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已有 4957 次阅读 2007-6-29 16:36 |个人分类:寰球观察|系统分类:海外观察

来自IUGG(International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics)网站的消息:




该联合会的分会如下(其中International Association Of Geodesy 为国际大地测量协会):






The International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) is the international organization dedicated to advancing, promoting, and communicating knowledge of the Earth system, its space environment, and the dynamical processes causing change.
Through its constituent Associations, Commissions, and services, IUGG convenes international assemblies and workshops, undertakes research, assembles observations, gains insights, coordinates activities, liaises with other scientific bodies, plays an advocacy role, contributes to education, and works to expand capabilities and participation worldwide.
Data, information, and knowledge gained are made openly available for the benefit of society – to provide the information necessary for the discovery and responsible use of natural resources, sustainable management of the environment, reducing the impact of natural hazards, and to satisfy our curiosity about the Earth’s natural environment and the consequences of human activities.


How to reach Perugia
Roma (180 Km)  Pisa (230 Km)
car 2h 30m car 3h
coach 2h 15m coach 3h 30m
train 2h 30m train 3h 30m
Firenze (160 Km)  Siena (100 Km)
car 2h car 1h 45m
coach 2h coach 2h
train 2h 15m train 3h
Milano (450 Km)  Ancona (120 Km) 
car 4h 30m car 2h
coach 5h train 3h
train 5h  
plane 1h 30m
Bologna (250 Km)  Venezia (400 Km)
car 2h car 4h
train 3h 30m train 5h 30m
Napoli (380 Km)
car 4h 30m  
train 5h 30m


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