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how to work smart

已有 715 次阅读 2024-6-13 13:41 |系统分类:科研笔记

The workplace is not as calm as it looks. Some skills people will never teach you, that is why we keeps making mistakes in the same way .

Email, wechat, office door,cell phone..... which one should you use? That is the core professional communication skill. It has no invariable standards, but you should tell the difference and know which is the most appropriate way at the exact time. Presentation in meetings is the most important, tell everyone everything, the good and the bad, people love to report the active progress to pleasing the boss,  hate to tell the adverse factors, possibly feel ashamed, that is over worried, the leader make decisions upon the full status. Any failure, delay or unexpected situation is not caused by your mistakes, tell the whole picture of the facts and let everyone solve it together.

Do whatever you are asked to do. It sounds like superfluous nonsense, but people prefer proving others' fault, trying to showing off how good they are, especially for those new graduators from school.  Here is the analyse when you do in another way, not as you are asked to.


If the result is good, both are happy. If the result is bad, no blame.


If the result is good, no balme and no praise.  If the result is bad, you are scold to death.

so which way do you choose? ofcourse the former A.

But is that enough?just do you are asked and then the project will be finished as schedual? Absolutely NO!The best way is beside do you are asked, do you think things crucial to solve the problems. 

Remember, work salary is all your income to feed a family. So NEVER DO stupid things. Not that easy to hunt for a good job in the market now since the overall economy is in a slump.

Work is a large part of your life, but not all,  sometimes you need to slow down or jump out, look as the passby, something is not that important, something is very funny, something you need just neglect it. Do not let other people's fault punish yourself.


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