Fragments of an interesting conversation with a post 90th
2012-10-28 00:56
...Another thing worth mentioning is that I got to make some monk friends here. One of them is now studying in ..., and of course she no longer has hair! She was born in China, and grew up in the US, then got her bachelor's degree in architecture from ....After which she chose to become a monk, while pursuing a master's degree in religion at ....university. Now she is planing to go to ... to get a PhD degree! So surprising and such an interesting life! The lesson I learned from her is that if you feel that you are being called to do something, then never let stuff like money, fame, or other peoples' opinions stop you...

...I have broad wishes, I suppose. Obviously to be a teacher. And I feel that I am being called to teach in the local public schools... I cared most about children and their development, and wanted a career in such an area...

...and certainly money and fame has never stopped me, but I definitely that people's needs should come into play. So, like I will not move from ... with my grandmother here because I am the only one she has here, so 
that will shape where I go and what I do, but it needn't determine it...





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