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已有 6036 次阅读 2012-8-31 13:46 |个人分类:时事评论|系统分类:观点评述| 哈佛大学作弊学术诚信









学校的校报《Harvard Gazette》对此事已有报道,今年春季班的部分学生在完成一份家庭开卷考试的答卷时可能存在违规的“合作”,甚至直接抄袭的违背学术诚信的严重错误行为。学校的事务管理委员会已就此事展开调查。今年夏季,校管理委员会对这个班的每一份答卷进行了仔细的分析和调查,发现这个班的250多个学生中几乎近一半的人分别以不同人数的小组形式,集体完成答卷或共享答案。








同样的,文理学院教工委员会的院长迈克 史密斯已经要求所有的教职员工仔细审查他们的教案,明确每一门课有关“合作作业”的规定,和学生们一起讨论“学术诚信”的意义,并一起努力贯彻执行。









杰 哈里斯









Important message from Dean Harris


Dear Students,


I am writing to alert you to deeply disturbing allegations of academic dishonesty involving a significant number of Harvard College students, and to remind you of every student’s duty to embrace our ideals regarding, as well as the specific rules governing, academic integrity.


As detailed in this Harvard Gazette story, the College Administrative Board is currently reviewing allegations that students in one spring class may have committed acts of academic dishonesty, ranging from inappropriate collaboration to outright plagiarism, on a take-home final exam. This summer, a careful and comprehensive review by the Administrative Board of every exam from the class found that nearly half of the more than 250 enrolled students may have worked together in groups of varying size to develop and/or share answers.


Every student whose work is under review has already been contacted by the Administrative Board. If you have not been contacted by the Board, your work is not being reviewed by the Administrative Board.


In the coming weeks, the Administrative Board will meet with each student whose work is in question, seek to understand all the relevant facts, and determine whether any Faculty rules were violated. To date, the Board has come to no judgments.


Although no cases have been decided, this alarming set of allegations requires, in our view, a new campus-wide discussion among faculty, students, and administrators about academic honesty. As a first step, I ask you today to familiarize yourself with the Student Handbook rules - which were approved by the Faculty - regarding collaboration on assignments and all other rules pertaining to academic dishonesty. If you are uncertain how the rules apply in a specific situation, ask a member of the teaching staff.


Similarly, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Michael D. Smith has asked faculty members to review their syllabi to ensure that the collaboration policies for their classes are clear, to discuss academic integrity with their students, and to work with each other to share best practices.


More is necessary, though, than simply knowing rules and refining practices. We must all work together to build a community that fully embraces the ethos of integrity that is the foundation of all learning and discovery. Without integrity, there can be no genuine achievement.


To that end, we will, among other measures, work with House Masters and Resident Deans to convene a series of conversations about academic integrity issues in the Houses, taking advantage of Harvard’s unique residential life system to promote House-level dialogue on a community-wide scale.


Harvard takes academic integrity very seriously because it goes to the heart of our educational mission, as Dean Smith has said. Academic dishonesty cannot and will not be tolerated. I join him, President Faust, and College Dean Evelynn Hammonds in hoping we can all use today’s news to foster a culture of honesty and integrity in everything we do as members of the Harvard community.


Sincerely yours,



Jay Harris

Dean of Undergraduate Education

Harry Austryn Wolfson Professor of Jewish Studies



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