文章追本溯源分析用于定义NP的NDTM(不确定性图灵机),揭示NDTM指称二个完全不同的概念:一个是Oracle(神喻机),另一个是Turing Machine(图灵机)。由于同一术语NDTM指称两个内涵完全不同的概念,故发生了“概念偷换”的逻辑错误,导致“可验证”成为现在NP的标准定义,自此NP的本质“不确定性”消失了,遂有“P versus NP”的千禧年难题。
In this paper, we interpret NDTM (NonDeterministicTuringMachine) used to define NP by tracing to the source of NP. Originally NP was defined as the class of problems solvable in polynomial time by a NDTM in Cook’s theorem, where the NDTM was represented as Query Machine of essence Oracle. Later a model consisting of a guessing module and a checking module was proposed to replace the NDTM. This model of essence TM has a fundamental difference from the NDTM of essence Oracle, but people still use the term NDTM to designate this model, which leads to the disguised displacement of NDTM and produces out the verifier-based definition of NP as the class of problems verifiable in polynomialtime by a TM (Turing Machine). This verifier-based one has been then accepted as the standard definition of NP where comes from the famous equivalence ofthe two definitions of NP. Since then the notion of nondeterminism is lost from NP, which causes ambiguities in understanding NP and then great difficulties in solving the P versus NP problem.
Since NP is originally related with Oracle that comes from Turing’s work about Computability, it seems quite necessary to trace back to Turing’s work and clarify further the issue about NP.
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