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于濂清 发表论文

已有 3120 次阅读 2017-6-9 10:20 |个人分类:成果介绍|系统分类:人物纪事


1.       L. Q. Yu,Y. P. Zhang,Z. Yang,J. D. He, K. T. Dongand Y. Hou*, ChemicalSynthesis of Nd2Fe14B/Fe3B Nanocomposites, Nanoscale,2016, 8, 12879-12882  一区6.739

2.       Lianqing Yu,  Ce Yang,  Yanglong Hou*, Controllable Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposites:chemical synthesis and magnetic properties, Nanoscale, 2014, 6 (18): 10638 – 10642 一区 6.739

3.       Lianqing Yu*, Yaping Zhang*,Qianqian Zhi, Qingqing Wang, Forrest S. Gittleson, Jinyang Li,André D. Taylor, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical and SensingPerformance of Novel TiO2 Arrays to H2O2,Sensors and Actuator B: Chemical,2015. 211, pp 111-115,  一区.4.28  

4.       Yunjie Liu; Lanzhong Hao;Wei Gao; Zhipeng Wu; Yali Lin; Guixia Li; Wenyue Guo; Lianqing Yu; Huizhong Zeng; Jun Zhu; Wanli Zhang, Hydrogen gassensing properties of MoS2/Si heterojunction, Sensors and Actuators B:Chemical, 2015, 211: 537-543, .4.28

5.       Xiaokai Li,Louise M. Guard, Jie Jiang, Kelsey Sakimoto, Jing-Shun Huang, Jianguo Wu, Jinyang Li, Lianqing Yu, Ravi Pokhrel, Gary W. Brudvig,Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Nilay Hazari, André D. Taylor, Controlled Doping ofCarbon Nanotubes with Metallocenes for Application in Hybrid Carbon Nanotube/SiSolar Cells, Nano Lett., 2014, 14:3388-3394 一区, 12.94

6.       Lianqing Yu*, Kaituo Dong, YapingZhang, Qingqing Wang, Qianqian Zhi, Tuned n/n or n/p heterojunctions forreduced graphene oxide and titania nanosheets and their electrochemicalproperties, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 201414815: 803-809二区   2.42

7.       LianqingYu, KaituoDong, Ce Yang, Qingqing Wang, Yanglong Hou, Facile Synthesis andDehydrogenation Properties of Fe3B Nanoalloys, Materials Letters,2014, 132: 4-7 二区 2.288

8.       Lianqing Yu*, Qingqing Wang, ChenguangLiu, Yaping Zhang, Lanzhong Hao, Magnetically Stabilized Bed for BenzeneSelective Hydrogenation, Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2014, 373):1-7  2.175 二区

9.       Kaituo Dong, LianqingYu*, Yaping Zhang, QingqingWang, B. Neppolian, Green synthesis of sulfur/graphene nanocomposite andphotocatalytic performance, Science ofAdvanced Materials, 二区, 2014, 6(8): 1828-1835  2.908

10.    Lianqing Yu*, Qingqing Wang, ZhipingZhang, JiandongHe, Liangliang Guo, Kaituo Dong, Yaping Zhang, One PotSynthesize α-Fe2O3/Graphene Composites and Their Photocatalytic Properties, Journalof Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2017, 17, 1350-1355   三区 1.556

11.    张亚萍,  黄承兴, 董开拓, 张志萍, 于濂清*, 李焰, 硫化镉/石墨烯/TiO_2纳米棒阵列的光电化学性能,中国石油大学学报(自然科学版),2016,40(3): 175-179 EI

12.    于濂清*, 黄承兴, 张亚萍, 董开拓, 郝兰众, MoS2修饰TiO2纳米管阵列光电化学性能研究, , 2016, 31(11): 1237-1241  SCI

13.   张亚萍, 黄承兴, 董开拓, 张志萍, 于濂清*, 李焰, 硫化镉/石墨烯/TiO2纳米棒阵列的光电化学性能研究, 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 40(3):175-179  

14.    Lanzhong Hao*, Yunjie Liu, Wei Gao, Yanmin Liu, Zhide Han, Lianqing Yu, Qingzhong Xue*, Jun Zhu, High hydrogen sensitivity of vertically standinglayered MoS2/Si heterojunctions, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016,682: 29–34

15.    张亚萍, 张安玉, 于濂清*, 董开拓, 李焰, 郝兰众, AgX(Cl, Br)-TiO2 复合材料光电化学研究, 无机材料学报, 2016, 31(3): 269-273  SCI

16.    Y. J. Liu, L. Z. Hao, W.Gao, Y. M. Liu, G. X. Li, Q. Z. Xue, W. Y. Guo, L. Q. Yu, Z. P. Wu, X. H. Liu, H.Z. Zeng, J. Zhu, Growth and humidity-dependent electrical properties ofbulk-like MoS2 thin films on Si, RSC Adv., 2015, 5,74329–74335  二区

17.    Lianqing Yu*, Qianqian Zhi,YapingZhang, Qingqing Wang, Kaituo Dong,B. Neppolian, Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 Porous Network Film, Journal ofNanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15, 6576-6581  三区 1.556

18.    Yunjie Liu, Lanzhong Hao, Jun Zhu, Wanli Zhang, Lianqing Yu, Wenyue Guo, Photoswitching Characteristics of LiNbO3/ZnO/n-SiHeterojunction, Key Engineering Materials, 2015, 655: 186-190  EI

19.    Yu Lianqing, Wang Qingqing, ZhiQianqian, Dong Kaituo, and Zhang YapingPhotoelectrochemicalProperties of Alkali Metal Doped TiO2 Nano-Honeycomb Film Energy and EnvironmentFocus2015, 43):191–195

20.    于濂清, 张志萍, 周小岩, 董开拓, 郝兰众, 张亚萍,Ag改性TiO2纳米管阵列的光电化学性能研究,中国石油大学学报: 自然科学版,2015, 39(3): 183-187

21.    Lianqing Yu*, Liu Rishan, YapingZhang, Qingqing Wang, Qianqian Zhi, Kaituo Dong, Photoelectrochemical propertyof Fe-N modified titania nanotube array films, Journal of optoelectronics andadvanced materials2014, 16(5-6): 519 – 523  SCI

22.    付庆涛刘晨光于濂清Ru/γ-Fe2O3-Al2O3催化剂在磁稳定床中苯选择性加氢性能,化工学报,2013645):1629-1634

23.    Lianqing Yu*, Kaituo Dong, QianqianZhi, Mingjiang Cai, Oil Column Method for Magnetic Microspheres with Core-shellStructure, Materials Science Forum, 2013743-744677-680  

24.   刘日山,张亚萍,智倩倩,董开拓,于濂清,阳极氧化法制备TiO_2纳米管及光催化研究进展,化学通报,20129):804-807

25.    于濂清*,钟晓亮, 张亚萍, 高温900回火在烧结NdFeB制备中的作用,稀有金属材料与工程, 201241 (1)157-160

26.    Yuhua Zhen, Jing-Feng Li, KeWang, Youguo Yan, Lianqing Yu, Spark  plasma sintering  of  Li/Ta-modified (K,Na)NbO3 lead-free piezoelectricceramics: Post-annealing temperatureeffect on phase structure, electrical properties and grain growth behavior, MaterialsScience and Engineering B, 176 (2011) 1110– 1114

27.    ZHANGJing, ZHANG Yaping, YU Lianqing,ZHONG Xiaoliang, WANG Wenxin Preparation of Ag-modified nano-titanium and theirphotocatalytic activityRare Metals, 2011301):267-270,

28.    Yuan, Y.F.,Yu, L. Q. Wu, H. M. Yang, J. L. Chen,Y. B. Guo, S. Y. Tu, J. P.., Electrochemical performances of Bi based compoundfilm-coated ZnO as anodic materials of Ni-Zn secondary batteries.Electrochimica Acta, 2011. 56(11): p. 4378-4383.一区3.9

29.    L.Q. Yu, X. L. Zhong, Y.P.Zhang, Y.G. Yan, Production and Corrosion Resistance of NdFeBZr Magnets with anImproved Response to Thermal Variations during Sintering, Journal of Magnetismand Magnetic Materials, 323 (2011) 1152–1155三区 2.00

30.    Fu, Q.T., He, T. T. Yu,L. Q. Chai, Y. M. Liu, C. G., Synthesis and characterization ofgamma-alumina nanospheres templated by lauric acid. Journal of Natural GasChemistry, 2010. 19(6): p. 557-559.

31.    Fu, Q.T.,He, T. T. Yu, L. Q. Chai, Y. M. Liu,C. G.., Preparation and properties of magnetic alumina microspheres with agamma-Fe2O3/SiO2 core and Al2O3 shell. Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry, 2011.20(1): 72-76.

32.    Lianqing Yu*, Xiaoliang Zhong, Yaping Zhang, JingZhang, Chenguang Liu, Preparation and characterization ofcore-shell γ-Fe2O3@SiO2@ Al2O3 magnetic catalystMaterials ScienceForum688 (2011) 223-227

33.    钟晓亮于濂清* 张亚萍张晶刘晨光, 苯选择加氢催化剂载体、助剂的研究, 化工科技, 2011, 19(2)45-58

34.    Fu, Q.T., He, T. T. Yu,L. Q. Liu, Y. J. Chai, Y. M. Liu, C. G., Preparation and Application of SilicaMicrospheres with Magnetic Core/Mesoporous Silica Shell. Progress in Chemistry,2010. 22(6): p. 1116-1124.

35.    付庆涛,于濂清,刘晨光,磁性核壳介孔氧化硅微球的制备与应用,化学进展,2010226:1116-1123

36.    张晶,张亚萍,于濂清,钟晓亮,纳米二氧化钛的水热制备及光催化研究进展,无机盐工业,2010913-17

37.    L.Q. Yu, Y.P. Zhang, Q.T. Fu,Effect of Boron on Magnetic Properties and Corrosion Resistance of High EnergyMagnets, Advanced Materials Research, 2009,79-82, 1043-1046

38.   于濂清,黄翠翠Zr对钕铁硼磁体性能稳定性的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2009383: 465-467

39.    Yan, Mi,Cui, Xigui, Yu, Lianqing, Ma, Tianyu, 2009/9, Reduction of Sensitivityto Sintering Temperature for Nd-Fe-B Magnets through Zr and Nb Additions,JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 25(5), pp629-632

40.    L.Q. Yu, J. Zhang,S.Q. Hu, Z.D. Han, M. Yan, Production for high thermal stability NdFeB magnets, J. Magn.Magn. Mater.,2008, 320 ( 8): 1427-1430 (SCI)  3

41.    Youguo Yan,Lixia Zhou, Lianqing Yu, Ye Zhang, Morphology evolution of hierarchical ZnOnanostructures modulated by supersaturation and growth temperature, Appl Phys A,2008, 93: 457–465 (SCI)

42.    X.G. Cui,M. Yan, T.Y. Ma, L.Q. Yu, Effects of Cu nanopowders addition on magnetic properties and corrosionresistance of sintered Nd–Fe–B magnets, Physica B: Condensed Matter,2008, 403(23-24), 4182-4185 (SCI)  6

43.    于濂清,袁永锋,燕友果,磁粉粒度对磁体强韧性和磁性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2008.3711:2034-2036 (SCI)

44.   于濂清,严密,合金制备工艺对烧结NdFeB磁性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,2008379:1681-1683 (SCI)

45.   于濂清,黄翠翠, 严密,速凝铸带制备工艺改进研究,材料科学与工程学报,2008,26(6): 858-860

46.   于濂清,袁永锋,制备工艺对NaFeB磁体力学性能的影响,稀有金属快报, 2008, 27(6): 17-20

47.   于濂清,黄翠翠,袁永锋,Nd, Dy对高磁能积烧结NdFeB磁性能和耐蚀性影响,粉末冶金工业,2008186: 19-22   ISSN 1006-6543

48.   于濂清,黄翠翠, 袁永锋, B含量对高能积磁体磁性能和耐蚀性的影响,粉末冶金工业,2008185: 16-18  ISSN 1006-6543

49.    H.G. Ying; M. Yan; T.Y. Ma; J.M. Wu; L.Q. Yu , Effects of NH4F on the deposition rate and buffering capability ofelectroless Ni–P plating solution,Surface and Coatings Technology, 2007, 202: 217-221 (SCI) 8

50.    L.Q. Yu, M. Yan,J. M. Wu, W. Luo, X.G. Cui, H.G. Ying, On the cooling rate of strip cast alloysfor sintered NdFeB magnets, Physica B. 2007.3931-2: 1-5  (SCI)  2

51.   M. Yan, L.Q. Yu, W. Luo, W. Wang, Change of microstructure and magneticproperties of sintered NdFeB induced by annealing, J. Magn. Magn. Mater.2006, 301:1-5. (SCI)

52.    M. Yan, L.Q.Yu, J.M. Wu, X.G. Cui, Improved magnetic properties and fracture strengthof NdFeB by dehydrogenation. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2006, 306: 176-180.  (SCI)  2

53.   严密,于濂清,张文勇,王伟,速凝铸带厚度对NdFeB强韧性和磁性能的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,200635(7): 1089-1091 (SCI)    3

54.   王伟,罗伟,文玉华,于濂清,严密,二级回火对(NdDy)FeCoCuB磁体磁性能和微结构的影响,稀有金属材料与工程,200534(10): 1633-1636 (SCI)

55.   于濂清,罗伟,严密,NdFeBAlDyNb磁性能及抗海水腐蚀研究,浙江大学学报(工学版)200539(7 ): 1031-1033(EI)

56.   于濂清,崔熙贵,罗伟,严密,添加CuGdNd(DyAl)FeB磁体热稳定性和磁性能的影响,浙江大学学报(工学版)200539(8): 1251-1253 (EI)

57.    L. Q. Yu, Y. H Wen,M. Yan, Effects of Dy and Nb on themagnetic properties and corrosion resistance of sintered NdFeB, J. Magn.Magn. Mater.2004, 283:353-356. (SCI)


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