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已有 4107 次阅读 2010-12-17 10:52 |个人分类:科研方法|系统分类:观点评述| 方法, 信息获取, 科研信息, 新闻、事件、评论



News & Comment

例如 http://www.nature.com/news/index.html

  1. Fears mount for forensic research

    Nature News 16 Dec 2010

  2. Impacts of Canada's oil-sands operations 'exaggerated'

    Nature News 15 Dec 2010

Daily News

16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

Harvard Provost Steven Hyman to Step Down

Harvard University Provost Steven Hyman plans to step down in June to return to research and teaching. He will have served in the post for 10 years, which he...
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

Europe's ITER Budget Deal Falls Through, Threatening Fusion Project

A plan to cover a budget shortfall for the ITER fusion reactor project in France appears to have fallen apart just 2 weeks before the end-of-year budget deadline. The...
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

DOE Issues Plan to Ensure Access to Critical Materials

Ensuring the availability of rare earths and other strategic materials to the industries that need them would require giving the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) powers that it does...
16 December 2010 | ScienceNOW

Top 10 ScienceNOWs of 2010

A look back at some of our favorite and most popular stories of the year
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

Princeton Scientist Tells Earth Researchers: Speak Out

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA—Geoscientists want everyone, including policymakers, to understand their work and its possible ramifications for society. But on Wednesday, an overflow crowd of 400 at the American Geophysical...
16 December 2010 | ScienceNOW

Fearless Woman Lacks Key Part of Brain

Study suggests that the amygdala plays a crucial role in fear, but not other emotions
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

All-Star 'Memorial Celebration' for Climate Scientist Brings Powerpoints, Guitars, and Wine

PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA—In March, climatologist Steven Schneider, drowsy from chemotherapy, was getting ready to go to bed. When he checked his e-mail, though, he found hundreds of messages from...
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

South Korean Court Reduces Hwang's Sentence

Disgraced South Korean scientist Woo Suk Hwang had his conviction upheld yesterday by an appeals court in South Korea, which knocked 6 months off Hwang’s suspended sentence. The court’s...
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

Klein Reelected as Chair of California Stem Cell Institute

The board of the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) has reelected its founding chair Robert Klein for a second term. Yesterday, Klein reiterated to the board his previous...
16 December 2010 | ScienceNOW

What's Hiding the Universe's Brightest Explosions?

Astronomers think they've figured out what causes "dark" gamma-ray bursts
16 December 2010 | ScienceInsider

UPDATED: Synthetic Biology Doesn't Require New Rules, Biothics Panel Says

President Barack Obama's bioethics commission today released its final report on the risks and benefits of the young field of synthetic biology. Its conclusion: no new regulations are needed,...

News of the Week

Credit: Dusel
News of the Week

NSF Won't Build Underground Lab; Scientists Hope That DOE Will

Plans to convert an abandoned gold mine in South Dakota into the world's largest underground lab may have to be scaled back and could fall apart entirely after the National Science Foundation's oversight board rejected the current proposal.





下一篇:Top 50 Most-Read Articles during November 2010 PNAS
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