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已有 6276 次阅读 2010-1-7 08:12 |个人分类:胡言乱语|系统分类:生活其它| 爱因斯坦, 布朗运动, 皇帝的新衣

伊利诺大学的一群人做了一个研究,仔细测量了在复杂介质中的布朗运动,发现其扩散行为不满足爱因斯坦关于布朗运动的结论。Anomalous yet Brownian, PNAS September 8, 2009 vol. 106 no. 36 15160-15164 . 结论并不奇怪,因为环境不同,结论自然可以不同,按照爱因斯坦的思路和实验条件,自然也可以解释实验结果。总体上看,这是一个漂亮,干净的研究结果。但其影响不可能大,只有相关的同行才会关心。更算不上揭示了什么了不起的奥秘,把真理赤裸裸的暴露在世人面前。

但是,为了让更多的人关注此事,就有了一个报道, 链接在此:http://www.physorg.com/news167934205.html.

 研究者说:"Like Einstein, we used to think we could describe Brownian motion with a standard bell-shaped curve. But now, with the ability to measure very small distances much more precisely than was possible 100 years ago, we have found that we can have extremes much farther than previously imagined." 

 "Like the emperor's new clothes, now that we know the bell-shaped curve isn't always the right way to think about a particular problem, process, or operation, we can begin to design around it, and maybe take advantage of it. And, we can correct the textbooks."



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