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已有 5486 次阅读 2010-10-8 16:47 |个人分类:引证分析|系统分类:论文交流| 引用, 诺贝尔化学奖, 理查德·海克




[CITATION] Palladium reagents in organic syntheses

RF Heck - 1985 - Academic Press
Cited by 916 - Related articles - All 2 versions


RF Heck - Wiley Online Library
The organic halide employed is limited to aryl, heterocyclic, benzyl, or vinyl types, with bromides
and iodides seen most often. Halides with an easily eliminated beta-hydrogen atom (ie, alkyl
derivatives) cannot be used since they form only olefins by elimination under the normal ...
Cited by 595 - Related articles


RF Heck, JP Nolley Jr - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1972 - ACS Publications
Registry No.-1, 121-46-0; 2a, 1070-71-9; 2b, 22237-84-9; 2c, 2003-31-8; 2d, 536-74-3; 2e,
33064- 30-1; 2f, 28112-07-4; 3a, 34627-34-4; 3b, 34627-35-5; 3c, 34627-36-6; 4,
34627-45-7; 5, 34627-37-7; 9a, 34627-38-8; 9b, 27593-62-0; 9c, 16723-30-1; 10, ...
Cited by 423 - Related articles


RF Heck - Accounts of Chemical Research, 1979 - ACS Publications
Et,NH'Cl- (1) yield of the product is obtained if a base such as tri- ethylamine is present to neutralize
the HC1 formed, since HC1 otherwise destroys the unreacted organo- palladium complex. The
detailed mechanism of this reaction is not known, and the product in brackets has not ...
Cited by 326 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
5518 of a dianion from water into the micellar nonaqueous phase could therefore increase its
reactivity. These general explanations of the role of electro- static effects upon the heterolysis
of the phosphorus- oxygen bond are consistent with the observation that the cationic ...
Cited by 248 - Related articles - All 2 versions


RF Heck, DS Breslow - Journal of the American Chemical …, 1961 - ACS Publications
That cobalt hydrotetracarbonyl adds to olefins to form alkylcobalt tetracarbonyls, as the hst step
in the hydroformyla- tion reaction, has been demonstrated by isolation of the resulting products
as their monotriphenylphosphine adducts. Ad- dition to 1-pentene gives approximately ...
Cited by 187 - Related articles


[CITATION] Organotransition metal chemistry: a mechanistic approach

RF Heck - 1974 - Academic Press
Cited by 151 - Related articles - All 2 versions


A Schoenberg, I Bartoletti, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic …, 1974 - ACS Publications
(8) L. Fieser and M. Fieser, "Reagents for Organic Synthesis," Vol. I, Wlley, New York, NY,
1967, p 153. (9) M. W. Rathke and D. F. Suiihran, Sun. Commun., 3, 87 (1973). (10) EJ Corey
and A. Venkateswarlu, J. Amer. Chem. SOC., 94, 9191 (1972). (1 1) Numerous references ...
Cited by 148 - Related articles


HA Dieck, RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1974 - ACS Publications
[HPdX] + R3'N + Pd + RS'NH'X- action in most respects was a significant improvement over the
earlier version which employed organomer- cury compounds rather than organic halides, it still
had two major problems. The most serious of these was that the reaction was limited to ...
Cited by 142 - Related articles


A Schoenberg, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1974 - ACS Publications
Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711 Received June
18, 1974 Aryl, heterocyclic, and vinylic halides react with CO and primary or secondary amines
with a dihalobistriphen- ylphosphinepalladium(I1) catalyst at looo or below and 1 atm ...
Cited by 108 - Related articles
NA Cortese, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1977 - ACS Publications
... References and Notes (1) P. Roffia, G. Gregorio, F. Conti, and G. F. Pregaglia, J. Organornet.
Chem.. (2) JP Neilan, R. M. kine, N. Cortese, and RF Heck, J. Org. Chern., 41, 3455 (3) T. R. Bosin,
M. G. Raymond, and AR Buckpitt, Tetrahedron Lett., 4699 55, 405 (1973). (1976). ...
Cited by 91 - Related articles


HA Dieck, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1975 - ACS Publications
Registry No.-1, 10497-56-0; 2, 28673-75-8; 4a, 54003-44-0; 4b, 54003-45-1; 5, 54003-46-2;
6, 54003-47-3; 7, 54019-69-1; 7 3,5-dini- trobenzamide derivative, 54003-48-4; 8,
54003-49-5; 9, 53075-01-7; 11, 53075-02-8: 12, 53075-00-6; 13, 53075-04-0; 14, ...
Cited by 89 - Related articles


[CITATION] Comprehensive Organic Synthesis

RF Heck - 1991 - Pergamon Oxford
Cited by 88 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1969 - ACS Publications
Table N. pK,'s and Hydrogen Bonding with Phenol in CCl4 of Sulfoxides t-BuSOMe DMSO PhSOMe
PbSO ... PK ~ -1.62 -1.80 -2.27 -2.54 Free. YOH = 3615 cm-l. ... RF Heck Contribution from the
Research Center of Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received April 7, 1969
Cited by 67 - Related articles


CB Ziegler Jr, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 - ACS Publications
... JULY 21,1978 Palladium-Catalyzed Vinylic Substitution with Highly Activated Aryl Halides Carl
B. Ziegler, Jr., and Richard F. Heck* ... Chem.., Vol. 43, No. 15, 1978 Ziegler and Heck Table I.
Relative Rates of PhosDhonium Salt Formation at 100 "C" registry aryl halide no. ...
Cited by 61 - Related articles


RF Heck, DS Breslow - Journal of the American Chemical …, 1962 - ACS Publications
This same order has been found in the tetra- hedral nickel-carbonyl-phosphine
complexes10~12 and has been correlated with the a-bonding ability of the phosphine, the best
a-bonding phosphines yielding complexes with the highest carbonyl absorp- tion ...
Cited by 55 - Related articles


… , CB Ziegler Jr, BJ Hrnjez, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic …, 1978 - ACS Publications
Acknowledgment. This work was supported by a grant from the Nat,ional Science
Foundation. We also are grateful to the Matthey-Bishop Co., Inc., for the loan of the palladium
used in this work. ... Registry No. --Ia epoxide, 66374-02-5; IIIb, 66374-03-6; IIIc, ...
Cited by 56 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1972 - ACS Publications
[HPdCIl * HCl + Pd There are literature reports that olefins (ethylene and propylene) can be dicarboalkoxylated
directly with palladium chloride but under rather vigorous condi- tions (300-1200 psi and
120-150°),4 and that styrene under laboratory conditions, in the presence of tri- ...
Cited by 55 - Related articles


[PDF] from iupac.orgRF Heck - Pure & Appl Chem, 1978 - iupac.org
of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711, USA ... Page 2. 692 RICHARD
F. HECK (2) Amidation RX + CO + R1R2NH + RN "Pd" > RCONR1R2 + RNH+X ...
Cited by 54 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 6 versions


HA Dieck, FR Heck - Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1975 - Elsevier
... Article Outline. • References. References. 1. RF Heck. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 94
(1972), p. 2712. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus
(45). 2. RF Heck. J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 91 (1969), p. 6707. ...
Cited by 241 - Related articles
RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
Acknowledgment. The author gratefully acknowl- edges the assistance of Mr. Joseph Keelins
with the experimental work. The nmr spectra were measured by Dr. George Ward. ... Allylation
of Aromatic Compounds with Organopalladium Salts ... RF Heck Contribution from the ...
Cited by 48 - Related articles


JE Plevyak, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 - ACS Publications
2454 J. Org Chem., Vol. 43, N o . 12, 1978 ... (29) G. M. Whitesides, CP Casey, and JK
Krieger, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 1379 (1971). (30) (a) 0. Grummitt, EP Budewitz, and CC
Chudd, ref 20a, Collect. Vol. 4, 1963, p 748; (b) JCH Hwa, and H. Sims, ref 20a, Collect. ...
Cited by 48 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1963 - ACS Publications
Cobalt hydrocarbonyl, carbon monoxide and epoxides react at 0" to give high yields of P-hydroxyacylcobalt
tetracarbonyls. Complexes from ethylene oxide, propylene oxide and cyclohexene oxide have
been isolated as their mono-( triphenylphosphine) derivatives. The cyclohexene oxide ...
Cited by 47 - Related articles


RF Heck, DS Breslow - Journal of the American Chemical …, 1961 - ACS Publications
Allyl bromide reacts with NaCo(CO)a to form allylcobalt tricarbonyl. A symmetrical, non-classical
structure (I) is suggested for this compound. Acrylyl chloride reacts with NaCo( CO)& to form
acrylylcobalt tricarbonyl (IV), in which the double bond is coordiriated with the cobalt.
Cited by 46 - Related articles


JR Weir, BA Patel, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1980 - ACS Publications
N-Methyltriazolinedione Addition to 1. Reaction of MTAD (630 mg, 4.57 mmol) with isodicyclopentadiene
(740 mg, 5.60 mmol) in 15 mL of ethyl acetate at -35 "C as before gave 1.2 g (88%) of 14 as transparent
prisms: mp 129 OC dec; IR (CC14) 2960, 1785, 1728, 1448, 1182. 1010 cm-l; 'H NMR ...
Cited by 46 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1971 - ACS Publications
Abstract: The arylation and carboalkoxylation of olefins with aryl- and carboalkoxypalladium
compounds to form styrene derivatives and unsaturated esters, respectively, has been further
studied in order to better determine the factors affecting the direction of addition of the ...
Cited by 44 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
Compounds. A New Synthesis of 3-Aryl Aldehydes and Ketones ... RF Heck Contribution from
the Research Center of Hercules Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received December 7,
1967 ... Abstract: Arylpalladium salts, prepared in situ from arylmercuric salts and a ...
Cited by 45 - Related articles


WC Frank, YC Kim, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 - ACS Publications
The palladium-catalyzed vinylic substitution reaction of olefins has been shown to proceed in
good to excellent yields with a variety of heterocyclic bromides. The reaction was used to prepare
nornicotine in four steps from 3- bromopyridine and N-3-butenylphthalimide.
Cited by 44 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
The Palladium-Catalyzed Arylation of Enol Esters, Ethers, and ... Halides. A New Synthesis of
2-Aryl Aldehydes and Ketones ... R. F. Heck Contribution from the Research Center of Hercules
Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received December 7, 1967
Cited by 43 - Related articles


A Schoenberg, RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical …, 1974 - ACS Publications
Palladium-Catalyzed Formylation of Aryl, Heterocyclic, and ... A. Schoenberg and R. F.
Heck* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
1971 1. Received June 17, I974 ... Abstract: Aryl, heterocyclic, and vinylic halides react ...
Cited by 43 - Related articles
RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1963 - ACS Publications
1-6 0 X Of course, larger molecules generate larger ACM's. However, assembly of the array is
not any more complicated, and, since the sum of atomic connectivity terms generally does not
exceed about 4 or 5 for most atoms, a large number of off-diagonal zero ele- ments is ...
Cited by 41 - Related articles


RF Heck - Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, 1966 - books.google.com
Synthesis and Reactions of Alkylcobalt and Acy I cobalt Tetracarbonyls RF HECK Research
Center, Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington, Delaware I. Synthesis of Alkylcobalt and Acylcobalt
Tetracarbonyls 243 A. Alkylcobalt Tetracarbonyls 243 B. Acylcobalt Tetracarbonyls 245 II. ...
Cited by 39 - Related articles - All 3 versions


W Tao, LJ Silverberg, AL Rheingold, RF Heck - Organometallics, 1989 - ACS Publications
We have reported that aryl iodides react differently with diphenylacetylene than they do with
3-hexyne. The di- phenylacetylene reaction yields 1,2,3,4-tetraphenyl- naphthalene derivatives
(eq 1) while 3-hexyne forms a t ... CsH5 hexacyclic 4:2 alkyne to aryl iodide product ...
Cited by 42 - Related articles - All 2 versions


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
5542 (cymmetrical multiplets of total relative areas of 8 from the ethyl groups), and at -6.78 ppm
(narrow multipet of relative area 1 from the aromatic proton), ... Reaction of Cupric Chloride with
Benzylmercuric Chloride. ... Acknowledgments. The author gratefully acknowl- edges the ...
Cited by 38 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
5538 A reaction mixture containing 10 mmol of 4-chloromercuribenzoic acid, 2 ml of isopropenyl
ace- tate, 5 ml of water, and 100 ml of 0.1 M LizPdClr in acetic acid was stirred at room temperature
for 3 days. The reaction mixture was then filtered to remove precipitated palladium metal ...
Cited by 35 - Related articles


[CITATION] Palladium-catalyzed reductions of a, β-unsaturated carbonyl compounds, conjugated dienes, and acetylenes with trialkylammonium formats

NA Cortese, RF Heck - J Org Chem, 1978
Cited by 36 - Related articles


RF Heck - US Patent 3,988,358, 1976 - Google Patents
3,988,358 Generally no solvent is necessary for the reaction if the reactant mixture is liquid at
the reaction tempera- ture. Solvents such as excess reactant amine, excess reactant alcohol,
tetrahydrofuran, toluene, N-methyl- pyrrolidone and dimethylformamide may be used, ...
Cited by 33 - Related articles - All 2 versions


… Plevyak, TC Zebovitz, M Terpko, RF Heck - The Journal of …, 1977 - ACS Publications
Babu A. Patel, Carl B. Ziegler, Nicholas A. Cortese, Joseph E. Plevyak, Thomas C. Zebovitz,
Marc Terpko, and Richard F. Heck* ... Chemistry Department, University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware 1971 I Received April 8,1977 ... Palladium-catalyzed vinylic ...
Cited by 33 - Related articles


RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications
2- ( Phenylazo) phenyl Complexes of the Transition Metals ... Richard F. Heck Contribution from
the Research Center, Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received July
13, 1967 ... Abstract: ligand-exchange reaction of the metal carbonyl anions with ...
Cited by 34 - Related articles


G Wu, AL Rheingold, SJ Geib, RF Heck - Organometallics, 1987 - ACS Publications
... 1941 Palladium-Catalyzed Annelation of Aryl Iodides with Diphenylacetylene Guangzhong
Wu, Arnold L. Rheingold, Steven J. Geib, and Richard F. Heck* ... Lett. 1986,797. (4) Wu, G.;
Rheingold, A. L.; Heck, R. F. Organometallics 1986, 5, 6203. 5625. 1922. ...
Cited by 34 - Related articles - All 2 versions











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