forming fluids). This is the first report that both ages of secondary and primary fluid inclusions (SFIs and PFIs) are confirmed correspondingly by those of the K-rich minerals. This study strongly indicates that the 40Ar/39Ar crushing technique is very useful to determine the ages of geofluid activities. The newly proposed gas mixing patterns are shown on the inverse and normal isochron diagrams, indicating: (1) the mixtures are in different proportions of the PFIs and SFIs in different crushing steps; (2) the gas mixing lines yield PFI ages with low initial 40Ar/36Ar ratios; (3) an intermediate age between PFI and SFI ages cannot be obtained because the progressive crushing technique never release gas mixtures with a constant PFI/SFI proportion for each step. The gas mixing lines are thus interpreted to yield significant geological ages. The mixing patterns will help us better understand the 40Ar/39Ar dating results and be used for references to other isotopic mixing isochron systems.


  • 40Ar/39Ar crushing technique

  • Gas mixing line

  • Fluid inclusion

  • Tungsten mineralization age

  • Inverse isochron


Gas mixing lines of hydrothermal non‑potassium minerals based on the data of quartz 09PT37Q by 40Ar/39Ar progressive crushing. A – modern atmosphere. P and S represent the radiogenic components of the PFIs (or muscovite) and SFIs (K-feldspar or sericite) respectively. E – parentless excess 40Ar. The red arrows show the trend of data point distribution as the crushing procedure progresses. EX – the SFI isochron line containing excess 40Ar. PA – the PFI isochron line. SA – 40Arex-free SFI isochron line, or isochron line of post-mineralization K-feldspar and sericite. PM – gas mixing line of PFIs and 40Arex-free SFIs, corresponding to the PFI age and a low initial 40Ar/36Ar ratio. SN – a potential gas mixing line by dominant post-mineralization components with minor residual PFIs. BA – an impossible gas mixing line with a constant PFI/SFI proportion. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

上一篇:中国地质大学(武汉) Ar-Ar 定年实验方法
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