2015-5-8 09:02
标签:追求, randy, Katz, 大学拒绝






     被一个大学拒绝了怎么办?Randy Katz,美国工程院和科学院两院院士,前Berkeley计算机系主任,前美国国防部先进研究项目局局长,RAID发明者,白宫网站建立者。四十年前本科申请研究生的时候一被CMUStanford拒了,二十年之后这两个学校邀请他去当系主任 - 看看他的观点:


Forty years ago I applied to Stanford, CMU, and Berkeley for graduate school, and I got soundly rejected from the first two (CMU wrote me that I was on a waiting list; I later discovered that there was no waiting list!).


Twenty years ago Stanford recruited me to become Chair of Computer Science, and a little later CMU talked to me about becoming Dean of the School of Computer Science. Of course, these are administrative recruitments and a somewhat different animal than recruiting senior professors to bring money, prestige and leadership to a department that needs it (neither Stanford nor CMU needed it).


My feelings about these recruitments were very mixed; proud that I was wanted at a leading institution (independent of the fact that I had been rejected by them earlier), but also a little concerned that both institutions were looking outside for leadership. Berkeley EECS, for example, always recruits departmental (and College) leadership from within, and there has always been a generation of faculty with the skill and desire to assume that leadership.


For someone from the outside, the internal minefields and politics were unfathomable. At the end of the day, I realized that I had been shaped by and benefited enormously from the academic culture at Berkeley, and wasn't going to go anywhere else. Stanford and CMU ultimately did look inward, and found great people for those roles.


So I guess the point of my story is it is better to be recruited back to your old school, than to be recruited to a school that rejected you earlier.”


     万青: 用博大精深的中文归纳: 曾经沧海难为水。






I used his textbook on logic design for my class SIE 370 four years in a rownormally I changed textbook every semester.



Randy Katz 对于What is is like to be a professor at a university you were rejected from的回复原文链接为:









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