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已有 13429 次阅读 2016-12-18 23:41 |个人分类:科学普及|系统分类:科研笔记| 招聘, 博士后, 博士生, 招生, 联合实验室






1.    已经取得博士学位,并在国际顶级期刊发表过重要学术论文。

2.    具有优异的科学素养和创新意识以及一流的中英文表达能力。


1.    申请:1)简历、学历学位证明以及博士论文和已经发表论文的复印件;2)三封专家推荐信,对申请人的思想素质、心理素质、科学素养、独立科研能力及团队合作精神等给出具体评价;3)一份正式研究计划(分别用中文和英文撰写,各不少于5000字)。

2.    面试:审查合格的申请人,将由中国石油大学和哈佛大学组成专家组进行面试,并做出录用决定。


1.    被录用的博士后将由中国石油大学和哈佛大学共同支持,申请中国留学基金(CSC),然后在哈佛大学和中国石油大学“油气科学国际合作联合实验室”开展研究工作,享有哈佛大学和中国石油大学的全部科研资源。

2.    被录用的博士后,中国合作导师为肖立志教授,美国合作导师为David Weitz教授。


1.     为了顺利申报2017年国家留学基金,招聘截止时间为20161231日,面试时间安排在201715日之前。

2.     所有申请材料请直接发至:lizhi_xiao@fas.harvard.edu;不接受电话咨询。



1.     具有优异的科学素养和创新意识。

2.     具有一流的中英文表达能力。

3.     托福考试成绩在105分以上。


1.     申请:托福考试机构出具的成绩单;三封专家推荐信,对申请人的思想素质、心理素质、科学素养及自主学习和研究能力等给出具体评价;一份正式研究计划(分别用中文和英文撰写,各不少于4000字)。

2.     考试:审查合格的申请人,参加中国石油大学博士生入学考试,并由中国石油大学和哈佛大学组成专家组进行面试,做出录取决定。


1.     被录取的博士生将取得中国石油大学(北京)学籍,由哈佛大学支持申请中国留学基金(CSC),然后送哈佛大学进行联合培养,按中国石油大学(北京)要求答辩,取得中国石油大学(北京)博士学位。

2.     对于托福和GRE成绩以及研究计划特别优秀的申请人,先录取为中国石油大学(北京)博士生,再推荐攻读哈佛大学博士学位,达到哈佛大学录取和培养要求者,可以同时授予哈佛大学和中国石油大学(北京)博士学位。

3.     被录取的博士生,中国导师为肖立志教授,美国导师为David Weitz教授。


  1. 为了顺利申报2017年国家留学基金和中国石油大学的博士生考试,请参照中国石油大学(北京)研究生院网站公布的招生和面试时间。

  2. 所有申请材料请直接发至:lizhi_xiao@fas.harvard.eduxiaolizhi@cup.edu.cn;不接受电话咨询。

Harvard setup a joint laboratory on petroleum Science with CUPB

Francis J.Doyle III, Dean of Harvard Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Science(SEAS), and Lizhi Xiao, Director of the National “111” Project on Petroleum Geophysical Prospecting and Former Dean of Geophysics and Information Engineering School at China University of Petroleum-Beijing (CUPB) officially signed an agreement on establishment of international joint laboratory on petroleum science at Cambridge, MA, on this October.

The joint program aims at fundamentals in petroleum exploration, recovery, refine and petro-chemistry through collaborative multi-disciplinary and advanced laboratory study, and focuses on forming high level and applicable theory and methodology, and fostering interdisciplinary talents from international perspective. The tasks for next five years will include developing new models and adopting advanced laboratory techniques to study oil and gas formation,migration, adsorption and flow in porous media, to investigate new theory and methodology for petroleum exploration, development, refining to maximize the oil and gas recovery and converting.

The joint program will mainly rely on the national “111 project” and the state key laboratory of petroleum resources and engineering at CUPB in China side, and the WeitLab in Harvard side. David A Weitz, Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, member of the US National Academy of Science, the US National Academy of Engineering, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,is the US Director, and Lizhi Xiao, Changjiang Chair Professor at CUPB, is appointed as China Director. Weitz has worked for Exxon for more than 18 years,Xiao worked for Halliburton and China Petroleum for more than 30 years. Both of them have experience in the petroleum industry.

The petroleum industry is so interesting and complicated that almost every aspect worth efforts and there are so many things fundamentally remain unknown. In addition, as new technology appears, one canalways find proper applications in petroleum industry. The environment-friendly fracking and enhancement of oil and gas recovery, for instance, are two major concerns attractive to this joint program. Although the oil price has been inthe down turn cycle for years, the research efforts in fundamentals of the petroleum science and engineering never slow down. And now it’s a right time to get in and catch up the next wave. China University of Petroleum is a highly oil industry-oriented higher education institution and well facilitated petroleum related research organization. The cooperation between Harvard SEAS and CUPB will bring the petroleum engineering and experimental science together. We look forward to having more cooperation between Harvard and theoil industry worldwide to serve the energy industry and create a bright future.


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