目前,UNCCD面向全球征集2017年“Land forLife Award(服务生活的土地治理奖)”,具体链接:http://www.unccd.int/en/programmes/Event-and-campaigns/LandForLife/Pages/2017-Land-for-Life-Award.aspx:欢迎您和您熟悉的机构积极申报。请注意截止日期:2017年2月28日。
(Coordinatorof Land for Life Programme External Relations, Policy and Advocacy Unit UnitedNations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD),UN Campus,Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1)
由于不能自己推荐自己,如果您或者单位有意申请,我可以通过国际荒漠化协会(http://desertnet-international.org/,DNI)帮助您申报。请联系我,王飞:wafe@ms.iswc.ac.cn, 或者联系我国国家林业局(UNCCD的国家联络中心)。
2017 L4L Award Nomination form.docx
Dear colleagues,
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) Secretariat is currently inviting partners, governmental organizations and civil society organizations to nominate candidate(s) for the UNCCD Land for Life Award 2017. The Land for Life Award recognizes excellence and innovation of individuals or organizations who have made outstanding contributions towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 15 "Life on Land", in particular Target 15.3 "Land Degradation Neutrality".
Under the theme" Land and Human Security", the 2017 Award will give spotlights to those whose work has tremendously contributing to stability and security of communities suffered from the impacts of land degradation and desertification.
Your support for nominations will help us reaching out potential individuals and organizations whose efforts deserve global recognition.
The deadline of nomination submission is 28 February 2017. Nominators are required to filled in the nomination form, briefly describe the candidate(s) works, and provide the rationale for nominating the candidate. Please return the completed form to jchoo@unccd.int. The Candidates Selection Criteria and Template of Nomination are as attached.
We also appreciate very much that you help to spread this message to partners, organizations and civil societies that you work with.
For further information regarding the award, please visit http://www.unccd.int/en/programmes/Event-and-campaigns/LandForLife/Pages/2017-Land-for-Life-Award.aspx or kindly contact me directly.
Thank you and we look forward to receive your nomination.
Best regards,
Jenny Choo
Coordinator of Land for Life Programme
External Relations, Policy and Advocacy Unit
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
UN Campus, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1
53113 Bonn, Germany
Email: jchoo@unccd.int
Tel: + 49 228 815 2831
Skype: jenny.tze.pei.choo
visit us at: UNCCD - Home
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