参加巴东国际地质灾害学术论坛记 精选
2017-9-6 19:34



应中国地质大学副校长唐辉明教授邀请,我在今年8月25日-28日,前往湖北省巴东县,参加了Badong International Geohazards Symposium(巴东国际地质灾害学术论坛)。巴东县城位于三峡大坝上游西偏北70公里处。巴东县是三峡水库区,到处都是高山峻岭和沟谷地貌,地表海拔高差可达2000米,滑坡等地质灾害频发。这次论坛总体情况可参见相关报道:http://info.cnhubei.com/gd/201708/t3896156.shtmlhttp://www.mlr.gov.cn/xwdt/jrxw/201708/t20170829_1584744.htm


我在论坛上用英文做的大会报告题目是“Mechanism of Giant Rock Ejection at Donghekou during 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake”《汶川地震瞬间东河口巨大山体抛射高速溃流的机理分析》。我用造成地震的地下深部快速运移到东河口山坡岩体的极高压气体的体积膨胀能力,定量地计算和分析了,体积为1千6百万立方米(质量为38亿公斤)的相对平缓(倾角28度)山坡岩体被水平抛射千米的动力学过程(下图)。报告摘要参见附录。







Mechanism of Giant Rock Ejection at Donghekou during 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake

Zhongqi Yue

Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, P. R. China


This presentation gives a quantitative dynamic examination of the ejection of a giant rock mass at Donghekou during the Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake of May 12, 2008. The ejected rock mass is part of the upper mountain with a slope angle of 28°, about 3 km to  the town of Donghekou in Qingchuan County, Sichuan Province, China. The ejected rock mass has a volume of 6×106 to 24×106 m3and has a flying distance of 750 m to 1000 m. After the flying, the rock mass impacts the mountain slopes two times and slides further one gentle ground surfaces. The overall travel angle of the rock mass debris is about 14°. The ejected rock mass rapidly travels to a maximum horizontal distance of 2.4 to 2.6 km. The rock debris covers an area of 1.1×106 m2, destroys and buries four villages and a primary school and results about 800 fatalities. Under the hypothesis of highly compressed methane gas cause of the earthquake, a dynamic model is proposed and developed to back-calculate the giant rock mass ejection. The horizontal flying distances of 750 m and 1000 mare, respectively, used as the lower and upper ejection limits.  For these lower and upper limits, the giant rock mass would have to be accelerated heavily within the initial 0.1 second.Within the initial 0.5 to 0.6 seconds, the giant rock mass has to the highest upward vertical velocity of 27 to 39 m/s and the corresponding horizontal velocity of 57 to 77 m/s. The peak upward vertical acceleration has to be between 360 to710 m/s2 (38g to 71g) within the initial 0.012 seconds. The peak forward horizontal acceleration has to be between 660 to 1250 m/s2 (65g to 125g) within the initial 0.012 second.  The total flying time of the giant rock mass is about 12 to 14 second. The rock mass can have the high speed of 100 to 130m/s before the impacting. After the impacts, the rock mass can rapidly slide over the ground surface of gentle hillside slopes and stream course with the common ground frictional resistance angle of 30°.

Abstracts of Badong International GeohazardsSymposium, Part 1: Keynote Speech, pp. 7





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