


已有 5533 次阅读 2011-8-30 12:50 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:科普集锦


鲍海飞 编译 2011-8-30











The Rotation of the Moon


The Brief: Today’s astronomers explain the Moon’s rotation about its axis with one side visible to Earth. The theory states, the moon spins about its axis in synchronization with its orbital period around the Earth. This revolution or slow spin of the axis of the Moon allegedly turns precisely at a rate, which keeps the same side always facing the Earth. We examine this theory to address the truth behind this hypothesis or present a new solution.


The current views and theories states the Moon rotates once about its axis for every orbit around the Earth. Here is a quote from a well respected astronomy website "Bad Astronomy"  that won the 2004 Scientific American science & technology web award.

"How it works: If you go out on several different nights and look at the Moon, you will always see the same features, at about the same position. It looks as if the Moon doesn't rotate! Ah, but it does.
   This can be seen using a model. Grab two oranges (or apples, or baseballs, or whatever roughly spherical objects you have handy). Mark one with an "X"; this represents a feature on the Moon. Now put the other one down on a table; this is the Earth. Place the Moon model on the table about 30 centimeters (one foot) away with the X facing the Earth model. Now move the Moon model as if it were orbiting the Earth, taking care to make sure that the X faces the Earth model at all times.

Surprise! You'll see that to keep the X facing the Earth model, you have to rotate the Moon model as it goes around the Earth model. Furthermore, you can see you have to spin it exactly once every orbit to keep the X facing the Earth model. If you don't rotate it, the Moon model will show all of its "sides" to the Earth model as it goes around.

Now, I have been a bit tricky here. We are talking about two different frames of reference; one on the surface of the Earth looking out at the Moon, and one outside the Earth-Moon system looking in. You performed the experiment from the latter frame, and saw the Moon rotating. From the former, however, you can see for yourself the Moon does not rotate. What is being argued here is that in one frame the Moon rotates, in another it does not.

We've actually learned three things:
# 1) the Moon rotates as it orbits the Earth (as seen by an outside observer);
# 2) it rotates one time for every orbit (to that observer); and
# 3) if it didn't rotate, we would eventually see all of the Moon as it orbited the Earth. "

Let's examine the current status quo for Moon rotation


Currently in 2011, the status quo within the field of Astronomy is that the Moon spins about its axis in a period equal to its approximate 27.322 day rotational period around Earth. So lets looks at the frame of reference used in current theories within the field of Astronomy that has backed this conclusion. When scientists concluded the axis is the Moon rotated in pace with its orbit presenting the same side always, this seemed true, but it was the frame of reference used, which is the source of confusion.


Lets go over a few of mankind's facts pertaining to motion. An orbit is where gravity curves a path of an object to revolve about a central point. The definition  rotation considers the point of reference used, if the object rotating about a point of reference outside of the object this motion is an orbit. If the rotation is a reference point within the object, this is rotational spin.


Astronomers have made a basic mistake in orbital mechanics and when given the answer refuse consider that they are wrong. It has been a decade since some of you in the field have seen this paper and debated it on the forums, yet "Ask the Astronomer" still has not learned. The reference frame used included the Earth as the central point, yes a point on the Moon's surface rotates, but this is due to gravity curving the path of the Moon. The Moon does not rotate 360 degrees about its internal axis as rotational spin. Within in this frame of reference, the Moon's axis follows its rotational path as gravity turns the direction of motion of the Moon curving inward, but maintaining orbital distance. Astronomers again when giving a simple explanation involving the motion of the Moon contradict their own words describing orbital rotation and spin. The problem with the current theories on Moon rotation is that those who formulated this theory, confused completing a curved path of rotation around the Earth as the Moon was slowly turning with reference points of the Moon changing in relation to the planet. It is only the illusion of rotation as others in an expanded reference frame can revolve an object about a point and you seem to be turning it. The key here is turning it not spinning about its axis. This is simple orbital mechanics 101.


Experiment, If you have a stick, attach a line to one of its ends about a pivot point and connect the other end through the center of the ball and tie off. Revolve the ball about you, does ball spin about its axis? How could it, it is attached to a string. You do see the same face of the ball as it revolves about the holder of the stick. You can validate that a point on the ball when you include yourself and the ball's curved path, does change its position within the greater frame, but the ball itself does not spin about its axis. Spin is a relationship between a frame of reference that is within the object in question and its rotation is about a set point within that frame. It is not the motion of the total frame of reference as an object revolves in a circular path around a pivot point the Earth in this case giving the illusion of spin about the axis, when it is a change position due to rotation. Are you confusing motion of an object following a curved path as oppose to spin about its axis? I hope you answered no. So why do you use the same of conditions and principles to validate the Moon's rotation about the Earth and to validate the moon's spin about its axis are in perfect synchronization?

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