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STATA 数据处理的命令一览

已有 10125 次阅读 2009-8-24 04:41 |个人分类:Stata|系统分类:科研笔记| 命令, 数据处理, STATA

Stata Programs for Data Analysis

This page describes Stata programs developed by the UCLA ATS Statistical Consulting Group for data analysis.  You can download any of these programs from within Stata using the findit command. 

For example, to download the cmeans command you can type findit cmeans (see How can I used the findit command to search for programs and get additional help? for more information about using findit).

daoneway    One-way Discriminant Analysis
anovacontrast    How can I do ANOVA contrasts in Stata?
fhcomp Fisher-Hayter pairwise comparisons
fpower    Anova Power Analysis
fstar    F* test for testing differences in means, like ANOVA
nonadd    Tukey test for nonadditivity
omega2 Computes omega squared after ANOVA
parcord2 Parallel coordinate plots
simanova Simulation of ANOVA
simpower Power simulation for ANOVA
sme Computes tests of simple main effects
tukeyhsd Tukey's HSD pairwise comparisons
wtest W test for testing differences in means, like ANOVA

Correlation and Regression Tools
aipe Accuracy in parameter estimation
bwls Band-aid weighted least squares
canred Canonical correlation redundancy analysis (needs Stata 9)
collin Collinearity diagnostics
fautil Factor analysis utilities
hadiplot Potential versus Residul Plot and Hadi regression influence measure
hinflu6 Computes Hadi measure of regression influence
iplot Index plots after estimation
lvr2dplot Leverage vs. Residual Squared with Cook's D
mvtest Module to perform multivariate F tests
partcorr Partial & semipartial correlation.
pathreg Path analysis using ols regression
powerreg Power analysis for Linear regression models
protab Predicted proportions following logit transformation
postgr3 Post estimation graphs and predicted values
sgmediation Sobel-Goodman mediation tests
rsquare Computes rsquare for all possible regressions
test2 Alternative test after regress
wls0 Weighted least squares regression á la Greene
xi3 Enhanced version of xi with 3 way interactions

Logistic, Poisson, and Negative Binomial Regression Tools
iplot Index plots after estimation
ldiag Logistic Regression diagnostic plots
ldev Compute deviance after logistic
ldfbeta Compute dfBeta after logistic regression
logsub Logistic regression subsets
nbvargr Graphs observed, poisson, & negative binomial probabilities
powerlog Power analysis for logistic regression
postgr3 Post estimation graphs and predicted values
pprob Program to compute poisson probabilities
scatlog Scatterplot with logistic regression line
vibl Visualizing Main Effects and Interactions for Binary Logit Models in Stata

Data Management Tools
nmerge Extended merge for merging multiple files at once

Other Data Analysis Tools
csgof Chi square goodness of fit test
do2htm Make results of .do files to .htm files
emeans Extended means command, including quadratic means
extrans Examine effects of transformations
grss Graph slide show
graph2tex Convert Stata Graph to .eps with LaTeX Code
gstudy Generalizability study program
hilo Displays highest and lowest values for variable
hplot2 Horizontal plot using ascii characters
largest Program to display largest "n" observations
mctest Multiple choice test item analysis.
refgroup Set reference group for coded variables
rtab Reverse tabulate, yielding percentiles
robmean Robust estimates of central tendency
smallest Show smallest values
showmarkers How can I view different marker symbol options?
spagplot Spaghetti plots
stata2mlwin Converts Stata data files to MLwiN data files
stata2mplus Converts Stata data files to Mplus data files
stfit Fit statistics for survival models
sumsum Compute sums of variables, and sums across variables
tablabel Tabulate values for each value label including zero counts
tablist Makes tables and crosstabs using list style output
tabmiss Makes tables of number of missing and non-missing values
vartable Show table of means and variances
wincorr Winsorized "robust" correlation
xdo Extended do command
xfor Extended for command





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