中国创新的软肋:买刀的欺负造刀的 精选
2008-3-18 10:08
中国有30座Modis卫星系统,据说还要建设 50 ,实现一个科研组一座(这似乎有点土匪的味道,一个山头一座)。
Ernst Ruska是第一次使用电子显微镜的人,Gerd Binnig Heinrich Rohrer是第一次使用STM的人。因为他们要制造的东西,在世界上还不存在。因此,他们必须一边设计,一边制造,同时还要一边使用。

Sketch of a synthesis reactor with a continuous CO2 laser device
Sketch of an electric arc reactor
Schematic of an e-beam deposition system
First commercialized version of the Nanogen Molecular Biology Workstation. This includes the controller and fluorescent detection component ((a) upper left) and the loader system ((b) upper right) which can be used to address four 100-test site cartridges with DNA samples or DNA probes. The cartridge component containing the a 100-test site chip is shown in the lower left (b), and the 100-test site chip is show in the lower right (c)
Electromagnetically actuated microvalves: (a) schematic illustration and (b) photograph of the electromagnetically actuated microvalve as a part of lab-on-a-chip
Generation of compound drops through coaxial flow generated in a microfluidic device. Parameters such as the shell thickness, the internal droplet number and the sizes of the internal droplets could be individually controlled.
Principles of operation of  a commercial smallsample AFM/FFM
Principles of operation ofa large-sample AFM/FFM
Schematics of a commercial AFM/FFM made by Digital Instruments Inc. (a) Front view
Schematics of a commercial AFM/FFM made by Digital Instruments Inc. (b) side
Schematics of a commercial AFM/FFM made by Digital Instruments Inc. (c) base, and (d) cantilever substrate mounted on cantilever mount (not to scale)
One-chamber UHV system with variable-temperature STM based on a flow cryostat design. (Courtesy of RHKTechnology, USA)
Three-chamber UHV and bath cryostat system for scanning force microscopy, front view
Dynamic AFM operated in the self-excitation mode, where the oscillation signal is directly fed back to the excitation piezo. The detector signal is amplified with the variable gain G and phase shifted by phase ?. The frequency demodulator detects the frequency shift due to tip–sample interactions, which serves as the control signal for the probe–sample distance
Schematics (a) of a commercial small-sample atomic force microscope/friction force microscope (AFM/FFM)
Schematics (b) of a large-sample AFM/FFM
Asurface forces apparatus (SFA)where the intermolecular forces between two macroscopic, cylindrical surfaces of local radius R can be directly measured as a function of surface separation over a large distance regime from tenths of a nanometer to micrometers. Local or transient surface deformations can be detected optically. Various attachments for moving one surface laterally with respect to the other have been developed for friction measurements in different regimes of sliding velocity and sliding distance
Schematic showingmodifications made to a commercial AFM set-up using the single-axis piezo stage, and a cross-sectional view showing constructional details of the piezo stage. The integrated capacitive sensors are used as feedback sensors to drive the piezo. The piezo stage is mounted on the standard motorizedAFMbase and operated using independent amplifier and controller units driven by a frequency generator
Schematic of the reciprocating tribometer. Normal load is applied by lowering the x–z stage (mounted on a laboratory jack). Normal and friction forces are measured by semiconductor strain gauges mounted on a crossed-I-beam structure
Schematic showing the details of a nanoscale bending test using an AFM. The AFM tip is brought to the center of the nanobeam and the piezo is extended over a known distance. By measuring the tip displacement, a load displacement curve of the nanobeam can be obtained
Experimental arrangement for the computer-controlled stroboscopic interferometer. This interferometric measurement is capable of resolving motions as small as a few nm for out-of-plane deflections. (MO: microscope objective, HWP: half-wave plate, QWP: quarter-wave plate, PS: piezoelectric stage, PBS: polarizing beam-splitter cube, POL: linear polarizer).
Laser Doppler vibrometer with integrated microscope system for MEMS testing.
图片来自 Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, 2007年版





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