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高少培博士Plant and Cell Physiology 特邀综述:赤霉素代谢与信号途径:作物改良的重要靶点

已有 6375 次阅读 2020-8-6 20:16 |个人分类:个人随笔|系统分类:科研笔记

     2020年8月6日 Plant and Cell Physiology 在线发表了高少培博士题为Gibberellin metabolism and signalling: Targets for improving agronomic performance of crops的特邀综述。



图 1 GA调控的重要农艺性状


  1. Gao S and Chu C* (2020) Gibberellin metabolism and signalling: Targets for improving agronomic performance of crops. Plant Cell Physiol. doi: 10.1093/pcp/pcaa104.

  2. Hamdani S, Wang H, Zheng G, Perveen SH, Qu M, Khan N, Khan W, Jiang J, Li M, Liu X, Zhu X, Govindjee, Chu C*, Zhu X* (2019) Genome-wide association study identifies variation of glucosidase being linked to natural variation of the maximal quantum yield of photosystem II. Physiol. Plant. 166: 105-119.

  3. Gao S and Chu C* (2018) Fine-tuning of Eui1: Breaking the bottleneck in hybrid rice seed production. Mol. Plant 11(5): 643-644.

  4. Gao S, Fang J, Xu F, Wang W, and Chu C* (2016) Rice HOX12 regulates panicle exsertion by directly modulating the expression of ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE1. Plant Cell 38(3): 680-695.

  5. Tong H and Chu C* (2016) Brassinosteroid regulates gibberellin synthesis to promote cell elongation in rice: Critical comments on Ross and Quittenden’s letter. Plant Cell 28(4): 833-835.

  6. Che R#, Tong H#, Shi B, Liu Y, Fang S, Liu D, Xiao Y, Hu B, Liu L, Wang H, Zhao M*, and Chu C* (2015) Control of grain size and rice yield by GL2-mediated brassinosteroid responses. Nat. Plants 2: 15195.

  7. Tong H#, Xiao Y#, Liu D, Gao S, Liu L, Yin Y, Jin Y, Qian Q, and Chu C* (2014) Brassinosteroid regulates cell elongation by modulating gibberellin metabolism in rice. Plant Cell 26(11): 4376-4393. 

  8. Liu Y, Fang J, Xu F, Chu J, Yan C, Schläppi M, Wang Y, and Chu C* (2014) Expression patterns of ABA and GA metabolism genes and hormone levels during rice seed development and imbibition: A comparison of dormant and non-dormant rice cultivars. J. Genet. Genomics 41(6): 327-338. 

  9. Guo X#, Hou X#, Fang J#, Wei P, Xu B, Chen M, Feng Y, and Chu C* (2013) The rice GERMINATION DEFECTIVE1, encoding a B3 domain transcriptional repressor, regulates seed germination and seedling development by integrating GA and carbohydrate metabolism. Plant J. 75(3): 403-416.

  10. Luo A#, Qian Q#, Ying H, Liu X, Yin C, Lan Y, Tang J, Tang Z, Cao S, Wang X, Xia K, Fu X, Luo D*, and Chu C* (2006) EUI1, encoding a putative cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, regulates the internode elongation by modulating GA responses in rice. Plant Cell Physiol. 47: 181-191.


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